Hive - and How to make a Viking Omelet...Part 2...Psychology of crab bucket mentality

in Deep Dives3 years ago (edited)

Everything in your external world is how you perceive it.
How you see things is dependent on your internal landscape.
Your mind.
Mapping out that internal landscape is the essential ingredient in having a successful life...The 'rest of it' is nothing more than baubles and tinsel.
Not understanding this concept is indicative in itself - of how well you do not know your own internal landscape.


And no one can discover it for you.
Suck it up buttercup.
Don't be lazy.

While this may not look like a post that sits naturally in leofinance - it does.
IF you understand that finance itself, and how you interact and view money, is merely an extension of your internal landscape.
Everything is connected.

This is a 'set up' post, of sorts.
It's laying the foundations for my next few posts concerning Hive itself, and going forwards - for myself first , and even (maybe) the hive ecosystem itself.
I'm a tiny account on this platform.
When stake is the measure of power, it shows how weak the structure is. ...'it's only money, nothing more'.
Fragility of structure is a hallmark of oligarchies.

Stake size is not related to intelligence, or proof of anything in fact - except wallet size. (and anyone measuring their worth by looking at their bank balance, is one seriously poor, mother fucker).

Because we all have a voice here, and because only the weak ego's hide behind stake (and use it as force) - I don't give a fuck any longer.
I'm not dancing to this music any longer.
It's shit tune - and one that the outside world, seemingly doesn't seem to want to listen to, either.
So what do you do?

Keep playing the same tunes it until people change their minds,(they just dont understand it yet) , or do you make some different fucking music?

I'm making it my own way - with my own music - and I don't give a fuck what eggs I have to break in the process to make my omelet.

Part of my 'music production' is explaining my position - Long before the music even starts. Laying out my stall now, will save time later on.



As you begin to know yourself , you become, by default, more successful in the game of life itself.
True success is not measured by money or material accumulation.
(if you actually think that these material markers are the barometers of 'success', then you've never studied philosophy, and most certainly never set out on the journey of self discovery - of 'knowing yourself').

As a successful human being - one who's on the journey of knowing yourself - you'll start to notice a drastic changes in how people interact and behave around you.

Friends that you thought you had are no longer there.
You've changed, and they have not.
They'll become voyeurs of your success and stew in their jealously and resentment towards you.
What you have is unique and cannot be copied.
Mimicry from the envious will forever be attempted - by using money and material accumulation as watered down symbolism to try and attain what you authentically have.

The envious individuals who are not successful in life, suffer from what is called conformity syndrome (CS).
And those who are truly successful in life will continually encounter these envious people - they have what is known as the ‘crabs in a bucket’ mentality and when the envy from the crabs does happen - then you'll know that you've truly grown up.
Flocks of jealous people (crabs) known as 'the collectives', or 'the mobs' will be lurking, stewing, and politicking against you and this tells you that you’ve made it as an individual.
It's both hilarious - and saddening - to observe.

The envious crabs will cheer you on in the beginning, and that's because - in their minds - they don’t believe that you will make it.
They'll support you via virtue signaling - to make themselves feel good - along with the rest of the mob.
However, when you actually exhibit that you’ve 'made it' - grown up - all the cheering will stop.

And when it DOES stop - as it will - that’s when you know that you’ve triggered a deep envy - One that they have in their 'juvenile'- non successful - brain.

Their envy is true fear.
Fear that you would be successful...And that they would not.
They've feared this all along, they've just never showed it.
Or maybe even aware that they harbor such feelings.
However, they will show it - with their silence and jealousy.

Improving yourself forces everyone around you to examine their own inadequacies.


The fact is, that by not striving for anything better than 'the norm', or wanting anything more than to just 'fit in', they'll never travel the lonely road of 'knowing thyself' - and they will certainly never do anything remarkable with their time and money.
They will live their lives in the crab bucket.
...Racing around on a hamster wheel at 100 miles an hour - and going absolutely...nowhere.
Most people end up doing this, doing what every other person does.

You cannot conform, and be a grown up individual, both at the same time.
The two positions are mutually exclusive.

