The Road To Totalitarianism: The Downfall of the American Republic

in Deep Dives3 years ago

“if you make people believe in the threat of an enemy, they’ll do your bidding”- and

“divide and polarize them, destroy their solidarity, and they follow your command”. ~Josef Goebbels

In the long run what distinguishes a form of government is not the superiority of design but the quality of the people running it. For example, a monarchy is perfectly acceptable provided that the monarch puts the wellbeing of his/her subjects ahead of their own. All institutions -- and any system of government is an indeed an institution, or collection thereof -- are imbued with several built-in defects or flaws; one of which is that eventually they are taken over by their worst element. This worst element consists of individuals who use the institution for personal gain or to further an agenda for which the institution is not intended rendering it as evil as a monarchy with a tyrant as monarch. This is why democracies eventually devolve into tyrannies.

Socialism, it should be noted, does not qualify as a system of government as it is merely a constant exercise in deflecting blame from its own inadequacies onto others. It has failed miserably wherever it has been tried because it offers no solutions or governing principles. It only maintains power by silencing dissent and either violence, or the threat thereof. The same is true of communism, socialism’s draconian kissing cousin, both being totalitarian tyrannies. Socialism is reactive rather than proactive making it an almost perfect template for totalitarian regimes around the world. In lieu of any positive governing principles the earmarks of modern socialism are intolerance, hate and violence, done while accusing their opposition of the same offences.

When in the early 20th century the transition from monarchies to republicanism began in earnest, many quickly became totalitarian states such as the USSR and Nazi Germany (National Socialism) where violence was the mode of transition. Other attempts at republicanism were also short-lived such as the “Iron Curtain” countries which resulted in totalitarian regimes, all driven by violence.

However, in established civilized nations like the US and UK the transition has been gradual and cloaked in secrecy. The danger inherent in the encroaching totalitarian regime in the US is very real and almost certain given the lack of civility in the contemporary political discourse. The fact is that every democracy has given way to tyranny, and if there is any difference between tyranny and totalitarianism it is purely semantic. As Robert Heinlein noted about the necessity for secrecy in the totalitarian transition:

“Secrecy is the keystone to all tyranny. Not force, but secrecy and censorship. When any government or church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man who has been hoodwinked in this fashion; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, whose mind is free. No, not the rack nor the atomic bomb, not anything. You can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him.”

However, when you combine secrecy with force and/or the threat thereof you have an apt description of the current state of affairs in America. Those who refuse to submit to being “hoodwinked” will certainly be met with violent force. According to Amaju Baraka, former Green Party vice-presidential candidate: “Anybody who is in opposition to the hegemony of the neoliberal project is at some point over the next few years going to experience the heavy hand of the state.”

In an interview with journalist Ann Garrison, Baraka goes on to describe the coming totalitarianism in the US. Neoliberalism, it should be pointed out, is a combination of reactive socialism -- an ideology predicated on amoral narcissism -- and corporate fascism. It should further be pointed out that reactive socialism is embraced by people who have been told all of their lives that they’re “special.” without ever having accomplished anything. All they know is that they’re entitled -- to anything they want.

“The neoliberals have constructed a politics that is going to result in a continuation of the same conditions, politically and economically, that created what they pretend to be most opposed to—the Trump movement. So this is the failure of imagination, the failure of critical analysis, the embracing of illusions that has characterized much of the politics in the US for a couple of decades now. And we see the consequences of that with us every day.”

A neoliberal bloc has also developed both within the American military establishment and the countries that comprise the NATO coalition egregiously affecting the geopolitical scene. They fully intend to continue the neocon strategy of American empire-building and the endless wars that go along with them -- the dream of the Council on Foreign Affairs.

“The continuation of policies that have resulted in the US being bogged down in Afghanistan for two decades, policies that will ensure that the wars that the US is involved in will continue. There will be a continuation of the commitment to US global full-spectrum dominance. In other words, violence is still at the center of the neoliberal project. And they intend to reintroduce that instrument under the Biden administration.”

“There were reports leading up to the election that Democratic Party-associated elements were secretly suggesting to the Afghan authorities that they would not have to worry about a peace process being executed once Joe Biden came to power. And they made the argument using some of the same terms and framework that we saw in that article in Foreign Affairs, that the US had a responsibility to remain in Afghanistan. And so they will fully prepare to undermine whatever progress was made for extracting US forces from that territory.”

Stealing America

It is important to understand that this is not a Democrat vs. Republican issue, both parties are equally involved although it’s true that the Democrats are leading the movement toward totalitarianism with the feckless Republicans allowing themselves to be silent partners. Any opposition from the Republicans is merely for the sake of optics. The foreign policies of the Bush era neocons continued under Obama and will also continue under the Biden/Harris administration. But the real danger lies much closer to home as the rights and freedoms of American citizens are being diminished as we speak.

