Big Tech, Coronavirus, and the AI Conspiracy

in Deep Dives4 years ago

 “He who has overcome his fears will truly be free.” ~Aristotle

This video packs a lot of information into 10 minutes. First off, it’s important to understand COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-19 are not necessarily the same thing. COVID-19, or Coronavirus is a spectrum of viruses of a particular type, not a specific pathogen as SARS-CoV-2 is. No test specifically designed to isolate SARS-CoV-2 has ever been designed which is very convenient for those pushing the COVID-19 propaganda which depends on the public’s ignorance to stoke fear and continue the scamdemic.

The test being used tests for non-specific RNA, antigens that could be related to something as simple as a flu shot. At this point it’s more important to be immune from the propaganda than a viral infection with a 99.7% recovery rate because more people are infected by the fear and paranoia,. than the illness itself. The fear created by the “first wave” having worn off, has necessitated a 2nd and perhaps a 3rd wave. The object is to keep the public in a state of perpetual fear. Once the proper level of fear has been established it will allow the powers that be to move on with their plan, the enslavement of mankind.

Fear: The NWO’s Most Potent Weapon

From the time we enter school we are taught how and what to think. Critical thinking skills are discouraged, everyone must think like everyone else or else they are punished with bad grades, social ostracism or both. The educational system has been designed to promote groupthink at least since 1979 when education policy was nationalized under Jimmy Carter establishing the US Dept. of Education which was and is controlled by the NEA, the teacher’s union.

“At school, we were taught to think in certain ways. They taught us what to think, but not how to develop our thinking. And everyone was taught the same. If we thought in different ways than our classmates, teachers would tell us we are bad students. They would give us bad grades and might even expel us from school. Therefore, as students we learned to compromise our thinking so as to get away with trouble.”

“The other hard truth most will not like to hear is that if you are still stuck in the left vs. right paradigm, you still haven’t figured any of it out yet. Left vs. right only exists to give us the illusion of choice.  It’s time to question what we’ve been programmed to think, and it should start there. The fear of not electing the right candidate drives people to polls to vote for evil every year. (The lesser of two evils is still evil.) Politicians are being elected by persuading the masses through the use of fear while journalists influence public opinion by terrorizing people’s minds.”

As long as people are divided by race, religion, social standing, etc. they pose little threat to the powers that wish to control them. But there is something far more sinister than the threat of the scamdemic at play here -- the depopulation agenda and the imposition of an order predicated upon AI. The COVID outbreak was phase one, a test to see what the fear factor would produce. The people behind this agenda are not stupid and they have history to look back upon. One of the lessons learned from the Great Plague and the Black Death was the influence of fear and panic on entire populations. Make no mistake, the first wave was only a test. They have a stockpile of pathogens far deadlier than SARS-CoV-2 waiting to be released.

Having failed to achieve the desired results a 2nd wave is planned to be released in the Fall, just in time for the election. This one will be more virulent and will affect more than the elderly and the infirm. The purpose is to depopulate and force those left into accepting the vaccine that will contain gene editing and nanotechnology. Bill Gates has been working with DARPA and the DoD for years on just such a vaccine.

“In an interview with James Corbett of the Corbett Report, Johnathan Latham discusses The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s disturbing ties to the United States government. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) an agency of the Department of Defense is working closely with Gates’ Foundation to introduce genetic modifications into various species. Oh, and the United Nations is also involved. What could possibly go wrong? All wrapped up, it looks like everyone who wants power now has it and nothing is being done to stop the destruction upon humanity.  The few are dominating the many and most won’t look past their own biases to see what’s really going on.”

In his 2017 article, “Gates Foundation Hired PR Firm to Manipulate UN Over Gene Drives,” Latham describes how Gates, the UN, and DARPA want to manipulate human genetics to get the desired outcome in a child. ‘It allows you to drive populations extinct in the longer term.’”

The outcome will be the constant surveillance of a medical police state, vaccine IDs, and the inability to function in society without one -- a society controlled by AI. The nanotechnology coupled with 5-G will serve a dual purpose; first to serve as a biological ID and second as a killswitch for anyone that doesn’t comply. This is why the vaccine must be made mandatory. Anyone refusing the vaccine will simply be shipped off to a “reeducation camp” for the safety of the public. Once again, the use of fear generated by the MSM will be their most powerful weapon. Think about it, if this was an issue of preserving public health the HCQ protocol, which has proven to be effective, would not be censored and ridiculed by people like Fauci (who once touted its effectiveness) and Big Tech. This is the Big Tech takeover -- the imposition of Technofascism.