If you live in the crab mentality paradigm, you'll see that everyone aims for the same thing. Wants the same thing.
Wants to be average.
And when you aim for average - you'll get average - and get what everyone else has.

The problem with this conformist mentality, is that they're essentially stuck in a time from the past.

Conforming is residing in a status quo - living within a structure that's been designed in a recent history.
And that means living in the past.

By conforming, you automatically miss out on the current zeitgeist - the current culture.
If you don't adapt and change, you will 'die' - you will become stagnant in your own thinking - and thus, thwarting your own personal success.

Conforming gives you a subconscious excuse , through validation from your peers, to not leaving the crab bucket mentality.


You'll always hear people say "Well, it would be nice if we all could be like you....but I have kids and X,or Y, or Z...", but what are they saying, really?

..."I'm a victim of my own circumstances."

Who put a gun to your head ?
Did someone force you to make your own life choices?

And all you have to do, to make the psychological pain of observing your own reality go away - is to learn how to kiss ass and suck cock...

Be a 'conformie normie' and then you can be 'comfortably numb'...

If you're thinking averagely you're free to reap all of the average things that life that has to offer. ...The bucket of crabs, and the crab mentality.

Crabs never escape from the bucket...

'Crab mentality' is a way of thinking best described as, “if I can’t have it, then neither can you.”

It's a socialist, leftist , loser, mindset.

Individually, the crabs could escape (from the bucket), but instead, they grab at each other in a useless competition which prevents any from escaping - and in doing so, ensures the collective demise.
(''s just that socialism has never been tried properly ')
Escaping the crab bucket mentality is another step on the road to knowing yourself.
Other people will always be a problem (the conformist group think) , because 90 % of the other 'crabs in the bucket', are trying to pull you down to their level.
'Knowing yourself' can only ever be a personal journey.

Nobody who has this 'crab bucket' mentality wants to truly see one of the other crabs escape and succeed because it will make them feel bad.
These ‘crabs’ feel - they don’t think.

They have no chance of any self actualization in this environment.

Liberal ( entitlement ) mentality is destructive - both to the whole group and to the individual.
It's a negative feedback loop and echo chamber of misery and envy. Nobody is growing and nobody is learning.
Everyone is just repeating everyone else’s mistakes forever fearful of 'standing out in the crowd'.
(And who decided that it was a good idea to call this platform 'HIVE' ?...ffs)

Social media...

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'Conformie normies' - those who spew the liberal groupthink verbal diarrhea, post after post, do so because that is what's deemed as SAFE to do.
Part of the mob.
Part of the collective.
Part of a status quo from the past - trying to appear 'progressive!'

Step outside the box.

Attack 'the average' for being what it is.
Be prepared for all 'the crabs' in their zombie states, to try to drag you back down.
No 'crab in the bucket' can be different than the other crabs.
Misery loves company.
If you are better - braver , then you becomes a threat to the survival of the crab bucket 'tribe'(or hive).

They will always try to bring you back down to their level.

This is what losers do.
It's because they're lazy, and scared - and they can’t allow you to make them look like the cowards they are.

It's simply too psychologically painful for them to endure.
In being seen to be 'better than average' - you cause a mental alarm to go off in the average mind.
You're making them look like a loser.
(image is v. important to the conformist zombie).

Delaying gratification.

People tend to think of this is, in terms of material rewards.
Conformist mindsets do anyway (Crab bucket mentality).

The independent individual realizes the value of delayed gratification also - but in terms of knowing thyself.

Whats the point of a million dollars - when you don't know who you really are? ...When you don't know 'your arse from your elbow'?

Short term thinkers -those spending 'lazy time' on simple worldly gains without ever putting in the real work on hand (the one on the self) end up going into 'spiritual debt'.
It's a case of:

'The lights are on, but there's nobody home'...

People who are long term thinkers end up spiritually rich.

That's just the way it is.

