The truth about Governments and Citizens !

in Deep Dives2 years ago


It's one of the hardest topics I ever wrote about. I mean : ''The existence of governments and citizens !''

We all know that there are many countries on the earth. And each country has its own government. But we rarely think about what's exactly the government. Usually it's a group of people who are considered as authorities. So, we consider those people as those who know what to do. We admit their power and this is the most important thing to think about. Looking at the meaning of ''authority'' on this website : Essential Meaning of authority :

the confident quality of someone who knows a lot about something or who is respected or obeyed by other people.

So, everything is defined in the meaning of the word. Just like we have to respect them anyway. Maybe no matter what they do, because it's considered that they always know what to do. But in fact they are also people, just like us.

I always thought about how all the world functions, and I'm finally getting a better picture of it.

I joined many telegram chats where people actively discuss all these things to protect themselves of what's going on. Mostly to protect their rights. But without knowledge, it's really impossible to do. We used to delegate everything to others. Our personal data to administrations and organizations. The education to schools and universities. Our health to hospitals and doctors. And even after death, there are funeral homes who take care of bodies. And we can't live without those organizations because they are making our lives easier, and they are good for our comfort zones. So, most of us give births in hospitals. Send their kids to school. Work for others. And in the end we turn like in matrix where a lot of things are decided for us by others. But we have to think, why it's happening.

In fact, we are alive human beings. And those papers that makes us who we are, aren't what defines who we really are ! Those papers are just linked to us by the system. We are the holders. And when we have any relation from the system with us, in fact that relation is with that paper, but not with the person holding it. So, we accepted to play the role of that person who represent the paper we hold. And all this coming from one root ! It's called ''Promissory note''. Check that here : A promissory note, sometimes referred to as a note payable :

is a legal instrument in which one party (the maker or issuer) promises in writing to pay a determinate sum of money to the other (the payee).

Those promissory notes were created even before Christ. The first of them you can find in Code of Hammurabi. Really interesting laws to read ! But the most recent ones are related somehow with the Vatican. I'm not sure about this information, but depending on what I learned, the Vatican is the main center of all those promissory notes. I also learned that when anyone is burn on earth, all the information about him/her will go there and to other a few places to let people who make the accountability know about that. But, I'm still learning about that, that's why I wrote that's hard for me !

We can see as well that the modern promissory notes are created in 1930 already. So, there is Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes and "Convention providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes".. The first retrieved in 2014 and the second in 2018. So, both are fresh, and it's strange that they retrieved them recently. Just a few years before the pandemic. The same about Nuremberg Code that should be active till now, but many points in it are not respected.

It's good as well to learn about Canon law to understand a lot of things about how all the documents in the world are regulated. The interesting thing is that law is coming from church.

The Catholic Church has what is claimed to be the oldest continuously functioning internal legal system in Western Europe.

And most of the constitutions are written based on 1917 Code of Canon Law. It was changed during the history, but the main laws are clear.

We should as well look at Human rights. What brought after the creation of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Worldwide agencies created that. And they are so clear. Especially I like what's written in the first article :

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

And the fifth :

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
or punishment.

And nothing can cancel those rights, because we were all born with those rights.

After all we are all living in a juridical space. And we all have the ability to defend our rights !

Of course, without knowing about all the rights we have, we can't achieve what you want. That's why we have to learn about the bases of all that to implement it the right way. And if we can't do that ourselves, we should find a competent lawyer who knows all that in details !


The more I have learned about governments, the more I believe we should do away with them. The laws of man can be written down on a small piece of paper: Don't aggress upon anyone. Don't defraud anyone. What else is there really?

I am very excited to see how we start using platforms like Hive and/or other open source tools to begin inverting the power structure. We do have the tools now.
#opensource #governance

Yeah, we have so many tools to change the world. I also don't understand why the majority don't use them. Even talking about the news and how TV still affect people so much, while the internet is everywhere. It's really strange that people still trust the mass media, while they can just do their own research and find a lot of truth. I think if the majority will forget about fiat, look at themselves as a human being, but not a piece of paper, we may be able to change this world for the best.

