
Thanks. Love the Vernon Coleman video. I also included it in my post above, but idk how to get the pix of the video on there too. It's probably quite simple.

It's probably quite simple.

Yes, simply post the link, just the link, all by itself.

Test it out by replying to this comment, just post a yo.utoob URL and nothing else.

OK that didn't work. lol not utoob though
good vid if you haven't seen it.

It's interesting, I have seen that before, and unfortunately it's not credible.

Why do you say that?

The brain-scan images in the "presentation" were ripped from a publicly available, completely unrelated study.

And the "science" is logically incoherent.

Don't get me wrong, I found it intriguing, and I have no doubt that someone is probably working on something like that somewhere, but that particular presentation is either 100% fake or part of a seriously incompetent research project.

This one is real.

Great, will watch in a bit. And thanks for all these upvotes - this is like raking in the dough for me. Not necessary! But appreciated...


Ah! So have a listen to my friend Shirley sing.