The strategy is to use the medical and therapeutic communities to strip away our Constitutional rights behind the Covid-19 scamdemic, the refusal of the vaccines, and other manipulations creating in effect a medical tyranny. These same tactics will be used to negate the Second Amendment citing “mental illness” as an excuse to further the gun control agenda. Mental illness, in this context, will be anyone who rejects the mainstream narrative -- the propaganda pushed by the government. The riots of Jan. 6 is one such event that has been propagandized. Ann Garrison asks:

"Neoliberal militarists are comparing the Capital Riot to 9/11 and using it to justify the further militarization of Washington DC and Biden’s domestic terrorism bill . At the same time, he has appointed infamous militarist Susan Rice to a new position, Director of Domestic Policy. Who do you think will become domestic targets during the Biden-Harris years?"

The Reply:

“Anyone who is involved in oppositional politics, including those elements that are part of the Black Lives Matter movement, and anyone else who questions US colonial policies. Anyone who will advance sharp analysis of the capitalist state, who will question some of its dominant ideals, who might even suggest that police forces should be withdrawn from certain neighborhoods. And anyone who would advocate better relations with the so-called adversaries of the US, like the Chinese and the Russians.”

“There’s no telling what is going to be seen as acceptable speech and political practice because we are entering a new totalitarian era. So I think anybody who is in opposition to the hegemony of the neoliberal project is at some point over the next few years going to experience the heavy hand of the state.”

The battle lines have been drawn. The Trump years emboldened the totalitarians and the Mockingbird media has been running cover for them. When the totalitarians were still operating in secret the escapades of their actors -- Antifa, BLM, -- were lauded in the press as “resistance” and “dissent.” Now that the shoe is on the other foot so to speak, it’s being branded as “sedition,” and “insurrection.” Anything outside of the official narrative is openly being censored and most likely in the near future will be called a form of mental illness as it was in the USSR under Stalin.

“In one month, questioning a presidential election went from a commonplace proposition to a shocking attack on our democracy. And we all know that if President Trump had been inaugurated for a second term, there would be no censorship or censure of the Democrat politicians and pundits claiming that he was only reelected because of Russia or UFOs. Nor would we be hearing any talk of “sedition” and “insurrection” as if they were bad things.”

Not only did the Democrats cheat to win the election they were supported by the totalitarians in the Republican party. The election had all of the earmarks of a banana republic going so far as to use the same Dominion software used in Venezuela to ensure landslide victories for both Hugo Chavez and Maduro. It’s easy to blame the Democrats for what’s going on but that just feeds into the divide and conquer, mass manipulation that has worked so successfully that civil political discourse has become impossible. Both parties have been complicit, one in setting the agenda, the other in conceding when they should have been challenging.

“Democrats approach politics from the simple and consistent perspective that any office currently held by a Republican is illegitimate and any held by a Democrat is sacrosanct. The reasons for this, whether it’s the Russians or white supremacy, are just a propaganda detail. That’s why Democrats “resist” while Republicans commit “sedition”. The difference between resistance and sedition is the legitimacy of the movement and the legitimacy of those in power.”

“The Biden administration is moving to criminalize the political opposition, to investigate and dismantle it using all of the tools at its disposal. That is the only thing Republicans can expect. It’s exactly what they should have been expecting all along. Obama’s abuses of the national security state were not an outlier. They are the new normal. And they’re only going to get worse.”

This only goes to show that there is, with very few exceptions, only one political party in America. The Republicans have abdicated their responsibility to their constituents thereby enhancing the power of the neoliberal totalitarian state. Bolstered by their allies in the Mockingbird media and bureaucracy the totalitarians have successfully choked off any viable political opposition. It’s only a matter of time before the surveillance state will minimize any opposition as “domestic terrorists” and via mass manipulation seize power completely. The likelihood of any viable resistance will be squashed.

The Power of Persuasion

It is impossible to have a totalitarian regime in a democratic society without two important factors in play; the collaboration of the mass media and public support. Both are critical and intertwined. This is one of the things that made Hitler’s control of Germany possible, along with the ideological support of the military. Currently the American military is being purged of patriots who do not share the neoliberal worldview. The mass media via the complicity and ideological consistency of celebrities -- music, movies, news media, etc. -- are instrumental in creating public support, or at least the illusion of it. Dr. Robert Cialdini in his book ‘Influence, The Power of Persuasion’, identifies seven factors for mass manipulation:

Fractionation: You get them to do something not once, but again and again, increasing the level of intensity each time. Usually, you do it 3 times. (At the first lockdown I said – watch out, there’ll be a 2nd and a 3rd) This increases compliance – you’re much more likely to get them to do whatever you want.

