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RE: Technologism - (An Anarchist's Poem) Plus a Deep Dive into How Banks and Governments Perpetuate Poverty

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)

it won't be long till at least some countries will see hyperinflation. Let's just keep printing money guys!

This is certainly a big problem for sure. And I believe that anyone who holds a decent chunk of BTC is hedging against the chaos. Of course, the other scenario is that money disappears completely as a system with increasing mechanisation, but I think that's 100s if not 1000s of years away if we don't destroy ourselves first 😂

I agree, if we all stand up and say: "No, we don't accept this behaviour." Then things will change. People are funny beings. And sometimes we're too self-absorbed to care.

Yes, people are sheeple for the main part... but they sure as hell don't like it pointing out so I don't use that terminology that often, and I'm certainly not using it to refer to you @misslasvegas

Fear is a great motivator, and governments play on it expertly and especially aimed at those people with kids as they obvs have more to fear in wanting to give their kids the freedoms that they never had.

It's all about control and maintaining the illusion that freedom is a commodity that only the rich can have. Hence the American dream get rich, get a fast car, get a condo on the beach all this will make you happy? Nope, it won't. It will help make you less unhappy for a time but only freedom brings true peace.

I have the freedom to write this poem, and there is nothing they can do to stop me 😂 This makes me happy.

I have another similar poem called Moral Mediocrity which I might make a similar video of in the near future.

This is the time when things get so bad, get out of control so much, that we can do two things: Nothing, and be swallowed whole, or stand up, and co-create a new world in which everyone prospers. Then, stick those big gov, bank & corporation fuckers on a rocket-ship, with the Titanic playing on a loop.

I'm with you on that one. Send the money-grubbers and 'farmers of human misery' off into space to hopefully get prodded, probed and experimented on by aliens 😂 See how they like being uncomfortably shafted for once 🤣

Some years ago, I read this book called: "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" by John Perkins.

P.s. I shall look out for that book. Thanks for the recommendation 👍