My Reaction To Elon Musks Video on Neurolink and Space X

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

You can find a transcript of this video at the end of this post.

A lot of people judge and even demonize Elon Musk for various reasons. For some people it's just the fact that he controls so much wealth. For others it is his controversial plans for a human/cyborg interface called Neurolink. Others dont like his plans for colonising Mars. I have spent a lot of time listening and learning about Elon's plans and reasoning for what he does. This post is not an attempt to change your mind about these things but instead to give you all of the real information, the whole story and the big picture. Without this information i don’t believe anyone is in a position to say what Elon IS and does is right or wrong. It is hard if not impossible to find what i am about to write in one place, and some of this you will not find written anywhere.

Id like to start by saying that when i listened to Elon's words in this video i felt his love and concern for this planet and the people of this world. Its not possible for us to know or understand HOW powerful quantum computers and A.I. will be in around 20 years. It will change everything, and that is potentially not good. We have to be ready for this, and maybe we will be.. this tech is coming and its not Elon who's leading that work..


I would like to begin with a few small, but very important points! IF there is one thing i like about the way Elon operates, it's the way he demonstrates his support for decentralisation in many ways. Yes he may be the holder of most of the money in the world, but that is our system and we are all an unavoidable part of it.

He is trying to change the system from the inside out. His support for cryptocurrency is incredible. He is one of the few if not only people in great power that spoke up against corona and testing. He questions the narrative, publicly. Elon is also a part of the great support and current bull run of DOGE coin.

I have recently realised that Elon is helping the people (kids) who listen to him to gain great wealth. He has even started tweeting about it, and i believe his tweet last week that simply stated " WE'RE GONG TO THE MOON VERY SOON" was a message to those who realise to BUY DOGECOIN.

DOGECOIN JUST WENT UP 150% over the last few days!


A few facts then. Elon has invested and supports bitcoin and other coins to the tune of billions of dollars. The designs and technical specs of his Tesla cars were open source and available to others. He did this to encourage growth in this sector and welcomes the competition. He owns very little if not nothing, and currently rents his own home. He sold all his possessions recently as a public statement to demonstrate that he is all in on helping humanity to move forward into the future in a direction that is going to bring abundance for all.

Elon is completely transparent with most of what he says and does. Sometimes too much so! This transparency allows scrutiny and is very important. Elon is honest about his projects and their chances of success and failure. He lets us watch his rockets explode as they land, and doesn't try to hide his mistakes.

Starlink, his satellite internet is a part of this levelling of the playing field. Even today in 2021 most of the rural world, including USA and UK, people are without broadband internet. This is even more significant in continents like Africa where Internet access will enable the population the chance to share in the abundance that the Internet and blockchain can offer. Starlink is a very new project with some improvements to be made. Most notably is reducing the visibility of these many satellites. A lot of people complained, rightly so, that these satellites were causing problems for astronomers. Some people also took offence to having to see them at all. Personally i view them as a beautiful light show, an incredible display and sign of the times we live in. Either way they are fixing this issue.

Humanity is about to start spreading out into the galaxy. This is HUGE! Most people may not be concerned or interested in it, but it is very important. There is no better way to ensure the survival and prosperous evolution of our species until we start to spread out around other planets. One day Earth will end, and no one knows when that day will come. Just last month we came closer to an asteroid hit then most of us would like to know about. There are so many reasons why exploring Mars and space is extremely important to our very survival.


So, getting back to Neurolink which is what this post is mainly about. If you don’t know, this project is well on its way, and just last week there was a news article about a monkey being given a Neurolink interface and played games on a computer using its mind! This is crazy stuff folks, and looking at just that news article may well be enough to let you stop asking any more questions. Is this man the devil, here to take away what is left from our humanity, or is he really here to help save us?

Well, i will let you decide that, but before you do i would like to share some VERY important information...

The most significant technologies that will change our world beyond measure are quantum computing and artificial intelligence (A.I.). These two technologies combined have the ability to hold more intelligence than perhaps our entire global population combined. One reason is that a single quantum machine would have one brain, one mind, and not many separate minds. It would also have access to everything we know, including live data on just about everything happening on the planet.

A machine that is based on quantum technology could predict the future with uncanny accuracy. It could easily solve most of our human problems, or go rouge and very easily take over everything. Whichever way it went it would be bad. We would end up all looking to this system for answers. We would end up becoming subservient to it, because it knows everything.

