Medical Emergency in Covid - 19 time

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Covid-19 reality - people are no longer fearful


Three days back we had am emergency situation. My mother was in critical condition and was brought to hospital, to the emergency department. Till now, we were trying to maintain as much social distancing as possible, but given the situation, we had to step out , and had to go through the hospital protocols, even though we were thinking going to hospital is the biggest risk. She was kept in the emergency the entire night and then shifted to ICU. Her BP was very low and she was not conscious, for two days. What caused this was even not known to us, so we had to abide by what the doctors advised - did all sort of tests, scans and found some infection in the lungs. A simple X-ray could have found out that - but instead they did all sort of CT scans. We were just watching helplessly. Thankfully, Covid-19 was negative, so that gave us a little respite. But the bills are going to pinch for sure - almost 25 - 30k a day.




Based on my experience of these three days, I felt, people are no longer fearful of Covid-19. Most people visiting the hospital even don't bother to maintain proper social distancing and the hospital can barely insist given the crowd is not small. And the outside was even more interesting. All road side foods are open - of course you can't eat with a mask - so for some time, they just forget about Covid may be.🙂



While the government is in full preparation and running dry runs of Covid-19 vaccine, I wonder, do we really need it ? If the mass is roaming without fear , eating outside, have we developed herd immunity ? Sometimes I feel, Covid-19 vaccine is also a business agenda, only time will tell, what are the consequence of the vaccine even though the govt is insisting they are very safe.

Thankfully my mother has recovered and they are planning to shift her to wards today. But we will have to keep watching ourselves for any possible Covid-19 symptoms. Who knows one of these may be waiting for us ?



You can't live with fear - in the ICU I came to know about a patient whose case is so unfortunate - some sort of insect bite has caused infection to her eyes - they have taken one eye completely out - now the second is also infected. She is barely moving and in very critical condition. In life, such unprecedented events can change everything you plan - no matter how rich you are or how powerful you are.

And the amount of money being charged by these hospitals will drain you like anything, if you do not have insurance. Though I have an insurance, unfortunately, I will have to pay all the bills and claim later, because this hospital is not in the list of network hospitals. Interestingly, I came to know today, that, if you pay, then the charges are higher than insurance rates. And the reason - business. The insurance companies give them more business, but a common man would barely go many times. So he will be charged more.

This is the era where we live - the govt hospitals do not have good facility - the government gives land to these private players - and they loot the public like anything. Healthcare and Education are the most basic need of everyone, but these are the two areas where the private players loot like anything. Hurts ?


That’s unfortunate sorry to hear about your mother!

The brand new technology behind the shot is dangerous to be used on such a large scale with minimal testing and additionally minimal scrutiny. Everything is chocked up to be necessary. How is that science? It’s politics and money now, though I don’t know if it’s ever not been about that.

The cost of it is atrocious, charging you more since you are paying instead of the opposite. To get reimbursed from the company is probably going to be a big headache as well, ugh!

@tipu curate, hopefully, I'm glad your mother has recovered, the condition in Nigeria is even as worse or more than worse.

Great the read your mother is doing better.

Private and Public Healthcare: I'm not a big believer in the mix of public and private hospitals. Your story and experiences are not that much different to eg the USA. Also a country with a mix of private and public healthcare. Also, a country where insurance is optional. Fortunately in the country, I live in (the Netherlands), all hospitals are public and of super quality. Healthcare insurance is provided by the state, ie everybody is insured. All citizens have to pay a set amount for the base coverage and can order extra optional packages providing an even higher level of security (but this is everything one doesn't necessarily need).

Covid: I think people getting tired of covid. But that doesn't mean its gone. I do wonder if you already reached hurt immunity. Apparently, this requires high numbers, like 70 or 80% of the population. I suppose India has a more warm climate to my country. That is good to not have too much covid virus going around. In my country, in the summer, they removed much of the rules, not causing to much spread. But then came winter (we are at the start of the winter). After a few rounds of more measurements, we are now in a hard lockdown. Today they announced an evening clock and they think this may be in place till the end of winter. Months ago, when the government wanted to relax the rules around eg Xmas, I was already saying: "What do they think? Usually, the Flu season is from December till February/March? Don't you think these same months will be heaven for covid?" Not so many believed me, but I suppose, in hindsight, they have to believe me. It's just common sense. In the UK they had to lock up the country for 100%... A variant of covid is going around the UK which is much easier to transmit and their hospitals are overcrowded because of that. The UK covid variant is now entering my country as well. And what about the South African variant? Apparently similar to the Uk variant. Though I'm not in favour of vaccines, we may need them to make sure our hospitals can deal with the number of patients they have to treat, whilst we can unlock our societies to a level we can more or less live again.

