
So? Not being funny is not a crime.

Never said it was. But cracking jokes about locking women up and raping them is a bad look when you've been accused of... checks notes... human trafficking and exploitation.

How about the bad look governments get when they accuse you lock you up with no case?

Im more worried about that then a guy who cracks jokes people cant appreciate

But thats me.

You assert the government has no case, but is this accurate? Governments are my enemy, but the enemy of my enemy is not my friend by default. Governments do sometimes enact something resembling justice by necessity to maintain the illusion of legitimacy, after all, and there are bad people who do bad things and then get punished by government enforcers. Is it really justice? No. But does that mean they are innocent? That does not follow.

When Obama cracked jokes about drone-bombing people, the problem wasn't that he was joking, the problem was that he was actually drone-bombing people already. The problem with the Tates joking about imprisoning women isn't that they were joking, the problem is they are allegedly trafficking women.

If I joke about cannibals not eating clowns because "they taste funny," that's one thing. If Jeffrey Dahmer jokes about not eating clowns because "they taste funny," it's suddenly very, very creepy.

Does any of that make sense to you? If not, why not?

The problem... is allegedly even that lawyer who was dissing him said something like im not a big fan of locking people up without a case.

And apparently they are free now? Are they convicted for locking women up? Doesnt that make your comment meaningless?

No, it does not render my comment meaningless in the slightest.


You were buthurt cause he was making jokes about locking women up while years later they were accused of it. Then they are found innocent and you guys are still buthurt.

Which makes ur comment meaningless and now you dont have the balls/brains or too closeminded to admit it.

again LOLZ

If your response to, "I find that in poor taste," is, "LOLZ BUTTHURT," I doubt you are capable of carrying on an adult conversation. Get off the Internet and go touch grass. Oh, and when were they "found innocent," pray tell? And how does any of this render my statements meaningless? After you touch grass, perhaps you should visit the library and read some philosophy.