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RE: Supporter Video | News roundup

About what happened in new zealand - everyone is pretty much like that, mostly right along blue collar / and others etc., lines - so if you work a job outside a council office etc., you can't talk to anyone about anything because its like talking to some woke-clone version from invasion of the body snatchers - truly, it is - and they get really angry when you bring anything up to the point where violence at someone is some type of social currency - that person who poured who knows what on that lady who came to speak, she has a picture of her with the prime-minster and everyone was cheering her on in the media - so the narrative is a woman wanted to speak on something, women's right, and was assaulted by a mob, and the lone woman is the bad person - that was the media summery here - the debate at this point is - from the media - "should she even be allowed in the country because she is a nazi" - that, my friend, is the level of discord in new zealand - that is how far new zealand is gone - I remember when I five years old, back in like 82 or something, they were already teaching climate change here -

About decentralised means of production - I do have hopes on the AI - and what people can do when they have that kind of power in their hands - once we don't have to reply on "the man" or management, anymore then it will really change things. It all came down to the schools - they were the problem, whereas they were easy to corrupt and program - my greatest hopes are for AI to give the future humans the ability to educate themselves in ways free from control. I have faith that that should lead to a vibrant and peaceful society. Hopefully.