A ‘Yes’ set: Get them to say ‘Yes’ to something small at first (just two weeks to “flatten the curve”) then gradually increase (months of lockdown, Christmas cancelled, socially/economically coerced into vaccines). In this way they’re much more likely to keep saying yes. (There would’ve been riots if they’d said in March lockdowns will carry on through Christmas.)

Confusion: Keep them in a constant state of uncertainty. The conscious mind responds to this by ‘going offline’ as it searches for the appropriate response for something it has no precedent for. Then it’s much easier for the manipulator to gain access to the unconscious mind and change belief systems. For example, lockdown rules are changing on practically a day-to-day basis; we’re living in a world we’ve never lived in before, everyone’s stumbling about with no idea how to behave. We’ve no energy left to fight our oppressors.

Repetition: Repeat the same information over and over (see any newspaper / TV news for evidence of this!)

Illusion of Choice: Make them believe they’re in control by giving them 2 choices, both of which lead to the same result. For example, ‘Do you want the Pfizer or the Oxford?’ or ‘You can choose to be good or bad. Bad = more lockdown. Good = more lockdown.’

“Social Proof”: “Look, all these great celebrities are backing it!”

“Scarcity”: “You’ll have to wait your turn for the vaccine… we might be running out”

And so many more… All classic psychological control techniques. Once you see it, you can’t un-see it.

These were the tactics used to gain public support for the Covid scamdemic and to convince the public to accept the dangerous untested vaccines. In the hands of the totalitarians the Covid scam is merely a tool to solidify support for the vaccines which alter the human genome and thin out the herd. Many will identify the comparisons between Dr. Cialdini’s factors and what is currently going on in America and other nations around the world.

The elites have realized that fear is one of the most powerful tools for manipulating large groups of people. As Ralph Waldo Emerson so wisely observed: “Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.” 

Fear in the Age of Covid: The Totalitarians Best Friend

“There are two different worlds of fear right now: those who fear the virus and those who fear the future control of mankind being propelled under the guise of the virus. Through this, they have created a division – those who want others to fear the virus as much as them and become recluses, and those who want those who fear the virus to wake up from the spell they have been put under so they can stand and fight against their freedoms being stripped away by the day. Sometimes, when you are in the thick of it, it’s hard to discern what is truth. Keeping everyone in a perpetual state of fear is how they divide and conquer – but it goes much deeper and is far more sinister than that.”

People that believe the official Covid narrative are genuinely afraid of the people who don’t buy into the scam. The people that refuse to buy into the scam rightly fear that their rights and freedoms are being taken away. The medical establishment has played upon this fear to essentially negate the Constitution.

“Fear is a powerful force. If a person becomes overridden with fear, they become incapable of thinking logically and analyzing information and only react from emotion. As time goes on, the majority of their time is spent in preparation, obsessive worrying, listening to the media to tell them what next steps to take, and common sense never truly kicks in because their brain chemistry is no longer serving them. They have been behaviorally conditioned. The hyperbole was powerful, and it took hold in millions of people.”

“Research has shown that threats such as Ebola or avian flu raised anxiety levels higher than more familiar threats. Despite only 10 people in the US contracting Ebola in 2014, it created a mass panic across the country due to excessive media reports effects on those with mental health issues. Whereas most people are not afraid of the flu because they’ve contracted it and survived, even though thousands die from the flu every year. But it’s not just the “unknown” that creates more fear, it’s those delivering the message. Hyperbolic media coverage can exacerbate the situation.”

In their panic, people have lost sight of the real threat, a clear and present danger of having their rights systematically taken away. People seem to have lost sight of the fact that the government cannot solve our problems, they can only exacerbate them. The government cannot cure diseases nor can the mass media, they can only create an atmosphere of fear by which they can take more of our money and freedom. This is all being done on purpose in a strategy designed by psychiatrists and psychologists.

“In a 2014 New York Times article titled ‘Architects of C.I.A. Interrogation Drew on Psychology to Induce Helplessness,’ Dr. Charles A. Morgan III, a psychiatrist at the University of New Haven, studied American troops’ levels of compliance and suggestibility concluding that ‘a subset became more compliant, but the vast majority also became more suggestible when given misinformation. Essentially you’re making people less reliable and more stupid” after confinement, sleep deprivation and other tactics were used.’”