This centralised view is one that we have been warned about in many movies, stories and book for many years now. A dystopian view of the future is one we all know too well. We on Hive know better than most the need to decentralize our world completely...

Right now it is NOT Elon musk who is leading the way in this work. Elon has been trying to slow down the progression of AI and quantum computing so that we can discuss its implications. He says he failed to halt it, and big business are working at RAPID speed to integrate them. Google already have Ai and quantum systems integrated and running live on their networks with access to everything! They are already far down the road.

The reason for Elon making this Neurolink system is largely related to this issue. What Neurolink is, at this stage, is a way to let you access the knowledge of the Internet, and to be able to think instead of type. Your eyes become the camera and you no longer need to hold a piece of technology in your hands. Our phones are portals, and they are also standing in the way of us being able to truly connect. We need to make our technology invisible and start looking at each other again. We can choose what information we want to know about, and we are in total control of our thoughts and reasoning.

Our physical self and digital self is merging. Whilst it may seem strange to you and me, very soon the Internet and Games will be indistinguishable from reality. Our ability to connect and access our digital world needs to evolve, and this is Elons answer. It is a drastic option, but we must understand that it may be a species level survival choice. I tend to agree that it would be very dangerous to live in a world with a few conscious computers controlling it all.

I believe it is better to empower ourselves rather than to become reliant on technology to live. Neurolink is clear a piece of technology, but it replaces our dependence on external systems that create disconnection between one another.

Ideally i believe we should learn to harness and use our OWN innate powers intelligence and of knowing. I prefer to use technology when it can help us to access our true potential. Im not yet clear if Neurolink will be able to offer that. I like to use the word INNERNET to describe the place that we can all draw knowledge and intelligence from. We all have access to incredible power, and i hope as time passes we will learn to get it back.

Whether you approve of Elon or Not let it be said that this is his answer to try to save our planet and our entire civilization. If you don’t agree with it, then luckily we are all free to do what we think is best. For me that means helping people to become self sufficient and off grid. It also means sharing what i know and learn from many hours of personal investigations on certain people.

At least he is not hoarding his billions in offshore banks and supporting our system as it stands today. Every penny he makes goes into vast projects that include space exploration and even terraforming the planet mars!

Thanks for reading! Please comment what you think because im keen to hear what others think.


TRANSCRIPT - "It's Already Too Late" - Elon Musk (5:03)

The percentage of intelligence that is not human is increasing and eventually we will represent a very small percentage of intelligence

I try to convince people to slow down slow down AI to regulate AI. This was futile i tried for years.

Usually it'll be something some new technology. It will cause damage or death, there will be an outcry there will be an investigation. Years will pass there will be some sort of insight committee there will be rule making then there will be oversight. Eventually regulations. this all takes many years, this is the normal course of things. This time frame is not relevant to AI. You can't take 10 years from the point which is dangerous. It's too late.

Your phone is already an extension of you. You're already a cyborg you don't even, well most people realize they are already a cyborg
If that phone is an extension of yourself it's just that the the data rate the rate at which of the communication rate between you and the cybernetic extension of yourself. That is your phone and computer is slow... it's very slow... and and that that it's like a tiny straw of of information flow between your biological self and your digital self you will be at some point indistinguishable from reality.

If you assume any rate of improvement at all then games will be indistinguishable from reality or civilization will end one of those two things will occur . The universe as we know it will dissipate into a fine mist of cold nothingness eventually.

In the future we'll pay for it, it's just not paid for now.

I don't think i don't think you'd necessarily want to be me. It's very hard to turn it off it's like a never-ending explosion .

I think when i was i don't know five or six or something i thought i was insane. It was just strange it was like hmm i'm strange how many things can you buy that you really love that really give you joy so rare, so rare i wish there were more things. That's why we try to just make things that somebody loves, like what are the set of things that can be done to make the future better. Like you know, like so i think that a future where we are spacefaring civilization and out there among the stars this is very exciting . This makes me look forward to the future, this makes me want that future. You know the things there need to be things that make you look forward to waking up in the morning you wake up in the morning look forward to the day look forward to the future

The future where we are space faring civilization and out there among the stars
I think that's very exciting that is a thing we want, whereas if if you knew we would not be a space frank civilization but forever confined to earth this would not be a good future.

