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RE: Supporter Video | News roundup

H. sapiens are a domesticated barnyard species just as much as all of the examples you posted pics of. However, domesticability is a heritable trait, and intensive breeding for domestication hasn't been undertaken for humans as it has for animals we eat, so non-domesticated people still exist.

Significant societal pressure is bearing on the genes of folks like you and me, that aren't easily domesticated.

That horrible spectacle of deranged advocates of sexual mutilation and sterilization attacking rational discussion of essential human nature and society supporting it saddened me. However, since it was in NZ, I cannot even imagine how much more it affected you.

Switzerland is lately degrading it's national government, concurrently with the plandemic, eroding the rights of it's citizens through electoral fraud, just as across the West. The collapse of Credit Suisse is symptomatic of that degradation.

Brett Weinstein is absolutely right about that degradation being intentional, however he is being dragged to such realizations against his nature, compelled by his reason to abandon his natural propensity to domestication. He fails to address that it is rank corruption and electoral frauud that has been criminally responsible for the simultaneous destruction of civil society and increasing the power of totalitarian barbarism imposed by vile psychopathic banksters, exemplified by the WEF.

It is the susceptibility of institutions to corruption that most compels reasonable opposition to delegation of rights and authority to institutions of every kind. It is the advent of decentralized means of production that dramatically increase the productivity of folks using them that reveals the inevitability of the demise of institutional power. Because failing to adapt to changing environmental conditions renders people subject to corrupt overlords, failing to adopt emerging technology and secure our economic and societal necessities will cause evolution to eliminate such failures from the human genepool.

Survivors will not survive automatically, but will survive our challenges because we are competent to surmount every impediment and hazard Malthusian genocidal psychopaths afflict us with. In the fullness of time, that will result in free and prosperous people developing Space Age technology beyond terrestrial habitat, where our posterity will create inconceivable prosperity in absolute freedom.

That certain eventuality is my intention and purpose, insofar as I am able to myself determine it.



About what happened in new zealand - everyone is pretty much like that, mostly right along blue collar / and others etc., lines - so if you work a job outside a council office etc., you can't talk to anyone about anything because its like talking to some woke-clone version from invasion of the body snatchers - truly, it is - and they get really angry when you bring anything up to the point where violence at someone is some type of social currency - that person who poured who knows what on that lady who came to speak, she has a picture of her with the prime-minster and everyone was cheering her on in the media - so the narrative is a woman wanted to speak on something, women's right, and was assaulted by a mob, and the lone woman is the bad person - that was the media summery here - the debate at this point is - from the media - "should she even be allowed in the country because she is a nazi" - that, my friend, is the level of discord in new zealand - that is how far new zealand is gone - I remember when I five years old, back in like 82 or something, they were already teaching climate change here -

About decentralised means of production - I do have hopes on the AI - and what people can do when they have that kind of power in their hands - once we don't have to reply on "the man" or management, anymore then it will really change things. It all came down to the schools - they were the problem, whereas they were easy to corrupt and program - my greatest hopes are for AI to give the future humans the ability to educate themselves in ways free from control. I have faith that that should lead to a vibrant and peaceful society. Hopefully.
