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RE: Psychotic Tate Brothers Idolise A Man Who Kept His Daughter in a Dungeon, Raping Her for 25 Years!

in Deep Dives10 months ago

Are you aware according to Tristian they stop doing that.

They are habitual liars, which has been exposed by their own words over and over again - plus testimonies - which is why the court documents go all the way up to 2022.

This video is Andrew confirming this and you can see him contradicting himself. There are other videos, including ones of Tristan, doing the same thing:

They were not teaching they were joking. Bunch of young guys looks like years ago who were fooling around on camera.

I don't have the full context of that video, but as I alluded to in the post, if I were to give them the benefit of the doubt - that they were joking for some reason - I would at least expect to get a sense of something funny about what they are saying and at least a vague hint of a facial expression that they are being sarcastic. None of that is present. If they are joking then it is very unfortunate for them that the charges that they are facing (10+ years in jail each) point to them being exactly the kinds of people who would say these things and seriously mean them.

I suggest watching the longer video I shared in my first post if you haven't already - and it seems you haven't.