Are You Willing to Wear a Mask For the Rest of Your Life? Masks Are Here to Stay, the ‘Experts’ Say

in Deep Dives4 years ago (edited)


MSM Predictive Programming is Preparing Humanity to Wear Masks for Years, Maybe Forever

Over the past weeks, the media has been working overtime to program the minds of the masses into blindly accepting the mandatory mask mandates which have now become part of the ‘new normal’ for societies all around the world. In recent days, they have brought out another message for us - that we should prepare to fully acclimate to this ‘new normal’ of wearing masks at all times, for this isn’t just some temporary measure anymore we are told, but rather here to stay for at least two to three years, likely even forever...

The NY Post is helping to program this planned future into our minds, in a recent video entitled “Will We Be Wearing Face Masks Forever?”

“Imagine everyone in America wearing masks...FOREVER,” the video opens up with.


The conclusion? “While the initial coronavirus outbreak may diminish, face masks might be a new permanent cultural staple.” The rest of the video is spent glamorizing face mask wearing, painting a picture of a future where everyone wears a mask, all the time, forever.


If you think this is just some random isolated proposition, think again. I have collected a number of headlines from recent days and weeks, and the message being put out is quite clear. Their plan is for the entire population of the world to be wearing masks not just all the way through this year, but for at least two to three more years after that. And when they propose such extended madness, they may as well be talking about forever.

This sneak peek into the predicted future of masks-as-the-new-permanent-normal goes back several months, all the way back to early May, when CNN was telling listeners to get used to the ‘new normal’, citing ‘experts’ who hope people would continue wearing masks for months after the final waves of coronavirus pass, just as the Chinese continued to wear masks in public for years after the SARS outbreak.


On May 22, the Atlantic reiterated that: “We’ll be Wearing Things on our Faces for a Long Time.”


If you think about it, “the face mask is the condom of our generation,” says Brian Castrucci, the president of the de Beaumont Foundation, a public-health nonprofit

Then at the end of June, the Reader’s Digest was reporting that: “Wearing masks may be the new normal for quite some time.”

Then on July 6, this future began to be set in stone when a so-called health expert from the John Hopkins Center for Health, Eric Toner, told us that “we will be living with [mask wearing and social distancing] for several years.”


Health experts won’t ask Americans to take off their masks any time soon.

“I think that mask wearing and some degree of social distancing, we will be living with — hopefully living with happily — for several years,” he said. “It's actually pretty straightforward. If we cover our faces, and both you and anyone you're interacting with are wearing a mask, the risk of transmission goes way down.”

As to it being “pretty straightforward,” that by wearing masks “the risk of transmission goes way down,” that is a baseless claim that flies in the face of all the science on the subject. And that he expects people to actually be able to live “happily” with masks on for years to come is pure insanity.

The adverse affects of such an extended period of subjection to oxygen deprivation will certainly be detrimental to public health, but so long as we can learn to live happily in such an unhealthy state for the duration of the foreseeable future, the media’s goal will have been accomplished...

It could “remain a part of our everyday lives for years...we’ll be wearing masks well into 2021.”


In fact, you can prepare to be wearing a mask for at least the next several years, even after a vaccine is rushed out. Because that makes so much sense, considering the vaccine has for months been touted as the “final solution” to ‘Covid19’ (as per Bill Gates)...


Well, according to experts, we'll likely still have to wear face masks for a long time to come. In fact, one Johns Hopkins doctor predicts we could be wearing face masks for several years—yes, even if we have a vaccine.

And here I was thinking they had all made it pretty clear that the vaccine would bring an end to all this madness. They have certainly suggested this idea, as seen by a July 15 headline, informing Brits that they should expect to be forced to wear masks in public at least until the end of the year, unless a vaccine is found first.


Of late, however, it seems they have been pushing the idea that the vaccine won’t in fact be the end-all solution, won’t necessarily be all that effective, won’t be any kind of silver bullet contrary to what they’d previously been saying for months; and thus we need to prepare to mask up for the long haul - at least two to three years if you’re a Canadian anyway!


Canadians shouldn't expect a COVID-19 vaccine to be a "silver bullet" that will bring a swift end to the coronavirus pandemic and a return to normal, according to the country's chief public health officer.

