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RE: No True Scotsman

in Deep Dives4 years ago

I have done this in the past.

I don’t disagree that Peterson may be committing a logical fallacy. However, experience has taught me to distrust sound bites and pieced together videos. They are often misleading and lacking in context that would explain why a conversation took that turn. It is common to take people out of context to prove a point using their own words to mean something different or contrary.

I’d be more likely to agree if I watched the full interviews to see what came prior and after the assertions.


However, experience has taught me to distrust sound bites and pieced together videos.

And rightfully so; always inform yourself about people's convictions before blindly accepting the opinions expressed in these pieced together videos. However, I've seen hour after hour of Jordan's speeches, interviews and debates; the man is an inexcusable hack and grifter. His entire claim to fame, the ill-based criticism of the C-19 addendum to the Canadian Human Rights Act was a blatant lie to begin with...

I've watched many of the same videos and have come to see that he is often attacked by taking pieces of what he said or wrote in his book and twisting it to say something grotesquely different.

For example, the lobsters. His claim is that there is biological evidence that evolution has ingrained hierarchy in creatures further down the evolutionary ladder. It is reasonable to expect that people might have some of that ingrained hierarchical tendency too.

Interviewer: You're saying people aren't any smarter than lobsters?

Peterson: I said no such thing. blah blah blah

That's how most of his interviews go.

I do admit that I don't watch his (or most videos) with a logic filter in place. I took logic many years ago and am unpracticed in the art. It only led me to frustration and disappointment as the world generally operates on ego and confirmation bias.

However, I have learned not to take things at face value. I've been burned too many times by accepting what other people tell me without confirming. I've also burned myself several times by jumping to conclusions without verifying what I thought I saw.

Life is less frustrating and requires eating less crow. I haven't much fight left in me. I'm outnumbered and can't even count on what I thought I knew.

I really appreciate you responding in such a clear and honest way my friend :-) And I'm sorry that you seem to be kind of lost when you say:

Life is less frustrating and requires eating less crow. I haven't much fight left in me. I'm outnumbered and can't even count on what I thought I knew.

Don't get me wrong, this is not to diminish or denigrate yourself or your opinions in any way. It just saddens me to hear people are increasingly derailed by the nihilism, fake news and disinformation so prevalent in our age, and indeed don't know what or who to believe anymore. I myself have those spells as well, and as a real life Marxist / communist / socialist I know what it means to be outnumbered...

All I can say is I hope you find a way for yourself to hang on and not give up, whatever your convictions.

Stay well!

No, don’t worry about me. I really am happier. It’s the whole business of having the courage to change the things I can, accept the things I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference.

I suppose it could be mistaken for nihilism not having fight left. It’s more along the lines of not fighting everything. There are things in my life that I can influence directly with some gumption and passion. I can make a bigger difference in my community and to the people I care about than I can to the world. It will be more meaningful too.

I once worked with a guy who had been married 5 times. His attitude was that he wasn’t going to get bent out of shape over a woman. “They make more every day.”

Mom would get frustrated with stupid people. She would say, “los hacen de montón “. That means, “they make them in bunches.”

Tangentially, I came to realize there’s not enough of me to go around. Most people don’t care. Many won’t change their minds. Many already agree. But, there’s a handful of people who can use a friend, a kind word, or even a friendly kick in the pants to get them going in the right direction. It’s just my focus that has changed. It’s more fulfilling.

That's a beautiful attitude you display here, I respect that a bunch. And I'm glad pessimistic little me had it all wrong :-)