I feel very similar in my confusion. We have the tools, why don't people want to use them?

I'm starting to think that we are beginning a very deep divide into those that will and those that will not. There is so much amazing stuff happening right now and so many are completely clueless to that. To be fair, it is fairly hard to keep up these days.

I use to want to preach and show them what they are missing out on, but now I think its just not worth it. Its not that I'm writing people off, its just that if they look, they will find it on their own and that search is what will be valuable to them.

Its enough that we just stay focused on doing the right things and enough good folks will be here with us. We have a lot of work to do.

Yeah, it's better to not waste time on talking someone to join, but looking for more people by creating more content. We never know how people may find us and join. But if we keep doing what we do, there will be more chance for the right people to find us.

I'm also trying to explain to so many people I know to join, but they are like brainwashed. They don't imagine something else. They have no idea. But, I'm sure that we have more and more people waking up and looking for the alternatives. The more pressor will be, the more that will awake people. I even see all this pandemic story, as a positive thing in term to make more people think. Even me I was blind to many things and many of us were. We keep learning about what was built for us and maybe even generations lived without knowing that.

And of course the existing tools will help us to spread the truth and to open more eyes. We just have to avoid big conflicts with the system and keep consuming what leads us to have a clear view about the world and the history and what's going on about it.

Well said. I certainly agree.

Lets do it.

I couldn't agree more brother! I got a big realization on government when I was studying physical parasites for the first time. This both behave exactly the same way. Parasites even secrete substances so that you believe you want to eat certain foods or behave certain way. Just like governments they make us believe their needs are our needs us for their own parasitic tax driven survival.

But we need some form of physical strength to back any kind of decentralized governance. Unfortunately (and I truly believe this is part of their innermost nature) , they will resort to violence when they see the house of cards crumbling.

In any case I would like to invite you @diggndeeper and everyone interested to check out the #Matrix8 solution. It's a democratic and anonymous consensus mechanism made to give the power back to the people.

We are working on developing a Dapp to implement it on the digital space, it's basically a decentralized governance system and most likely the first of its kind. It will also have its own Token.

Feel free to check it out!




I just started at Hive but the more I read the more impressed I am. This place could literally change the world with its voting structure. I really really really want to see a world where I can vote on REPAIR THE BRIDGE ON 44nd STREET and it gets funded and the guys doing the work provide evidence that they completed the job so we can trust them again in future.

Yeah, the way how this all work is really great. We may solve any problems with such method. The good thing as well, that everything is transparent, what we miss in the real world. So, even the elections could be fake and everything else.

Quite a new world we live in!!! Yeah man!!!!

We have the proposal system here too.

Hey! Im new to Hive but I literally just wrote a real similar post to yours... were clearly thinking along the same lines.

Nothing can cancel the rights that you were born with... but its up to all of us to defend those rights. Governments warlords gangs will always try and to take away everyones rights so they can take what they want thats why its real important that we all defend the rights of everyone even the people we think are stupid. ill never put my pronouns in nothing nor wear a mask but i aint got no beef with people who want to - just dont force me to.

Yeah, we need to know our rights and defend them. Only we can do that. No one will do that for us.

I am not sure if knowledge of rights is the bery thing we need to have to attain our rights. The mightys are always right, whatever era it may be. Humans modify the rights and rules as per their will whenever they want. The rights of weaker party are usurped easily. Even if they know what is not rightful, they can do nothing as they have no power.

We talk about the independence media provides us. That's also a deception. Media are also under the control of mightiers, they can regulate things in whatever direction they want.

We may talk about the decentralized systems and their ability to provide freedom, but we all saw what was happening on Hive in terms of downvote wars. What could the weakers do despite having any knowledge!!!


I truly agree with these points made boss