Welcome to the “new age of a mask lifestyle” that is now the “new normal” in 71 countries, where those opting not to wear a mask are being deemed “antisocial” according to the ‘experts’, while taking outdoor selfies with a mask on being ‘mandatory’ is being glamorized as the ‘new normal’...


As the new age of a mask lifestyle dawns on us, not wearing a mask is antisocial, experts say. For those in some 71 countries it has become the new normal all of the time in public.

Never mind that based on my own experience and the experience of others around the country, it is in fact the wearing of masks which is contributing to society at large becoming more antisocial than ever, and specifically those who are most obsessed with everyone being masked up are the very ones who seem to be the most antisocial and rudest of all.

This ‘new normal’ has turned humanity into a society of robotic zombies: “Over your nose” are the only words you’ll get out of some workers if you dare to enter a business with a mask only covering your mouth, spoken in a robotic monotone voice. But it’s those of us who want to walk around like a normal, healthy human being, having normal conversations with people we run across, showing our neighbors our smiles instead of hiding behind a muzzle, and breathing in a healthy amount of oxygen; we are the ‘antisocial’ ones according to the same media that wants you to accept the idea of wearing a mask everywhere you go for the rest of your life.


The Economist called it months ago...


And like it or not, humanity in a muzzle, hiding behind a mask “needs to be the new normal,” as the Boston Globe just informed us on August 12.


And these ‘experts’ aren’t only predicting that we will ‘need’ to wear masks for years, even forever, they are also predicting a massive surge in coronavirus cases this fall ‘necessitating’ another economic shutdown and societal lockdown. But if you think that’s bad, just imagine a full two-year lockdown, now being proposed in the Australian police state city of Melbourne which is on the cutting edge of the totalitarian ‘new normal’...


But the madness doesn’t even stop there. As of yesterday, the ‘experts’ are now saying that ALL children over the age of two need to be wearing a mask!


If you are willing and prepared to wear a mask for the rest of your life just because the media demands it, and you have no problem with your child being forced to wear a mask all the way from infant-hood up, then maybe you deserve to be muzzled. But for the rest of us, who rightly see a future of humanity in a mask as pure insanity, the time to stand up against this ‘new normal’ is now.


The writing is on the wall, and the predictive programmers have made their plan for our future abundantly clear. If you are one of the many people who are not ready or willing to be wearing a mask everywhere you go for the rest of your life, then it might just be time to start thinking about taking that muzzle off already.

More detailed info on masks, including the complete lack of evidence that they reduce viral transmission whatsoever, mask mandates as a stepping stone to mandatory vaccination, and the overarching totalitarian agenda being implemented through this ‘new normal’, can be seen in a few of my posts on the subject linked below:

Covid1984: When Science Becomes Irrelevant, Censorship Reigns & Propaganda Goes Wild | A Look at the ‘New Evidence for Masks’

Why Face Masks Don’t Work | Masks are Neither Effective Nor Safe According to the Science

Welcome to the Covid2020 Magic Show | The Day Masks Magically Began to Work

Local Mask-Wearing Requirement/Propaganda Unmasked

Pandemic 2.0: Mandatory Vaccination Rollout Begins As Face Mask Requirements Continue to Spread


Big government is the reason we have to wear masks in the first place. Our small business are not closing because of covid, our schools are not closed because of covid, our dying are not alone when they die because of covid. All these and far more problems are not because of covid, but rather because of the capricious laws that big government is forcing on us to further the covid con.

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Thank you!

Thanks for the information! After reading the recent Dr Richard Cheng and Dr Andrew Weber treatments by using the immune system with non toxic medicine, i really don't give a f about the masks, i give a f about:

  1. Toxic vaccines
  2. Disinformation
  3. Censorship
  4. Travel restrictions
  5. Lock-downs
  6. Insane plans on the table.
  7. Leadership
  8. Unheard doctors
  9. Dissolution of the 1000% stock market bias World Health Organization a.k.a. W.H.O.


Weber noted that it “makes all the sense in the world” to try and maintain the patients’ level of vitamin C because when they suffer sepsis – an inflammatory response that occurs when their bodies overreact to the infection – the levels of Vitamin C drop dramatically.

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Will more censorship solve anything?

Will blind faith in (a priesthood of) "science" solve anything?