That would be very sad i think there if there are two futurists and one futurist we're out there among the stars and things we read about and see in science fiction movies. The good ones are true we have these starships and we're we're going to see what other planets are like and we're a multi-planet species. The scope and scale of consciousness is expanded across many civilizations and many planets and many star systems, this is a great future, this is a wonderful thing to me, and that's what we should strive for.

It wouldn't hurt to have more love in the world.
I think people should be nicer to each other give more credit to others and don't assume that they're mean until you know they're actually mean ,you know .

It's easy to demonize people you're usually wrong about it people are nicer than you think give people more credit you.


You can find a transcript of this video at the end of this post.

A lot of people judge and even demonize Elon Musk for various reasons. For some people it's just the fact that he controls so much wealth. For others it is his controversial plans for a human/cyborg interface called Neurolink. Others dont like his plans for colonising Mars. I have spent a lot of time listening and learning about Elon's plans and reasoning for what he does. This post is not an attempt to change your mind about these things but instead to give you all of the real information, the whole story and the big picture. Without this information i don’t believe anyone is in a position to say what Elon IS and does is right or wrong. It is hard if not impossible to find what i am about to write in one place, and some of this you will not find written anywhere.

Id like to start by saying that when i listened to Elon's words in this video i felt his love and concern for this planet and the people of this world. Its not possible for us to know or understand HOW powerful quantum computers and A.I. will be in around 20 years. It will change everything, and that is potentially not good. We have to be ready for this, and maybe we will be.. this tech is coming and its not Elon who's leading that work..


I would like to begin with a few small, but very important points! IF there is one thing i like about the way Elon operates, it's the way he demonstrates his support for decentralisation in many ways. Yes he may be the holder of most of the money in the world, but that is our system and we are all an unavoidable part of it.

He is trying to change the system from the inside out. His support for cryptocurrency is incredible. He is one of the few if not only people in great power that spoke up against corona and testing. He questions the narrative, publicly. Elon is also a part of the great support and current bull run of DOGE coin.

I have recently realised that Elon is helping the people (kids) who listen to him to gain great wealth. He has even started tweeting about it, and i believe his tweet last week that simply stated " WE'RE GONG TO THE MOON VERY SOON" was a message to those who realise to BUY DOGECOIN.

DOGECOIN JUST WENT UP 150% over the last few days!


A few facts then. Elon has invested and supports bitcoin and other coins to the tune of billions of dollars. The designs and technical specs of his Tesla cars were open source and available to others. He did this to encourage growth in this sector and welcomes the competition. He owns very little if not nothing, and currently rents his own home. He sold all his possessions recently as a public statement to demonstrate that he is all in on helping humanity to move forward into the future in a direction that is going to bring abundance for all.

Elon is completely transparent with most of what he says and does. Sometimes too much so! This transparency allows scrutiny and is very important. Elon is honest about his projects and their chances of success and failure. He lets us watch his rockets explode as they land, and doesn't try to hide his mistakes.

Starlink, his satellite internet is a part of this levelling of the playing field. Even today in 2021 most of the rural world, including USA and UK, people are without broadband internet. This is even more significant in continents like Africa where Internet access will enable the population the chance to share in the abundance that the Internet and blockchain can offer. Starlink is a very new project with some improvements to be made. Most notably is reducing the visibility of these many satellites. A lot of people complained, rightly so, that these satellites were causing problems for astronomers. Some people also took offence to having to see them at all. Personally i view them as a beautiful light show, an incredible display and sign of the times we live in. Either way they are fixing this issue.

Humanity is about to start spreading out into the galaxy. This is HUGE! Most people may not be concerned or interested in it, but it is very important. There is no better way to ensure the survival and prosperous evolution of our species until we start to spread out around other planets. One day Earth will end, and no one knows when that day will come. Just last month we came closer to an asteroid hit then most of us would like to know about. There are so many reasons why exploring Mars and space is extremely important to our very survival.


So, getting back to Neurolink which is what this post is mainly about. If you don’t know, this project is well on its way, and just last week there was a news article about a monkey being given a Neurolink interface and played games on a computer using its mind! This is crazy stuff folks, and looking at just that news article may well be enough to let you stop asking any more questions. Is this man the devil, here to take away what is left from our humanity, or is he really here to help save us?