Testing: Ramping Up the Fear

In addition to not testing for the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen the tests, as I’ve written numerous times over the past few months, are an effective way to infect people with the virus -- or perhaps the upcoming 2nd wave. 

  • THE STORY:The COVID PCR tests are administered with a 6 inch (15cm) long cotton swab through the nose, which goes to the very back of your throat. Why?

  • THE IMPLICATIONS:The swab touches the sensitive cribriform plate with direct access to your brain. Is there an ulterior design to these tests?

“The COVID tests being rolled out around the world, roughly in line with 1-3-30 plan of the Rockefeller Foundation, are the main focus of this current phase of Operation Coronavirus. The more people tested, the more positive cases recorded, which fuels the official scare narrative and keeps the fear alive to justify yet more tyranny. We need to ask ourselves whether these COVID tests are in fact a clever way to gain secret access to the inside of our bodies, especially our brains.”

“The nasal swabs being used (called nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal) are incredibly long (around 6 inches or 15 cm) which means they reach to the very back of our throats. Is there any medical reason why the swabs must be this length? These particular COVID tests are PCR tests; I have covered in other articles how flawed and unsuitable PCR tests are. Could these COVID tests be used to surreptitiously infect people (with some disease-causing agent), deliver the vaccine (which they claim they are still developing) or even implant people (with nanotechnology such as microchips)?”

Many of these tests are manufactured in China, a country where the Rockefeller Foundation has had a relationship for over a century. Moreover, the tech giants in Silicon Valley have had a close working relationship with China for years -- a way of skirting laws in America to test surveillance technology such as facial recognition software. In addition, many US corporations have equally troublesome relationships with China, as have many state governments as revealed in Sec. of State Pompeo’s address last Feb. There are many conspiring against the interests of the American people -- it looks like we’ve been sold out to the highest bidder… China and the globalists.

Many of these mega-corporations that have been infiltrated by China are the same ones donating huge sums of money to BLM and Antifa.

BLM and The Return of the Weather Underground

On his final day in office Bill Clinton pardoned Susan Rosenberg who had been part of the Weather Underground sentenced to 56 years for her part in an armored car robbery in which several police officers had been killed. She is now part of ActBlue, the fundraising arm of BLM and the Democrat Party. The agenda of BLM/Antifa and the Weathermen is virtually identical -- to destroy America and replace it with a Communist regime tied to the USSR, China, Cuba, etc. Those who resisted or refused to be “reeducated” would be killed.

Many people think that the Weathermen just disappeared after the early 70s, but nothing could be further from the truth. Although indicted for many violent crimes almost none served any serious time. Bill Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn went on to have prominent jobs in higher education, as did several others. Ayers’ father Thomas was a powerbroker in the Chicago Democratic political machine, and mentored Barack Obama. Several others went on to become members of the law firm Sidley-Austin-Green.

Since at least the 1990s, the Weathermen have steered Democrat politics. What we now consider the “mainstream Democrats,” Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, are all products of the Weathermen ideology. It was the left-wing of the party that created BLM to carry on the Weathermen’s agenda. This video provides a great insight into this group and their connection to mainstream politics. They were not just an unorganized group of radicals but part of something much larger.

And now their plan has come to fruition. Elements within the educational infrastructure, corporate America, and government have been working hand in hand with China to overthrow America from the inside, Blm/Antifa are tools just as the Weathermen were back in the 70s. The Weathermen are not gone, they’ve just grown up and now they inhabit corporate boardrooms, the halls of government, academia and the educational infrastructure -- positions of power, and they’re working hand in hand with China and the globalists to overthrow America. These are people without ethics or a moral compass, they will stop at nothing to achieve their agenda. This is the war of good vs. evil, not left vs right, white vs black, or any of the other divisions thrown our way.

Part of the plan is the destruction of America’s small businesses, something they are close to accomplishing. Small businesses are the backbone of America and their destruction was necessary to break the American spirit. Those not closed by the scamdemic are being looted and burned by the “peaceful protesters.” This is part of the plan, many will never reopen. Food prices are skyrocketing, also part of the plan.

