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RE: The truth about Governments and Citizens !

in Deep Dives2 years ago

Yeah, we have so many tools to change the world. I also don't understand why the majority don't use them. Even talking about the news and how TV still affect people so much, while the internet is everywhere. It's really strange that people still trust the mass media, while they can just do their own research and find a lot of truth. I think if the majority will forget about fiat, look at themselves as a human being, but not a piece of paper, we may be able to change this world for the best.


I feel very similar in my confusion. We have the tools, why don't people want to use them?

I'm starting to think that we are beginning a very deep divide into those that will and those that will not. There is so much amazing stuff happening right now and so many are completely clueless to that. To be fair, it is fairly hard to keep up these days.

I use to want to preach and show them what they are missing out on, but now I think its just not worth it. Its not that I'm writing people off, its just that if they look, they will find it on their own and that search is what will be valuable to them.

Its enough that we just stay focused on doing the right things and enough good folks will be here with us. We have a lot of work to do.

Yeah, it's better to not waste time on talking someone to join, but looking for more people by creating more content. We never know how people may find us and join. But if we keep doing what we do, there will be more chance for the right people to find us.

I'm also trying to explain to so many people I know to join, but they are like brainwashed. They don't imagine something else. They have no idea. But, I'm sure that we have more and more people waking up and looking for the alternatives. The more pressor will be, the more that will awake people. I even see all this pandemic story, as a positive thing in term to make more people think. Even me I was blind to many things and many of us were. We keep learning about what was built for us and maybe even generations lived without knowing that.

And of course the existing tools will help us to spread the truth and to open more eyes. We just have to avoid big conflicts with the system and keep consuming what leads us to have a clear view about the world and the history and what's going on about it.

Well said. I certainly agree.

Lets do it.