Well, i will let you decide that, but before you do i would like to share some VERY important information...

The most significant technologies that will change our world beyond measure are quantum computing and artificial intelligence (A.I.). These two technologies combined have the ability to hold more intelligence than perhaps our entire global population combined. One reason is that a single quantum machine would have one brain, one mind, and not many separate minds. It would also have access to everything we know, including live data on just about everything happening on the planet.

A machine that is based on quantum technology could predict the future with uncanny accuracy. It could easily solve most of our human problems, or go rouge and very easily take over everything. Whichever way it went it would be bad. We would end up all looking to this system for answers. We would end up becoming subservient to it, because it knows everything.

This centralised view is one that we have been warned about in many movies, stories and book for many years now. A dystopian view of the future is one we all know too well. We on Hive know better than most the need to decentralize our world completely...

Right now it is NOT Elon musk who is leading the way in this work. Elon has been trying to slow down the progression of AI and quantum computing so that we can discuss its implications. He says he failed to halt it, and big business are working at RAPID speed to integrate them. Google already have Ai and quantum systems integrated and running live on their networks with access to everything! They are already far down the road.

The reason for Elon making this Neurolink system is largely related to this issue. What Neurolink is, at this stage, is a way to let you access the knowledge of the Internet, and to be able to think instead of type. Your eyes become the camera and you no longer need to hold a piece of technology in your hands. Our phones are portals, and they are also standing in the way of us being able to truly connect. We need to make our technology invisible and start looking at each other again. We can choose what information we want to know about, and we are in total control of our thoughts and reasoning.

Our physical self and digital self is merging. Whilst it may seem strange to you and me, very soon the Internet and Games will be indistinguishable from reality. Our ability to connect and access our digital world needs to evolve, and this is Elons answer. It is a drastic option, but we must understand that it may be a species level survival choice. I tend to agree that it would be very dangerous to live in a world with a few conscious computers controlling it all.

I believe it is better to empower ourselves rather than to become reliant on technology to live. Neurolink is clear a piece of technology, but it replaces our dependence on external systems that create disconnection between one another.

Ideally i believe we should learn to harness and use our OWN innate powers intelligence and of knowing. I prefer to use technology when it can help us to access our true potential. Im not yet clear if Neurolink will be able to offer that. I like to use the word INNERNET to describe the place that we can all draw knowledge and intelligence from. We all have access to incredible power, and i hope as time passes we will learn to get it back.

Whether you approve of Elon or Not let it be said that this is his answer to try to save our planet and our entire civilization. If you don’t agree with it, then luckily we are all free to do what we think is best. For me that means helping people to become self sufficient and off grid. It also means sharing what i know and learn from many hours of personal investigations on certain people.

At least he is not hoarding his billions in offshore banks and supporting our system as it stands today. Every penny he makes goes into vast projects that include space exploration and even terraforming the planet mars!

Thanks for reading! Please comment what you think because im keen to hear what others think.


TRANSCRIPT - "It's Already Too Late" - Elon Musk (5:03)

The percentage of intelligence that is not human is increasing and eventually we will represent a very small percentage of intelligence

I try to convince people to slow down slow down AI to regulate AI. This was futile i tried for years.

Usually it'll be something some new technology. It will cause damage or death, there will be an outcry there will be an investigation. Years will pass there will be some sort of insight committee there will be rule making then there will be oversight. Eventually regulations. this all takes many years, this is the normal course of things. This time frame is not relevant to AI. You can't take 10 years from the point which is dangerous. It's too late.

Your phone is already an extension of you. You're already a cyborg you don't even, well most people realize they are already a cyborg
If that phone is an extension of yourself it's just that the the data rate the rate at which of the communication rate between you and the cybernetic extension of yourself. That is your phone and computer is slow... it's very slow... and and that that it's like a tiny straw of of information flow between your biological self and your digital self you will be at some point indistinguishable from reality.

If you assume any rate of improvement at all then games will be indistinguishable from reality or civilization will end one of those two things will occur . The universe as we know it will dissipate into a fine mist of cold nothingness eventually.

In the future we'll pay for it, it's just not paid for now.