In the meantime, njoy as much as possible :)

Fortunately in the country, all hospitals are public and of super quality.

May be we should go there, how flexible is the country for immigration ?

Flexibility is not so great these days, though when getting a job in my country you are allowed to come and live here as well. Not too difficult. When in IT, no problems to find a job. When in software development, also no problem. When millionair, also not a problem 🙃

Point me to some job sites 😀 You can view my profile in linkedin mentioned in my hive profile.

LinkedIn is the best place to look for jobs in IT, Software development.

A stratgey could be: Get a job at an international India based company and then transfer to a Dutch office, or any other European office... One large compnay that comes to mind, is Cognizant. Or get a job with an international based company (Europe, USA) with offices all over the world, and then transfer to a European office. These can be anything, from all the big players in consulting to cloud and IT.

But, also applying directly to a position in Netherlands, is possible as well. As menionted already: LinkedIn is the best place to discover relevant positions and get the job applications started.

You shall know, many of the European countries are kinda the same wrt dealings with healthcare and health insurrances.

sorry to hear about your mother dear and she had to go with so much trouble. will our country ever make things easy for the citizens or not. while taking tax they don't think that they need to first provide these basic facilities like education and hospitalization for free.. Just taking out all the money from the middle-class people is their strategy. take care dear.

Forget about free - they even don't care to monitor how much these hospitals can charge and their quality of service.

It's sad, people pay taxes all their lives and in old age they do not even get covered up for basic medical facilities like most of the countries do. Our guys only want to squeeze money out of us.

Sir, I understood after your post, first of all thank you to the creator that your mother has recovered, and there is no point in talking about the government, because many people are doing business in COVID-19 center. Thank you sir for the beautiful post. 🙏

You are right that many people in India are not in fear of covid and they also don't follow social distancing. Glad that your mother is recovered now. Govt also does not seem to care a lot about it these days.

Very unfortunate situation. Going to hospital has become a nightmare.
Good to know she has recovered and doing well. Hope you get the claims from your insurance 👍

Really saddened! hope she is better now!
I still remember, when my mom said, in any situation don't take me to the hospital, just get the best possible advise only from the family doctor! Though she was COPD patient and knew that it would remain as long as she is alive and therefore feared the unnecessary hassles and the never ending tiresome hospital processes that drain out every single last drop of blood and empty your pockets...yet there are helpless people who have to go and be the victims of this absolutely nerve wreaking and arduous process to get the treatment. Some get simply lucky to come out of it with results and some just succumb.
Covid-19 has added a lot more pain to this process, but some just say it more of the "Fear" than the actual reality, since Indians have better immunity than the west. Though, I too do see that the Covid-19 fear has almost faded away and general public getting back to their normal lives. But Hospitals continue to make quick buck! Alas !!! The apathy of Medical profession towards a commoner !

But Hospitals continue to make quick buck

That is what hurts me most - so pathetic governance. And she is better now, and shifted to a private room. For the first time, in my life, they told me they would charge extra to provide blankets/towels to the attendant 😃 even though they charge 5.5k per day for the room.

OMG! That's absolutely ridiculous! charging for blankets/towels...thats pretty clever move, since they are playing on fear factor with Covid-19, they want to provide you with extra special service at an extra cost and you wont be able to deny, in any case ! God help all of us!

First of all it is good to know your Mom is stable now. I was wondering that you have not been around what possibly could be the reason.
The hospital thing is really a mess in these covid times, For My husband treatment in a span of 6 months we had to spend 30 Lakhs on hospitals and other medicines and all separate and the Mediclaim guys said that autoimmune is not covered in the reimbursement, but then we fought and took his case higher up as there was no such clause of autoimmune exclusion, and finally after 10 months they paid.
I guess people are too fed up now and many have already gone through it as a normal cold and flu or seen people around them so they have stopped bothering much and also people are thinking of their livelihoods, If they do not carry on with their work what will they eat. The Vaccines are surely a big time profit making business.
Please do take care of yourself and Mom. Wishing her speedy recovery

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