Long term thinkers are one step ahead.
Long term thinkers are not accepting the crab bucket mentality. They've escaped it.
Short term 'non thinkers' will be forever fighting over the material scraps, happy in the bucket along with everyone else.
They are the intellectually lazy and the 'scared of life' - and don’t want to put forth the effort into escaping.

Remember, the mundane and 'the average' is a COMFORTABLE for these people.

They like the crab bucket mentality - and the environment that comes with it.
This mentality is an inherently feminine one in it's nature (conflict averse), and could be characterized as ' living in the crab bucket is what pussies need to do to survive (beta males).

Socialism, in political terms! lol
They will try to leach off of the strong at first, and then will eventually stab 'that crab' in the back if that crab is thought to be escaping

If you've found the way out - by knowing yourself , you'll be immediately find others trying to pull you down.
The crabs don't want you having 'the secret formula' (which is no secret whatsoever) - not when they don't have it. They are too lazy to get it for themselves.
Envy is psychological cancer.
Paradoxically - this type of behavior actually comes from other ‘men’, more so than women.
There are so many 'mangina’s' out there now living in a past paradigm - which it is both sickening - and tragic - at the same time.
They don’t understand that being a part of the 'crab mentality tribe' will also be their long term demise.

If you never want to discover the truth - knowing thyself - just keep kissing the sides of that crab bucket - and be a subservient, limp wristed cuck who'll have nothing more rewarding than a miserable, zombified, life.


*Hint: If you're sat at your swimming pool, rich off the BTC explosion, and looking at your lambo, while at the same time thinking 'I'm no more happy now, than I was before all of this'...then know you're still the crab, and have never really left the bucket...

Grow up.
Know thyself.


But I would still like to be that crab by the swimming pool.

We are five hours into the day that will prove or disprove all sorts of things. Soon we will find out what colour the bucket really is!

Are you staying up for the event?

He'll no!

Not much to see yet, I'm waiting to see arrests, that would be fun

But expecting a trigger incident to get the civil war rolling

Seem nothing went off? Oh well...

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Can't wait for 'crypto regulations' to come in...llolol

I hope there isnt a civil war, but they are prodding hard to start one

'the tree of liberty has to be watered by the blood of....' and all that..

So you are saying all the alphas escaped the crab basket? I will just chill with all the chicks and no competition in the basket then. Thanks for leaving and letting me have those material scraps :D.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

...I only threw that in there, to see who would bite!

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It's getting late for me, so this isn't going to get as well attended as I would like, but I'll be happy to pick it back up tomorrow if needed.

The easiest way to sum up why I downvoted this is by saying the post told me to. What the fuck do I mean by that? In this post you talk about knowing yourself as a life goal, and how it leads to success. I agree wholeheartedly with both of those thoughts. By the fourth sentence (counting periods, the third is more of a statement than a sentence) you're making assumptions about other people's lives, and what they need to be happy. This country is full of all types of people, and I've met more than a few who really want little more than to just fit in. A LOT of people are workers without ambition, who just want to be 'Conforming Normies'. Obviously, people like you and I are not content to live that way (unless you're just making shit up in your posts, but if I can't assume that you mean what you say, then there's not much point to the discussion) but that doesn't mean that everyone who does is unhappy.

The whole post, like many (I'd say most, but I still have a lot of reading to do in your feed) takes a very adversarial tone with people who you assume do not, will not, or can not agree with you. By the time you get down to long term thinking, where you make several great points about its benefits, you're basically accusing everyone who groups into the left of trying to bring you down. Nowhere in this post do you acknowledge that group think on the right is exactly the same thing.

By the time you get to the social media part, you're making generalizations that the way to be safely successful on social media platforms is by spewing left wing group think, and the whole time you're doing it in words that would be safely successful on one of the platforms where most people go to spew the same brand of hate, only from the right. That whole part reads like you're just whining about not finding a large audience here for conservative '...groupthink verbal diarrhea, post after post...'

When all that was put together, by the end of it, this post seemed like a secret ops agent all armed to the teeth and ready for combat who accidentally shot himself in the leg. There's a lot of potential there, but is it going anywhere?