I don't think i don't think you'd necessarily want to be me. It's very hard to turn it off it's like a never-ending explosion .

I think when i was i don't know five or six or something i thought i was insane. It was just strange it was like hmm i'm strange how many things can you buy that you really love that really give you joy so rare, so rare i wish there were more things. That's why we try to just make things that somebody loves, like what are the set of things that can be done to make the future better. Like you know, like so i think that a future where we are spacefaring civilization and out there among the stars this is very exciting . This makes me look forward to the future, this makes me want that future. You know the things there need to be things that make you look forward to waking up in the morning you wake up in the morning look forward to the day look forward to the future

The future where we are space faring civilization and out there among the stars
I think that's very exciting that is a thing we want, whereas if if you knew we would not be a space frank civilization but forever confined to earth this would not be a good future.

That would be very sad i think there if there are two futurists and one futurist we're out there among the stars and things we read about and see in science fiction movies. The good ones are true we have these starships and we're we're going to see what other planets are like and we're a multi-planet species. The scope and scale of consciousness is expanded across many civilizations and many planets and many star systems, this is a great future, this is a wonderful thing to me, and that's what we should strive for.

It wouldn't hurt to have more love in the world.
I think people should be nicer to each other give more credit to others and don't assume that they're mean until you know they're actually mean ,you know .

It's easy to demonize people you're usually wrong about it people are nicer than you think give people more credit you.



Wow reading all these meaningful opinions under this post made me wanna go kill myself.
IDK why it is a good thing to kling to wild theories about some evil force that most of the peeps call "them" or "riches". I really liked your post and hope you can read my comment without suicidal thoughts.
Came from listnerds btw

Yes! I just re read some of these old comments! Its such a shame people are so disillusioned with the world that when a true martyr comes along they can see nothing good despite his amazing work, words, and action!

Fully appreciate this comment!


Elon has been trying to slow down the progression of AI and quantum computing so that we can discuss its implications

Yes he seems to be quite cautious about who gets hold of the technology. I've heard him in interviews saying that the problem isn't the Ai, only if it falls into the wr hands.

Space X seems like a very ambitious idea and all I can think of when I hear about it is a book I read, Chronicles From the Future. It claims to be a true account of a man from the 20th century who claimed he possessed he body of a person from the Future via astral projection.
The book details world events and the expedition to Mars was in there, according to the book though it failed terribly.

I agree though, ultimately treating others with love and kindness is the most important value we as humans can hold.

Lovely post dear Alex xx

Ha ha...i actually caught that coded message 6 days back when he tweeted 'going to the moon soon'...
If only i could afford some more doge...but still happy to have multiplied my investment on doge by a real lot...
He is here helping humanity...on another level. But as usual there'll be many who will try put him down.
Got a lot of respect for him.

ahhhh! im glad you shared that.. it really struck me when i saw it.. im glad you concur .i didnt buy any.. but Sure wished i had! omg!!! he wasnt joking.. to the moon... what a way to share wealth .....;)

My goodness, these rich single guys who now set out to save the world are completely deranged and blinded by the fact that everyone is throwing themselves at their feet like little children hoping for miraculous "healing" and "salvation".
The man has a huge PR staff that polishes his image for him, keeps his clean slate clean. When individuals have so much money that it comes out their ears and peddle their infantile ideas, everyone kneels down before their much money and then pretends to admire this honesty. My goodness, man, how can you believe such a thing?

Who gives an individual the right to set up a satellite network in the Earth's atmosphere? Have we earthlings been asked if we want this too? Especially those who are not "connected to the wondrous technology of the industrialised states", the poor poor people from Africa that you always like to take, those terribly backward people that you haven't "developed" yet. And so on. What else do you think such megalomaniacs do because they are so cheered on by the common people that they must think they are above everything, the people as well as the law.