“We’re talking about tens of millions of Americans becoming homeless before the end of this year. Mass starvation as food inflation reaches new, insane levels. Explosions in crime across U.S. cities where woketard Democrats have worked to abolish or defund police, which is already leading to record increases in rapes, murders and other violent crimes. (Democrats have become the pro-crime political party, and they all endorse left-wing terrorists like Antifa. If you vote Democrat this year, you are voting for rapists, arsonists, terrorists and murderers.)”

“If you have failed to prepare for the chaos explosion that’s coming, you have now reached the end of the window of opportunity to get ready. There will be no more advanced warnings and no pauses. The sh#t is already hitting the fan right now, with each passing day that the lunatic Left pushes for civil war in the streets of Portland, for example, where even the woketard left-leaning mayor is now pleading with terrorists to stop trying to “murder” police officers by burning down their buildings.”

Problem- Reaction- Solution. Soon Americans will be begging for help, those that didn’t see this coming and prepare. They will gladly take the vaccine, along with the death and tyranny that accompany it. In Germany people are fighting back, while in America people sit smugly at their keyboards believing that President Trump will save the day after he’s reelected. The damage is already done. It doesn’t matter how much money is printed to bail us out… it will all go to corporations who won’t use it to hire people but to feather their own nests. How many small businesses and jobs were saved with the first bailout? Very few, the money all went to corporations, planned parenthood, and other Democrat pet projects that kicked back millions like the Kennedy Center.

I think the Titanic is a good analogy here. The rich have robbed the other passengers (us) and taken the lifeboats. The only to save yourselves is to comply with them or drown. There is one other option -- fight, but it seems that nobody has been inconvenienced enough yet. They will use this virus to enslave the world but nobody will fight to stop them… why?


Here in Denver, I am so glad that I saw this coming a long, long time ago...although I admit I never saw a fake virus as the tool to destroy humanity, I am definitely less than prepared for this but am well on my way to remedying the situation (stocking shit loads of non-perishable foods, clean water) and preparing to move into the mountains and out of the city...hopefully before its too late. Denver is of course now a left leaning city and as you pointed out it is completely destroyed. Half the commercial spaces are now empty, downtown is nothing but a tent town with mask-wearing hipsters roaming the streets oblivious to what’s going on...

I hope I can fit in the prepping window and get out into the rural areas before the mandatory vaccine punches through...just give me some land where I can grow my own food and become self sufficient and I’ll be home least for now...

I lived there in 85-86, it was a pretty whacked out place then. My girlfriend was a shrink, that made it even worse. When the SHTF for real, cities will be a bad place to be unless you're well armed and organized. I live in Arkansas, we haven't seen any of the craziness yet. I started stocking about 5 years ago and we have enough food and water for at least 5 years, thousands of rounds of ammo. We have a "neighborhood watch" a group of neighbors (around 15) that we can trust. It's time to organize, we're running out of time.

From CDC.GOV - Look at table 1 and focus specifically on "DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES" - notice how before COVID-19(84) it averaged close to 60,000 per week, goes up to the 70,000 range for about 6 weeks and then (May 23rd, 2020) drops down to the 60,000 range again and remains below 60,000. The week of July 25th 2020 is only 44,290 (data as of August 7th, 2020). FROM CDC.GOV -

The CDC is less than reliable. Glaringly missing from their statistics are deaths specifically FROM COVID-19. What they are counting is people who died with the virus but from other causes such as pneumonia, influenza and automobile accidents. Like I said in the article, there are no tests for SARS-CoV-2, only tests for RNA-based antigens.

I agree with you 100%. No reliable data SPECIFICALLY ISOLATING COVID-19(84).

That's why the only reliable number is "DEATHS FROM ALL CAUSES".

That number is impossible to "misdiagnose".

Dead is Dead.

LOL Well said!

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

You have done a great job putting this all together! Especially, the illusion of left vs right when in reality both wings belong to the same bird.

Instead of being divided, unite! Instead of letting hate rule, use love, and the day will be bright! Together - we can win this fight!

Thank you! You're right... love is the answer. The haters are few but powerful and well funded. They have the media and the government. What they fear most is for all of us to come together. This is a good read...