Vaccinating the Mind Viruses of Mass Mind Control - The Only Cure Is Care.

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)

The final frontier of human experience is not atomic, not AI, not on Mars - it is within our own consciousness and the only way we can enter that realm is with an increased level of awareness and internal reflection. Without this we are zombies and puppets at best.

Almost everyone can agree that when we look at governments in many nations and examine their behaviour, we can easily find a wide variety of criminal and unethical behaviour being perpetrated by 'leaders' and their cronies. My regular readers will know that I am 100% clear that the evil involved is both vast and deliberately planned/intended in most cases.

While this side of the situation is somewhat obvious and while we can also hear/see the mainstream media facilitating this evil day in and day out in a variety of ways, there are other more insidious patterns involved that are not so obvious. It is very common for the largest media networks in nations to be covertly corporately controlled and/or mouthpieces for the government of the day, often spreading lies that further the power goals of politicians and their owners, while deleting important truth that doesn't serve those goals. The strategies used by politicians and media agents range from obvious to very well hidden and this is what I want to point to today.

Growing up I knew this was all going on (even aged 7 or 8) partially because I was related to a 'Lord' in the UK house of Lords. I also watched a lot of documentaries on TV about history and World War 2 in particular. I never had any trust for political power systems because they have proven over and over again for a very long time that the worst evils in the world tend to begin within them. I always thought, though, that I was too intelligent to get caught up in their mind control. However, I was mistaken.

It took me 20 years as an adult to uncover some of the most insidious patterns that are covertly used in news and media broadcasts to subtly warp our perception in ways that result in us losing power and others effectively stealing it by default. I don't claim to know all of the tricks being used, even now - but I know far more than most people I've ever met and I want to change that by sharing what I can see.

Today I heard a news report on 'GB News' which grabbed my attention for a reason that most people would never consider. GB News is a relatively new news network that was sold as a kind of rebellious and anti establishment news platform, but in reality has turned into yet another carbon copy of the other networks. Partially, this inability to genuinely evolve the narratives being broadcast is by design, but also it is because the presenters and other team members are heavily mind controlled themselves and have not done the work necessary to undo the programming they received as children and right through their lives.

The presenter was discussing the damage done to children due to COVID19 lockdowns and how the closure of schools didn't actually slow down the viral spread anyway - so the government's policy did nothing but harm children. On the surface, this gives the impression of being 'counter narrative' since the channel seemed to be challenging the government and their policies. There was something subtle involved though that was actually reinforcing dis-empowering mind control and that is what I want to highlight here.

The presenter said words to the effect of "What WE have done here is to harm children", as if it was everyone in Britain who participated in the process of shutting schools and pushing the government's COVID policies. In reality this is very far from the truth and many people such as myself were saying right from the start that the control policies were counter productive and likely to cause unnecessary harm/death. So, no, 'WE', did not do this to children - it was the government, the school system and many other members of the population that were responsible for this and not 'everyone'.

There are several subtle things happening here:

  • The news reporter is subtly programming the audience with a 'norm' which says that what governments do is actually what the population does. This gives the false impression that governments carry out the will of the people, when they mostly never do.
  • She also framed the situation as if there weren't dissenting voices who disagreed with the policies in question and that everyone agrees on important topics, which is simply not true.
  • The worst part here is that the audience's blame and emotions are subtly being redirected back to themselves, distracting away from the reality that specific people in governments and other organisations are the ones who harmed the children. This has an effect of redirecting the energy within people that might have taken action to solve the problem on a grand scale and framing it in a way that disables it in many people. It also weakens people internally because they begin to feel blamed for something they didn't do and which they can do little about. Such energetic manipulation actually serves the criminals who made the decisions in government as it weakens the population and serves to add the weight of the psychological and emotional blocks they have to taking real action to cause real change.

None of this would matter if everyone were fully conscious beings, but they are not. In truth, many people are so unconscious and semi-conscious that they are highly susceptible to suggestion and hypnotic programming. We can see this from Derren Brown's TV shows, among many other sources, where he has many times demonstrated how easy it often is to implant subliminal messages in people's minds in ways that almost no-one notices, which then affect their behaviour and choices.

So if beliefs and views are subtly reinforced without ever being highlighted, in mass media broadcasts, they have the effect of potentially dumbing down and warping public perception drastically. This is the reality of where many societies are today. Instead of mass media being a powerful way to expand minds and educate, it has largely become a way of transmitting harmful mind viruses.