Do I downvote every post I see that I think falls short? No. I know that people get asshurt about it, and I don't want to spend that much time handing out reasons, like this one, why I've done so. You get especially singled out for a downvote because you talk a lot throughout your posts about quality of content, fair markets, and power players on Hive. I am not a power player, and that downvote only took .001 off the payout of this post, but that's the shitty voting power I have, and I used it. It got to you enough that you noticed and mentioned it (in a whole other post), and I thought that would be a fine example of how I know myself and the world around me, and was able to use that knowledge to exert a very small amount of market pressure in this fragile, artificially inflated, oligarchical system, and use it to help you see yourself and your biases a little better, and maybe quit worrying so much about how 'fair' this system is and just focus on some better content.

Now that I typed all that out, I realize the downvote already accomplished what I wanted it to anyway, so whether you still consider it unfair or not, I'll rescind, but not reverse it. You may have noticed I've upvoted almost every other post in this series you're getting into. There is a lot of good stuff in there, once I sort through all the anti-left bias to find it.

So the down vote was based on 'poor quality content'?

Ok, fair enough.

(pssst -I have no left/right bias - they are both the same evils just using different routes to get there - authoritarianism).

I've been gathering that you do understand that both sides are the same, but you lay all the vitriol (that I've seen so far) on the left. This is why some of your work comes across (to me) as just complaining that it's not better liked. It's hard to tell if you've been brainwashed by the right, or just being antagonistic specifically toward the left because most of the whales around here are left leaning, or just not aware that you seem to see all the enemies on one side.

None of your posts that I've seen so far show equal vitriol to all forms of extremism. If you don't understand why someone might jump to the conclusion you're a Trump supporter, then you're really not hearing the tone of your posts.

If you don't understand why someone might jump to the conclusion you're a Trump supporter, then you're really not hearing the tone of your posts.

My 'vitriol' towards the left (not the right) is because the cultural zeitgeist (which is changing), is the current position.
Ergo, this is the one being attacked.

I can't decide for you, how you choose to hear what I say.
I leave that to the readers discernment and intellect.

Your vitriol for the left in your posts precedes the recent change of power, and the election. If you think the left has been in control of everything since before then, well then you really don't see both sides as the same evil, do you?

The left have been in control since 1913 (with a few blips in that timeline).
Central banking is socialism/communism.
(it becomes 'the central means of production', and the redistribution of wealth through coercion, devaluing of currency, and arbitrary interest rates)

I've already stated the 'left' and 'right' paradigms - authoritarianism - are the same thing, so why ask the question , again?

Because when you use the word 'left' but mean 'authoritarian', people are going to keep wondering, 'is this guy on the right?' You consider the Fed to be left wing? It's a private bank FFS. It is run by people with no interest at all in socialism, communism, or any other -ism. My best guess is that they have a hoarding disorder.

You throw words like communism and socialism around like the very idea, or even the word itself, is evil. Do you have any idea about what these ideas are supposed to be?

Communism doesn't imply that a few people at the top take everything and just give what they want to the rest of us, everything is supposed to be divided equally among every person, regardless of their status. Does that sound like the mentality of a Fed chairman? It doesn't fail because it's an inherently flawed or evil idea, it fails because people are too flawed to share equally, even if there is more than enough for everyone.

Socialism wasn't meant to be a central control of everything, it's supposed to simply be production being owned by the workers. There's a lot of reasons why that could be a good idea, and a lot of reasons why it almost never works. At the end of the day, though, the idea itself is just an idea, it's the people attempting it that fail or succeed, make it work for good or evil.

The problem with religion, government, financial constructs, and all this bullshit that we lump into society isn't the basic idea of any of them. The problem that they all share is corruption. Whenever people in authority work to enrich themselves, those people will prosper while others suffer, no matter what your -ism is. This is why democratically chosen (or other 'rule by consent') authorities are so vital to a functional government... if you can't revoke the authority of people who abuse their power, they will quickly ensure that they can only be removed by force.

Personally, I would love to see a day without governments. I don't really think we need them as much as we once did, and if I'm wrong, well, I'm in a pretty good position to become a regional tribal warlord.