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RE: Coronavirus Hoax: The Next Level [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Следећи ниво

in Deep Diveslast year

How am I to understand you? Is what you are saying that I MUST be afraid because otherwise, if I stay tranquil, I don't really make good decisions?
That you really can't judge says the obvious, since I can't know that for you either.

There is no question that no one but myself can judge for myself what I consider best for me to decide in a given situation.

There are moments in life when you consult your own conscience and decide to follow it. It is said that the conscienceless do not question themselves and have no doubts about how they see the world. Or as the saying goes "Only the insane never have doubts".
Using Corona as an example, if I had been panicky and scared shitless of this "virus", I probably would have been convinced to kill myself and everyone else as soon as I sought the proximity of strangers. I did not share this hysteria and sought other views on it.

To show a certain attitude that people displayed in public in such situations as the Corona affair, I am just giving you an example that may seem trivial to you, but in my eyes was not at all. I was sitting on a park bench enjoying the sun in the summer of 2020. A couple came by and they asked me if I wouldn't mind if they sat with me. The first sign of "I practice serenity" in a situation where caution towards everyone was proclaimed the measure of all things. I was delighted to be asked such a thing in these times. This is how they sit down next to me. We chatted and since it was hot and they were drinking a beer, the woman offered me a sip from her bottle. I thanked her delightedly because I was very thirsty and drank, then gave the bottle back, from which she drank again. What we were doing there was practising normality. If the police had seen us, we would certainly have been reprimanded as being against the order.

Another everyday example of disobedience: the park in my neighbourhood remained closed for many months. We were really fed up with it and my husband and I went to see if the locks on the park gates had finally gone. I was ready to climb. They weren't. But a couple with a pram walked in front of us and when they arrived at the gate lock, the man got a bolt cutter out of the pram and used it to cut the lock. I laughed harder than I have in a long time, and without directly addressing the situation of the curfews, we felt an unspoken humorous agreement about this disobedience.

There are many ways of dealing with what one perceives as extreme, not always involving great deeds, but the chance meeting of people who, without making a big fuss about it, have kept autonomy.

I could give you a lot more examples as to where I have stood my ground and proceeded a situation in good nature and where I stood it but lost out.

I am a 53 old woman, do you expect me to learn to shoot with a gun and to practice martial arts?

You seem to get very quick to conclusions. If I bothered you with my comments or the quotes I gave, I will stop doing it. No problem.


How am I to understand you? Is what you are saying that I MUST be afraid because otherwise, if I stay tranquil, I don't really make good decisions?

No, you certainly must not afraid @erh.germany. But you have to understand that you are under direct attack. And you have to stand up with all what you have before it’s too late. If it is attending protests, then be it so.

The time for serenity and prayers is unfortunately over.

Simple: Action, not serenity.

You seem to get very quick to conclusions. If I bothered you with my comments or the quotes I gave, I will stop doing it. No problem.

You do not bother me, @erh.germany. I think you have a potential to fight for freedom, and therefore I’m trying to prevent you succumb to the fake ‘peace&love’ solution, with the famous self-justification: ‘Someone else will do the job, we only have to stay calm’. There is nobody else.

I find it strange that you are trying to save me from a false peace-and-love solution when you don't know me?

It would be much easier to ask me about my life experiences and I would offer you either that or another way of communicating. People are often not who you think they are after a brief encounter.

It makes me fundamentally suspicious when anyone tries to save me from anything if I haven't actively asked for it myself or shouted "Help!". Otherwise, I am well able to take care of myself. There are countless ways to fight for freedom, including actions that you don't immediately recognise as "fighting", and that's a good thing. The difference in people's actions and attitudes is what makes a community.

Without wanting to offend you, it seems contradictory to me if you want to save me from succumbing to pseudo-esotericism, since that is precisely my endeavour, not to get advocates I have not asked for.
Whether or not I myself am a pseudo-type who deludes herself into dreaming about the world as she wishes it to be, you will only find out if you talk to me. Which would possibly generate an extensive comments section.