In the broadcast today, in less than one second of time, the use of the word 'we' managed to feed into perpetuating a hugely disempowering view of our problems and how the problems can be fixed. We need to understand that, yes, we are one - we are a unity (of sorts) but we are also all individuals and when a sub group of the population makes bad decisions (and tries to force them onto everyone else), it is not the fault of EVERYONE.

Differentiation is key.

All that would have been necessary to convert a problematic use of language and concepts in this broadcast into an empowering, helpful equivalent, would be to highlight that the policies in question were only possible due to centralised power systems and the mass conformity that makes them possible. The solution to such problems must include decentralisation and in turn, this requires differentiation which respects individuality and understands that we all have our own destiny paths and free will.

The reality is that most people are so hideously brainwashed and trapped in patterns of conformity, that even those who think they are breaking free are really often just acting as another cog in the wheels of a machine of global enslavement. We need to be EXTREMELY careful with our thoughts and assess their capacity to either aid or harm us before we open our mouths and communicate with others. Essentially, we are all infected with mental viruses and the only cure is our own care for ourselves and each other.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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So true!

On an almost daily basis I find myself correcting people around me when they say "because of covid"

Inflation (because of covid)

Mental health (because of covid)

Small businesses closing (because of covid)

After pointing out to them that it's because of government policies combined with mass media mind control and nothing to do with covid you can see their world turn upside down for about 30 seconds before they reject the idea and retreat back into their comfort zones.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't GB news funded by Rupert Murdoch?

I've always seen gb news and similar shows as a way of controlling both sides of the argument, once they eliminate alternative media with the online safety Bill, shows like gb news will become just another BBC. "trusted news network"

Another thought provoking post @ura-soul 👍

Hey Mark, yes, we easily get caught up in a loss of detail and depth as we think and speak. Usually there's a root cause which involves our own use of convenient mental shortcuts but these themselves can usually be found to be motivated by our own avoidance of certain feelings we don't like. Our mind might think 'I can just say that x problem is caused by Covid, without having to go into all the details and it will be easier/quicker', but in truth we are also subtly doing this to avoid going in to feelings that feel difficult or challenging. At the same time there are the advanced manipulators in society mapping all of this out and continuously exploiting our own failures of cognition.

I fully recognise what you are pointing to in people's denial mechanisms. I like to keep an eye on people's pupils (in their own eyes) as I am having these kinds of conversations, as you can literally watch them change shape as the denial kicks in.

Yes, it does seem that GBNews is part funded by Murdoch's group that funds Fox News. Both of these channels have a strategy of trying to seem rebellious and 'truthy' without ever actually delivering on that!

I think the only solution to all of this that genuinely can help humanity is decentralisation of information and communication. We will have to go through the current phase of working out how to do that for a while. We don't really need 'citizen journalists' to mimic the old ways in order to gain respect - we need people to evolve new ways that fit in with the coming paradigm of personal empowerment.

A lot of us in the anarchist sphere of thought have started poking fun at the nationalist "we" by saying things like, "Got a mouse in your pocket there?" That unthinking collectivism is especially prevalent in societies that have been taught that democracy is a virtue, and governments actually represent the people.

Britain in particular has a long history of propaganda. Prof CJ (officially retired from teaching a few days ago) has a long Dangerous History Podcast episode on their World War I campaign against the US. You might find it interesting.

Hehe, well there are many ways to poke fun at it all since the patterns are so unthinking and actually disrespectful - plus dangerous. Larken Rose's movie about the Jones plantation should be great on this topic in general.

Thanks for the link, that's not a topic I have heard much about in the commentaries of WW1, though I am well aware that for the last 50 years one of the primary drivers of world politics has been a covert trans-Atlantic group that has bases in Britain and the US. Britain and US (plus Europe and many other places) have long understood that pushing people around is most effectively done from their inside by warping their mind - rather than trying to use physical force. The soul-utions arise from exploring the same realms but with the very different intents to heal, balance and evolve.

I consider separation and polarization due to different ideologies as meaningless. As I grow older I notice that most of the time it is cultivated continuously! Stereotypes, ostentatiousness, low-level education, materialism, reinforce isolation more! Our potential and the only way to salvation of the peoples is unity and common struggle! General concepts but life is very simple... and I still hope

Would you prefer if I used the equally-ambiguous "some" instead of "a lot"? I also used the collective pronoun "us" because there are in fact numerous like-minded people who are using this tactic to point out this error. In case you overlooked it, I specified the nationalist "we." The one where people unthinkingly associate themselves as members of the political class. I don't know about you, but I'm not part of that plundering gang of thieves. The word "we" does not apply, even though I do benefit to an extent. It's one of the things which deeply bothers me about being a librarian. Government has monopolized a valuable service and perverted it by tying it to their systemic extortion.