"In a C.I.A. document titled ‘Brainwashing from a psychological viewpoint,’ they quote Jules Romains – ‘We know now that men can be made to do exactly anything… It’s all a question of finding the right means. If only we make enough trouble and go sufficiently slowly, we can make him kill his aged parents and eat them in a stew.’”

The Illusion of Choice

This is all part of the same technique that I’ve described in previous articles about Tavistock Institute and other pseudo-foundations and their social engineering projects designed to transform America into an elite-run totalitarian state. This began decades ago and the Covid scamdemic is the culmination of their work. The work of Tavistock agent Edward Bernays was a key part in manipulating the public into accepting the gradual encroachment of totalitarian rule. One crucial element is the illusion that voting counts. Ask yourself this question: Who selects the list of candidates from which you have to choose? Certainly you can select a write-in candidate, but there is no realistic expectation that they would prevail. Your only realistic choices come from a pool of contestants chosen by the elites. You are effectively choosing a master in a system designed -- or perhaps usurped is a better choice of words -- to enslave you.

“You are being controlled. You are being manipulated. You are being brainwashed. If you are still stuck believing that your vote counts and choosing sides is “moral”  in a system set up against you from day one, the propaganda has worked. This is all about dividing and conquering. While we argue about which political puppet is less evil than the other, they wreak havoc on us and destroy everything in their path for power, fame, and wealth.”

For the umpteenth time, all institutions come with built-in flaws, among them is that they are eventually taken over by their worst element -- people who will use them to gain power, wealth or what have you, or to advance an agenda inimical to the purpose of said institution. The Framers understood this and warned of the “mischiefs of factions.” George Washington left us with this warning in his Farewell Address:

 “The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation on the ruins of public liberty.”

Having studied the propensities of previous democracies to devolve into tyrannies the Framers attempted to create a republic that would endure. However, human nature being what it is, such a task is virtually impossible. As I said at the beginning, any system of government is only as good as the quality of those running it. Unfortunately, American society has become bereft of people of quality in high places and our politics has become a mirror image of our society -- self-absorbed elitists who believe themselves to be rulers rather than servants. The vast majority of Americans have been manipulated into embracing the yoke of their enslavement at the hands of the government.

Given the current degree of censorship and mass surveillance it’s unlikely that things will soon change. It will certainly not happen while Americans live in an atmosphere of fear. Anyone that chooses to stand up and refute the official narrative will be branded a “domestic terrorist” and be removed, one way or another. The totalitarians are making lists of dissenting voices and there are very few in government with the courage to oppose the prevailing power base. Those who do will be Trumped -- subjected to a non-stop barrage of media harassment and censure from the political power brokers. The totalitarians have made it clear who holds the reins of power… dissent will not be tolerated. Lamentably, things have gone too far for any amicable resolution. The choices are simple, submit or get organized and show the totalitarians who the majority really are. But this will never happen as long as people live in fear.


Yup, we have started to see in Europe people starting to push back in the form of opening restaurants en masse, we need to do that. People need to take off their masks, how can we expect anyone to fight if they are too afraid of a dirty look or comment from people if they don't wear a dangerous and dehumanizing mask? If everyone on a plane took off their masks no one would be kicked off.

It's not people taking off mask that's are going to do it, believe me. As a matter of fact going about mask wearing would be a great shield of deception, let the boys in the underbrush take care of the rest.

the powers that be will never give you permission to breath free, it is a decision only you can make.

I think I will continue to error on the side of caution for a bit longer, there should be a pretty good herd immunity that will start to kick in after all the 67 million Biden voters get their shot.

They say that getting the shot doesn't mean you don't have to wear a mask. The fact they now want you to wear two masks is them admitting they know one does not work.

I've read that. If there are no reported cases in your community one could let their guard down even though they may require you to wear one inside stores still. Right now if I take family anywhere I wear mine because they interact with a lot more people during the day then I do. I am just one of those type of people who say "it'd just be my luck", being able to relax in some area's would be nice. Like today my son and I took the grand kids sledding, I wear my mask in the car because he works and they go to school. They are or would be good candidates to be asymptomatic carriers.

The whole line about asymptomatic carriers was and is utter bullshit. There is zero transmission of corona by "asymptomatic carriers" like Fauci said "It is impossible to transmit a respiratory illness without having respiratory symptoms"
Use common sense, if someone is not coughing or sneezing then they cannot make someone else sick. And if they are your mask won't protect you anyways.

Europe has a history of activism. People here are too cowardly to buck the system.

In my neck of the woods they sure seem to be. Another state just got rid of their mask mandates and opened everything.

Iowa... sure to become a target of the Biden admin