
Could also be blunt rage!

Isn't that a potential legal defense?

Yes, I think so, too. Still never worked for me at Home-Court so far, that I can testify under oath.

Home court is the toughest of all to beat and the punishments are the most severe.

You know how it is and young adults are the most ruthless judges, by FAR - no joke.

You know that experiment where they get people to electrocute a stranger by pressing a button? Millennials would demand it be made into an app and have a social movement to make it a legal right that it can be used on anyone who doesn't agree with them.

Imagine School with that technology :D

This was an excellent question. I felt amused the game could incite such emotions unrequited that insults flew. The feeling involved much reflection so, I felt pensive. Do I play to win or play to socialize? I do both; which sometimes come into conflict with each other. Winning ain’t everything.

It sounds like you are emotionally way more centered and calm then you might consider urself to be. Maybe you can't expect random web encounters to be as balanced as you are.

I like your comments a lot. I would do well to remember what you've said here.