Crossdressing mass shooter Robert Crimo legally bought 2 AR-15s!

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)

First off this individual legally bought two firearms one he ditched at the scene and the next one was captured in his getaway vehicle.

Next up this coward dressed up in girls clothes at an attempt to conceal his identity however he makes for one hell of an ugly girl. And with facial tattoos, he was picked out pretty quickly and tracked to his mommy's house where he started making his getaway however the getaway vehicle was swiftly identified.

We are definitely seeing an antifa type. All this publicity?

All this politics...

What we're really seeing is the left self destructing. This is definitely a false flag operation.

And super eerily similar to the fact that the Texas school shooter had two ar15s and this is again a young male with leftist political leanings.

I'll be honest there is not very much quality in that cross-dressing Mass shooter.

The more that you're seeing on all of this it is ending up as a really staged event with this individual apparently planning all of this by himself.

And apparently he had a job at Panera? Again how does this individual be able to afford multiple error 15s as well as the ammunition magazines and all the extra gear.

We have quite a bit of investigation to go through however the justice system is going to deal with this trial pretty quickly and with public sentiment I'm having a feeling this individual is going to get a severe sentence.

And on top of it a cross dressing Mass shooter, had other firearms that were legally purchased at his residence and we'll see what else he had stockpiled.

And apparently this individual is definitely known to law enforcement I'm going to guess the past 2 years of rioting this individual was intimately involved on the leftist rioting because a quick little hint drop nearly at the end of this press briefing says that additional law enforcement units were able to recognize him just from a picture........

Well I have a feeling that the cross-dressing rapper is going to get punked in prison. Personally I feel this individual deserves what he gets in general population for attacking women children and the elderly.

Let us not forget in this interview that it was dropped this individual past multiple background checks during multiple weapons sales.

And apparently during the interview it was also dropped that he might have been wearing a wig... I'm guessing he probably dressed up and thought he'd slip away like a ghost.

However he was tracked on video surveillance, and pretty quickly even his mom ratted him out.

What is this individual's psychiatric medications?

Yep that's the biggest thing that I'm wanting to know about along with the Texas shooter we are seeing so many of these young shooters do this with massive addiction issues and being placed on psychiatric medication.

There happens to be this crazy pattern.


It gets really hard to tell.

Are these all false flags?
or all these all the same kind of people being given the same kind of thought, doing copy-cat?

But this said, the pile of weirdness, if you actually look past the story that the MSN spins, is wayyyy too much.

The thing about background checks...
if you are not a criminal yet, you should pass them without any problem.
There isn't a database of the school bullies.

There is only a database of people the police have apprehended and those who they ratted out.
Or the no-fly list which is just a record of weird things like, did you read Mein Kampf.

So, background checks are mostly meaningless.

There is supposed to be a mental health attachment. If you currently on a mental health hold, you are not allowed to possess firearms.

If you been to the mental hospital and committed for certain issues you can't have a firearm.

And this individual? Massive amounts of internet footprint. All disturbing. There have been clear indicators of mental health issues in all of these individuals.

There hasn't been any intervention by authorities to prevent these acts...

And we are just learning more about him...

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