Media and 'Experts' Approve Protesting 'White Supremacy', But Not Protesting COVID Lockdown

in Deep Dives4 years ago

The media and scamdemic 'experts' are still busy spouting their double-think and expecting the obedient debt-slaves to do as their told. The media and experts still want people to stay apart, except if it's to support the racial divide and unrest that serve the empower the state in the long run.

The media and 'experts' support thousands protesting close together against police abuse, or 'white supremacy' as some hilariously proclaim the issue to be. Yet, they denounce protests against the lockdown, against the draconian measure the government imposed to ruin people's lives and the economy.


Stay-home, and don't protest the stay-home bullshit. Those are legit "laws" to keep you safe. But, if you want to protest other stuff like police abuse, or the narrative of a fantasy of "white supremacy" everywhere in society, then please do. This is Orwellian double-think contradiction.

Do you think I'm making up this fantasy narrative of protests against "white supremacy"? 1200 public health experts have signed an open letter asserting "white supremacy is a lethal public health issue that predates and contributes to COVID-19."

"Staying at home, social distancing, and public masking are effective at minimizing the spread of COVID-19. To the extent possible, we support the application of these public health best practices during demonstrations that call attention to the pervasive lethal force of white supremacy."

You can only do what they tell you you're allowed to do. That's freedom. Don't protest this, don't protest our draconian "laws" that oppress and ruin your life, but go ahead and protest the other oppression that misdirects and focuses on race rather than the inherent problem of belief in authority and obedience to orders that justify violence and murder of innocent people.

We have been told we can't be more than 2 people at a time somewhere (or increased to 10). We have been told we can't be closer than 6 feet to others. If we disobey, we are criminals and we will be fined or arrested. The media at the White House was shocked to see that social distancing was not being obeyed, while they remain suddenly shut up about complaining about social distancing at large in society, i.e. at the protests.

This is exemplified by Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot:

"We will shut you down, we will cite you, and if we have to, we will arrest you. Don't make us treat you like a criminal, but if you act like a criminal and you violate the law and refuse to do what's necessary to save lives in the middle of a pandemic, we will take you to jail, period."

Criminals, for not obeying the states dictates over a virus that's similar to the flu in lethality. The truth has been evidence for centuries, that the state is the most organized criminal enterprise ever constructed.

No one (or very few) in the protest movement even correctly identify the problem. They want people looking at race as the issue, to pit race/ethnicity against other races/ethnicities as the source of their woes, when the real problem is the state authority and it's power and abuse over the lives of everyone. That way, the state remains in power and nothing really changes for the better.

So few people get that the state and authority is the problem. People are racially focused on "white-cop" did X to "non-white person" = racial issue, even though "white-cop" did X to "white person" happens as well.

The cops are the thug gang enforcement division of the state. They are there to serve the state, not the people. They are the attack dogs that take their orders and impose violence (theft, assault, murder) on those who don't obey their own or the state's authority. Do as you're told, or else!

The common problem of authority and legalized monopoly on violence escapes them as they are so indoctrinated and conditioned into the seeing life as necessitating the state and police. Otherwise, without government gangs, who would protect us from violent street gangs that would take over, right?

Is the problem really that authoritarians beat/steal/kill some races more at times while other races get beaten less at times, or that we're all being beaten/stolen from/killed whenever they want and get away with it? "It's not fair that he (that group) is getting beat up less than me (my group), he (they) shouldn't have that privilege. Clearly, the one's doing the beating are racist, that's the real problem."

Wake up if you don't get it. Get out of the race-trap being played out. The problem is the state and the belief in authority that oppresses and violates all our rights.


If you feel angry about systemic racism, by all means grab a brick and help destroy the patriarchy. But if you feel like sneezing, wear a mask and stay home until everyone has been vaccinated.

Yeah, that is crazy talk.

Police and military ultimately do serve their higher ups, and take command from them. In the movies, when the FBI show up, they tell the cops to move over, because your boss's boss is calling the shots directly now. I've seen some pretty big street operations, with hundreds of police cars and swat teams, and the police says, "Nothing to see here, move along." The news is silent about a potential gang war in your back neighborhood, while candidates are telling us we should not own guns to protect ourselves. Needles are safe, and weed is still awesome for everyone. Etc..

Police chiefs resigning and taking responsibility is surely causing some major corruption cracks to be exposed higher up. None of the mayors have offered to give up their positions. They are acting like the recent activism is a priceless form of urban culture performance art. I am still waiting to see if the cops will go on strike.

Does anyone think we may see contractual trust put into privately owned security organizations to replace police in some areas? The elites already do this for themselves (often with our tax dollars). Possibly more effective and able to work for less money than the current police bureau.

The private security firms, some of them are very respective of people's rights and have no incidents. Jeff Berwick (Dollar Vigilante) mentioned one recently. That's secondary to the self-defense that everyone should employ though.

Bang on.
Here the "experts" are saying the most dangerous place (re covid) is THE HOME. That's right, they now say we shouldn't be spending time indoors unless we absolutely must. Get out there and enjoy the parks, beaches, and cafe patios. Wait, the cafes are closed, and beaches and parks are off-limits. But get out there. Don't be at home, that's where you get sick!
Unbelievable. 180 degrees reversals, every week. No advice stays current for more than a month, or is logically consistent.
As for white supremacy, I see it mentioned a lot, but nowadays I really don't see much of that whatsoever. I do see a ton of black (and other ethnicity) supremacy, and the media actively endorsing such. It's the very definition of racism, being trotted about as though it were egalitarianism.
Again, unbelievable.
Yet here we are.
Anyway, this is why I say LIVES MATTER.

It's all made up narratives, be it COVID is deadliest thing since 1918 flu, do what we so or millions will die, or that white supremacy is a serious threat and pervades society lol. Racism exists, just not to the extend they want people to believe. People are acting racist in their attempted efforts to combat racism.

I agree with the focus being deflected. It is easy to do that and let people consume their thinking energy on "race issue" because they will no longer have the mental capacity to think about anything else.

Yeah it's very personal when you make an issue revolve around yourself, your identity, it's easy to fall for it. Many are with the help of politicians and media. A black academic spoke out about this madness recently under cover of anonymity to colleagues: Anonymous Berkeley Professor Shreds BLM Injustice Narrative; Berkeley Responds. Everyone should read that.

I will read that. Thank you!

Great post - America is a nut house!