You might think that it's all very well for several individual lunatics to disagree and fight each other, but at the end of the day we let ourselves be lulled by their PR machines, and in the process we have watched the same films as they have and are making the same mistakes, namely thinking that the earth is a shithole that needs to be cleaned up by man. I, for one, do not think that. The earth is quite wonderful and the people in it could be too, if only they could calm down again for once and not run after the messiah who promises full-bodied things and has not really gone through a maturing process himself.

thanks for your comment
it seems to me you are speaking very generally about the richest people in the world.. None of what you say applies to elon.. i suggest you look into it some more!

note that elon has NO marketing budget whatsoever
note that elon takes NO money from his company and owns no home
note that ALL of elons projects are for the improvement of our world and to make all things accessable to all people
note that elons design are all open source for others to use and improve
note that permission to launch satellites are given by the FAA, not the general public
note that elon is one of the only billionaries that speaks freely about what he thinks and is not tied to any narrative
note that elon has done more for the environment than ANY government so far

please be careful judging others until you learn all the facts.. it takes some time and effort which is why i wrote this post..

Please aim these remarks at people like Mark Zuckerberg, bill gates, and their friends.

... for the improvement of our world and to make all things accessable to all people

I myself have not asked (!) for someone, a single man, who is neither voted nor otherwise democratically or through a community elected member of MY society or locality, where I live.

You speak like someone who has joined a guru. The fact that you call Mr. Musk by his first name, like a kind of mantra, praising all the glorious things he has done and wants to do, I see only a very strange identification with someone who has enough money that the media are happy to report what he says and make their coverage with it. That's always the case with famous people.

For example, I cry when I see a film if it is a story that touches and moves me. Megalomaniacs like to come across as very charismatic people, they often say things that speak to you deeply. However, you fail to realise that you cannot rule out that there is the probability of megalomania, people who have too much money can't handle it in the long run and build an image for themselves as saviours, visionaries and heroes if they are vain and insecure at the same time. I don't rule out that money corrupts.

Mr Musk doesn't need your defence speech, he only needs you as one among many followers, as a fan who is important as a mass. Mr Musk doesn't care about you personally. Except, you know him personally and have a relationship to him on a daily basis.

Note that permission to launch satellites is granted by the FAA, not the general public

Oh, and the FAA represents exactly who? Penguins? Or is this agency just answerable to a government? And who does the government work for? Well, my government obviously doesn't work for me. It has married itself to the riches and dances to their tune.

Again, a single Mr. Musk has not received ANY mandate whatsoever from me, my fellows, my city or my country. I do not care about his allegedly goodness, in the same way I do not care about the badness of others which you suggest to me that I shall aim my critique at.

I don't know any of these guys, neither Musk nor Zuckerberg, and I don't need to know them. My criticism is not even meant personally, precisely because I have no relationship to these people.

On the contrary, it is not me who presumes to judge, but these lone wolves presume to think and act for the whole world. No one has the right to make global decisions because no one even has the wisdom or knowledge to know what all people want or should want. It is an impertinence to say otherwise.

P.S. The fact that you prefer one tycoon to another only highlights how little you seem to understand about the world not being a place that can even begin to be understood and navigated from your screen. And that these giants, where you submit to the good like a child, you would probably realise with horror one day when the good shepherd has turned into an evil one. What does history teach you about hanging on the lips and deeds of celebrities? The best deeds are done by those who are either never heard of or those who are put behind bars or killed for their courage and love of freedom and people. They have always been the ones you can take a leaf out of their book. Why did Edward Snowden go into hiding and Julian Assange get locked up?

I can only fully agree on that...

Actor, shill, conman, twat...

Agenda 2030 nwo puppet

I got starlink this week. So I finally have access to reasonable broadband internet.

oh wow, congrats! how is the speed?

Download speeds have been in the 100 MBS range and upload 10 MBS. Much better than the 3-5 Up and 1 Down that I had been seeing before.

WOW! nice.. that is impressive , amazxIng! go Starlink!


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I think Elon's controversial plans are good for the world because they make people think maybe even dream of a better future.

glad you think so! he has been demonised by some people for no good reason,.. being rich alone is not a very good reason to be so negative about someone.. thanks for the comment!

Yeah right Elon, like you didn't know that the 5G you are "shooting up" with Space X will "microwave" the whole life on planet earth...and who wants to put a Neurolink in his brain..!? Probably very healthy & organic.
Action speaks louder than words, also a slow development versus A.I. is highly questionable, definitely questionable concerning neurolink & 5G...
A Millimeter wave weapon technology.
"People are nicer than u think, give people more credit..."
Yeah right....

And putting up a thumbnail with "It'a already too late" with crying eyes
is first of all a lie & second it is "programming" so F... U, Elon.
Replace all those maniacs with sane people, if you still find some.