
These rabbit holes are often where I spend my nights after drinking too much coffee. You can go deeper and deeper but I don't think it's possible to reach the bottom. Anyway - it's still only reasonable thing to do - question everything. As for 9-11, it was clearly not a terrorist attack.

I think if you can accept the fact that the government allowed Pearl Harbor to happen (which, the facts are there) then it isn't too far of a stretch to think there was some form of conspiracy behind 9/11 as well. As humans I think it is hard wired into us to search for the truth. People may fight that urge, but I think it is always there.

It took me a while to watch all these videos, but it was worth it. If all this is true, I can't believe how innocent and naive we have been and the Machiavellian mind behind many things. I'm usually a person who tries to live up to the "think badly and you'll be right" motto.I remember last year there was a lot of controversy over a report questioning the role of the CIA in 9/11. I don't remember the whole story right now, but I do remember that it had to do with the CIA's deliberations on the reluctance to believe that Bin Laden would initiate a conflict with the United States. In my country, for example, when it came to Chavez's illness and death, it was said that he had been inoculated with a canker. Some people close to him blamed the United States, others blamed Cuba. They said that he was a leader who should be taken out of the way because he could "embarrass the world". Whether it is true or not, I would like to think that many of the tragedies we are experiencing are consequences of our actions, both group and individual. For example, Chavez did so much damage, that the universe could not stay with its arms crossed. As in that last quote from Paloma Blanca Cuervo, I believe that only we can save ourselves and when we make a clear change, we can survive. I once read that over the years the birds that live in cities have learned to chirp louder because of the noise. I bet we don't lose our good nature, just reassert it. A change from the inside out. Well, April's starting. Greetings, @rok-sivante

I just posted this 2 hours ago... there's MANY hours worth of video... and you watched them all...? 🤔