
Actually Biden and his son smoke crack and are highly involved in the deep state with cocaine importation.

Got to remember these people are allowing the importation of fentanyl when realistically one law could make it a federal felony. As well as carrying Federal mandatory minimums.

Woah, That's really some dope shit right there. Crack surely is the highest on the ranking of any highness inducer.

And they run some really big illegal shit.

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Gotta make that money with the clintons... Oops...

And friends with Jeffery Epstein...

Some bad people of course.

Yeah, Yeah.

It's all about the mula.

It's all about the benjamins, Baby! 🤑🤑

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Most times however sometimes it is all about experiencing life.

Yeah, Yeah. You can say that again.

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So smoke weed like everyday because I'm so high I smoke weed like everyday. I enjoy life because of flower and my flower is so awesome because I smoke it.