Turning Point for Humanity? Will the 'Safety Measures' for COVID-19 Be Reversed, or Has the New Control Grid Arrived?

in Deep Dives4 years ago

I look around at how people are reacting in fear, and how they are so willing to do what the government says. Compliant consent to the information being fed to them by the mainstream media, and how to behave.

Then I see how people are calling police on their neighbors because too many people are attending a child's birthday party. I see how police are giving out $1,000 tickets for people who are walking closer than 6 ft / 1 meter to others.

Then there is the renewed push for a cashless society, because cash is a carrier for the virus, right? Idiots have been calling for a new digital currency, but we already have digital currency in our banks with ATM cards and credit cards. We don't need another digitalization of money. I went to a grocery store a few weeks ago, and they were accepting cash, but rejected my rain check, which didn't make sense because they both can carry a virus. Inconsistent policies deployed by fear-hyped panic mindsets. Stores are still taking cash, well because it's money.

And don't forget the economic siphoning in wall Street with the $7 trillion bailout once again. Another huge transfer of wealth for the elite crooks in their money magic gambling games, as the rest of us become bigger debt-slaves than before.

These "measures" are some of what is going on right now, as we tacitly accept them as "reasonable" in our ignorance and ultimately at our apathy at figure out what's going on, to know we are being fooled, hoodwinked, screwed, bamboozled, tricked and conned into losing more of our freedoms while think, once more, it's for the betterment of all our safety and security.

BIll Gates has openly called for digital certificates to be issued for receiving vaccines for COVID-19. The fear-hype is heading towards mandatory vaccines for COVID-19. If that happens, it won't stop there. Shortly after, a slew of vaccines will be mandatory, with a digital certificate to boot.

This is where the end-game control is. Injecting mercury, aluminum and other nasty stuff into people, where some get vaccine injuries but who cares, it's for the great good, collateral damage is expected, you don't really get a choice. Do it, or you can't do shit in society. No job, no public transportation, etc. Or, why even offer a choice, and just inject people without their consent, because it's for the great good bullshit. After all, you are a threat to everyone else if you don't get vaccinated while everyone else already is. Make sense.

Apparently this is already being done in this current fear-hype state, as a video of a man refusing to be pricked by a needle is jumped on by police and injected with a needle by a "health-care" worker. Rights? What are those? Do as you're told, or else.

This is the attitude is here and getting stronger it seems. At first people will tolerate or welcome it due to the fear-hype panic of COVID-19. But, will it go away after? Will things return to normal? Will people wake up to the greater control agenda being implemented? Or will it will be normalized and excused as a necessary "safety measure" to continue to keep COVID-19 at bay, or to prevent future "outbreaks", or some other reason?

I see this event as a turning point. Is it just a test to see how much control they can get into a fear-hyped populace, or will this state of action remain after the "crisis" is dealt with?


Problem- Reaction- Solution. I fear that things will never return to normal, it isn't in the globalist plan. "Never let a good crisis go to waste," Rahm Emanuel said and it's become the mantra of the Deep State, even if they have to team up with China to create one. They will shove as much of their agenda as possible through in any emergency funding bills as they can and then blame Trump if he doesn't sign them.

Hehe, "Never let a good crisis go to waste", good motto to live your life by as a controller :P

It should become the new motto for the Dems, they've been living it for years.

Soon there will be checkpoints on our streets, just like in Israel, or Iraq. Except we won't be like the Israelis at the checkpoints, we'll be the Palestinians.

Then all the rest of the treatment that Palestinians receive will gradually be visited on us. The government has made the American people the enemy.

In a couple weeks we won't be moving from our cages, we won't have jobs, nor money for food, and given orders to prevent people traveling for other reasons, you will be prevented from leaving home by police.

You will be considered a terrorist for going outside.

Prepare now.

Yeah the prospects are grim. I don't see it as a guaranteed outcome, at least not that quick ;) Time will tell.

sadly, the bulk of human nature lies within the tendency to want to be led

aggravatingly, this portion of humanity isn't justhappy being led, they want everyone else to be the same happy little herd creature that they are

this goes beyond the psychopaths at the top, to a very substantial part of humanity

on the extremely cynical side, it would be very easy to lynch the corruptocrats every time they got out of hand, if it weren't for the hand-wringers and do-gooders getting in the way

Yup, following is easy and comfortable, keep the false "unity". Yes, too many false notions of good and evil exist in society for how to clean up the guck.

good and evil are tribal terms, that usually boil down to what is good for the tribe

some of these values are common b/c they universally work for any given tribe

All I really know is that for my tribe (Americans of a Jacksonian ideology, see here for my usually longwinded blowhardism re the subject), the @justinccps of the world are an enemy to be dealt with...people that announce a hostile intnent and then act on it

[edit]thats cool, the peaked interface changes HIVE URL's to peakd ones!

Scary shit indeed of what they could force on us in the name of safety.

With each passing day this feels more and more like a scam.

Yup, there is a large part that is deception, if not most of it.

I can see it already... in Germany by law your children have to go to school. They will make it a law that in order to go to school, they have to get the vaccine.

Oh yes, that is coming down the line it's only a matter of when.

The Mausfeld Method

Aloha @krnel!

"These "measures" are some of what is going on right now, as we tacitly accept them as "reasonable" in our ignorance and ultimately at our apathy at figure out what's going on, to know we are being fooled,..."

Here is an extract, which probably confirms your theory:

20200405_083903_archive.org Kopie.jpg

This is from my post I've written yesterday. If you want to take a look on it, here is the link respectively a second one about the U.S. Government COVID-19 Response Plan, too:



In the future you can find more posts of me under the tags freedom,futurology and Protopolis.

May the good be with you!

Aloha @krnel!

"These "measures" are some of what is going on right now, as we tacitly accept them as "reasonable" in our ignorance and ultimately at our apathy at figure out what's going on, to know we are being fooled,..."

Here is an extract, which probably confirms your theory:

20200405_083903_archive.org Kopie.jpg

This is from my post I've written yesterday. If you want to take a look on it and some other extracts, here is the link respectively a second one about the U.S. Government COVID-19 Response Plan, too:



In the future you can find more posts of me under the tags freedom,futurology and Protopolis.

May the good be with you!

Aloha @krnel again!

Here is the confirmation of your theory! It is very worrying!


Please spread this message if yo like it, because you have a greater range!

May the good be with you!

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Surveillance and control already past the point of no return, my dear @krnel. Freedom once taken can be returned&restored only through armed rebellion.