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RE: ok, aliens exists.. now what?

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Is this new though? I feel like they admitted it 3 or 4 years ago. It is insane that there hasn't been more discussion around it though.

But wouldn't that be an interesting turn of events...we learn that we are not alone and then go thousands of years without contact or any other hints besides a few sightings and maybe some wreckage that finally gets exposed.


yeah it was admitted by some but not the pentagon i think.. i remember watching a HUGE disclosure 20 years ago.. i shared it then but no one cared..

im very curious where this one goes.. id personally be over the moon if the aliens come and help us out a bit!

I like to think they are waiting to see if we can reach a certain level of advancement and will reveal themselves when we are ready. Hopefully they won't require all of us to be ready 😂 that might take another million years and a few civilizations