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RE: Conspiracy Theories Question Marks

The problem is those in power lie so much, get caught so much that it creates a lot of this. Then you have government programs like Cointelpro, Operation Mockingbird, etc.

You see guys pushed to the top of criminal organizations like Whitey Bulger and Sammy the Bull, etc. So much corruption is taking place with so many dirty hands. It usually is about the money, although sometimes more sinister.

I used to report on a group at the southern border who got tired of the human trafficking so patrol and record out there. They are so ridiculed by even so many truthers, yet the shit they find in that desert is chilling. One extreme example was they found crates of emptied out phosphorous warheads in the desert. Those things are banned by the Geneva convention, and our military uses them strictly for practice they say. You saw no coverage in the press on this, it took authorities a whole day to come out to the location even. No questions on who has authority to remove these from a military base with no questions being asked on where they went, nothing.

It seems anymore one has to go to great lengths not to see the schemes that are everywhere.

Where this gets dicey is the lies being thrown around. I suspect that there are many so called truthers who are paid to spread obvious lies to get the majority of people to label all people who question as crazy and throw out the baby with the bathwater.

Then you have wishy washy people who like Paul from the bible try to be all things to all men. I actually saw one woman on the thread you cited by acidyo writing like she thought the conspiracy writers have no ethics, yet she consistently comments on one of the largest truther blogs here (the guy has a lot of stake) as though she is in complete agreement with what he posts, to the point she ridicules those who buy into the mainstream narrative. I found it ironic she was mentioning ethics when depending on who is writing decides where she stands on an issue. I would much rather deal with someone who I disagree with that is open about how they feel on an issue than someone constantly flip flopping. Those are the folks that will sell you out and you never see it coming.

At the end of the day, I doubt anything will change until people put aside the more outrageous claims, put aside the false political poles that demand fighting, and look at all the corruption that can be agreed on, that is easily provable and as a group start demanding accountability. Once those dominoes start falling, the more extreme assertions, if true, should by default become known.