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RE: The Road To Totalitarianism: The Downfall of the American Republic

in Deep Dives3 years ago

What's great about Faustian Fauci is you can quote him to support any side of the issue since he has made so many contradictory claims. In fact he was right the first time, masks don't work and people who do not have respiratory symptoms cannot transmit respiratory diseases, even if you share a soda or a kiss. If they are not coughing or sneezing then double dip away. They did a study of 10,000,000 people in Wuhan, practically the whole city, and they found a total of ZERO cases of asymptomatic transmission. The claims that there is asymptomatic transmission are based entirely on modeling, like their other phony claims.


If there could be anything richer than quoting Fauci it'd be using data from China. LOL.