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RE: Psychotic Tate Brothers Idolise A Man Who Kept His Daughter in a Dungeon, Raping Her for 25 Years!

in Deep Dives10 months ago

I was approached by the Tate brothers. Specifically Andrew.

Expensive cars and cigars and acting like an idiot are not what gets you respect. Having a bunch of groupies pay him? Seriously his little TopG club? Don't forget the old dude that they have working with them.

So Tate got mad when I would bow down and follow him. Seriously the little bitch threw a temper tantrum. His 5 fight CAREER? His being a "Champion Fighter?" Sure he got a belt. One. Then QUIT! How's that for being a G.... Lol really gangster to quit before you ever defend that title...

Then the entire cam girl trafficking. Oh that one got juicy.

Oh how about telling the world Romania is corrupt and he can buy everyone off... It's now punishing Andrew and his beta brother. And rightfully so. The Tate brothers are screwed. It's just going to suck them dry with Romania milking them for mad money.

Don't forget there at the end of his jail sentence Andrew claims he got cancer and is dying. Must have been those sports cars and cigars. All the booze he drank added up.

Great job! The Tate brothers are going to melt back into history as 2 guys that tried too hard to be men. I'm glad I missed out. Although they did offer me a leadership position... Hahahahaha!

Andrew isn't a man. He is a pathetic human and an idiot. He deserved what Romania has done to him and I'm sure they really bilked a ton of money from him.

Funny thing is that he set himself up for this!

Then the bribing the prison officials... Hahahahhahahah!


His fight career was already exposed as having been massively oversold and manipulated. Same as his dad's chess achievements:

I've fought 5 fights in a day. I'm a mma coach. Him.being a "kickboxer" and having a five fight career absolutely kills me! Lol on top of that is entitlement that somehow he is deserving of complete and undying loyalty and respect?

I'm totally going to check out what you just posted on that video link!

Excellent work!