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Imo, it's about MUTING the very belief/thought from us, that the individual had any voice against RULERS.

Which if you know,
you knew already, WE DON'T.

Because if it was about health of the collective, for the long haul, then the logical thing to do is to make ASTRONAUTS out all of us on our home planet.

Which, might be the outcome.

Let's get a little nutty and think...

If Elites are pushing for Mars colonization. Then maybe this is all conditioning for our biology to adapt to a different type of oxygen level. A respiratory system, trained in a limited manner (like how athletes do altitude training) might be beneficial for when one needs to exist in such an environment where oxygen levels are limited.

Colonies on Mars after all, will always need to exist "masked" when out in the field.

In this planet, I actually like a society masked. With the ever rising surveillance system, I like stepping out looking like a ninja. Deception is also now not just the game of Elites, but now also the strange game of deception we're all playing. Distrust, also the norm when out in the apparent "TOXIC AIR" that became Earth in 2020.

Great article and you're absolutely right, we should be concerned, but for the moment I'm happy to wear masks -when absolutely necessary (plus it's a $200 fine if I don't...), but I won't be wearing them when this is over.
A covid con by big government or not or not, I think it's pretty obvious that its not a con from the biggest govt in the world that usually perpetrates cons like these...
but I do think that way back, someone did 'drop' the vial' whether by accident or intent we'll never know, but either way, that government were way prepared for it, although for all intents they made it look like they weren't...and I'm sure that the profit margins of every single sweatshop there has skyrocketed as the rest of us (not me though...) sit on our couches and blindly buy online everything from those sweatshops, including most of the PPE gear that the medical industries wears (which by the way, many of these people have been wearing for years previously...) and what better way to spread something, then to send it by post....
Whether I be right or wrong, that's my 2 cents worth.
I live in Melbourne and I've been in lockdown since I lost my job on the 18th March.

I've been in a self imposed lockdown because I have a rare heart condition (and will refuse a vaccine that has not been tried and tested for decades first) and am not willing to risk it.

Yes it could be a con, but I value my life too much to risk it and have too many things to do before I cark it.

Plus this lock down has been great for me. I've done so much- caught up on so much that I've been trying to do for years. But feel terrible for all that people that it has affected so adversely, but atleast we're not stuck out in the freezing cold trenches with no food and only our dead mates beside us for company as we get fired upon- as so many other billions of people around the world have suffered for centuries from all of the other great cons that were perpetrated by big govt....

What's wrong with wearing masks to save lives? Are they that big an inconvenience? Sounds pretty selfish to me

What's wrong with wearing masks to save lives?

Nothing at all, my problem arises with those attempting to force people to wear them against their will through government mandates under threat of massive fines and in some cases even jail. I’ve never been against people’s right to wear masks as much as they want and advocate others do it, but I have major problem with others forcing me to do so against my will.

Plus, there is insufficient evidence that masks are actually effective at stopping viral transmission, meaning there’s no evidence they actually do save lives.

Also, when they are telling us that we are going to have to continue wearing masks long after the ‘pandemic’ is gone, then we are clearly dealing with something that is about more than stopping a virus and saving lives as you put it.

Are you seriously ok with wearing a mask for the next three years? Or the rest of your life? I’m not.

Are they that big an inconvenience?

For me, it has nothing to do with convenience, it has to do with safety and even more so freedom. I have no doubt that those who are mandating masks now will attempt to mandate vaccination later (soon, in the coming months this fall no doubt), and I have a major issue with forced vaccination, considering the enormous toxicity of vaccines in general and the nature of the ‘Covid19’ vaccine being a new untested type never before tried out before.

As for masks, there are inherent safety issues involved with long term masking, particularly surrounding the “unsafe” oxygen level inherently existing behind a mask. I take issue with forced oxygen deprivation for sure.

If the science was there backing up mask efficacy, and I was sick, I might consider wearing one; but as it is that evidence is sorely lacking, I’m not terrified of the virus like so many others, I’m not worried about spreading it because I’m not sick myself, and if people are really that worried about it, they could just stay home instead of forcing others to wear masks to make themselves feel safer.

Well, I already have masks to match most of my clothes so I might as well utilize them. I think even after a vaccine I would still need to be sure

Some of these replies are very discouraging.