"Government." There's an interesting collective pronoun. Like the nationalist we, it is presented as something to which we belong despite the absence of any evidence for consent. It is a word used as shorthand for the people who live by political plunder instead of economic production and mutual voluntary consent. Yet every election cycle, we (as in anyone who hears anything from government propagandists) are told the government is "us," and our votes are our voice. This baseless assertion is taught to all of us, and widely accepted as an article of faith in the religion of democracy, even though it is just the false choice and bandwagon fallacies wrapped in flags.

I rather like the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights because those documents tell the government, "no." The Constitution, to paraphrase Lysander Spooner, is neither contract nor compact, and has no legitimate authority over us. It is unfit to exist. If all you have are insults, perhaps you need more self-examination and rational argumentation.

You spent several replies spewing invective and failing to make any case for anything. You continue to deliberately misrepresent my actual clearly-stated argument regarding the nationalist "we." Government is not society. Rejection of the State is not rejection of cooperation, quite the opposite in fact. You make a big deal about "Nation," but what is it? We have diverse cultures, regional traditions, and local customs. There is no homogeneous whole, just a territorial claim made by a political class of plunderers. Your arguments beg the question by assuming this is all legitimate.

The founding fathers were not infallible. Hell, they compromised on the matter of slavery. They thought taxation was only a problem due to the absence of "representation." Well, now we have "representation," and the taxation is far more oppressive than anything King George could have imagined. There is nothing voluntary or consensual about any of it. As Spooner clearly argued, there can be no real representation in a system of secret ballots. There is no agent/principal relationship whatsoever. Voters are usurpers when they claim to speak for their neighbors. It's a farce.

And then there's your classic ergo decedo. "Go fuck off where you don't despise what everyone else does, thinks (despite your notion) and says." This dodges criticism in a cowardly manner. Address the argument. Don't attack the person making it. Act like a civilized human being.

 2 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

How do you personally avoid paying taxes and are not in prison yet?
I have read a book about it (forgot its name) where it's suggested how to do it, but I didn't understand the technical terms, it was in English and I was not able to make a proper translation.

You see, advertising as marketing and anthropologist propaganda has always been there. CIA itself is known by using some of the methods that we can see on publitiy back in the 60's with its infamous MK Ultra "Top Secret" program. That didn't come well at all, but as you can see by now, we been bombing with all that since decades ago. Good job, my friend!

Thanks. As terrifying and tragic as MKUltra was/is, the worst is yet to come in that these programs are intended to lay the groundwork for later programming with layer upon layer of dysfunction and error being inserted to disrupt and control populations. When mental illness is normalised and even praised, the mass of people can become so disoriented away from absolute truth that they are incapable of recovery.

thanks god people become more smart)


This is an insightful take on the subtleties of controlled opposition, which uses a false dichotomy to monopolize and gate keep the "official" narrative as well as its seeming opponents. Thanks for sharing.

Spot on. Same here in the USA. I about vomit every time a leftist talks about "our children." NOT YOUR children, government thugs. I bore them, lost sleep over them, nursed them, educated them, protected them--all while the government tried to co-opt them and turn them into little obedient slaves to the state.

Well, for me, the left and right paradigm itself is another major mind control program that is used to divide, weaken and conquer. I avoid using left and right wing as labels and concepts since they lack the necessary meaning and introduce confusion and distract away from reality. That being said, the government agents and political groups who are often labelled as right wing are just as caught up in the mind control and power theft as anyone in the imaginary left.

I actually distinguish between the pro-individual-liberty side and the tyrants. At the moment, the tyranny is coming from the left. The eco-fascists who hate humans and the energy that sustains us. The racists who want everyone to devolve into warring tribes based on superficial characteristics. The "intellectuals" who arrogantly believe they should force everyone to live life their way.

Yes, the split between tyrants and everyone else is the truly important one. The trick is that within the 'everyone else' group there is also a lot of buried programming that has many people covertly holding thoughts and behaviours that lead to control of others in subtle ways - so the 'tyranny' group is much larger than it might appear on the surface and many people who think they do not have involvement actually do.

The point of my post here is partially to highlight that this conditioning exists, leading to much more power being pushed into the 'tyranny' side of the equation than would otherwise be there. So it can appear that the 'we' that the radio host pointed to is an accurate statement in some senses - but if we don't know that we are involved in the causes of tyranny, then we can't truly be said to be causing it in the same way as those who deliberately plan it and directly benefit from it.

In my way of viewing the situation (and humans), everyone has a potential to be injured internally such that we disconnect from ourselves and our logic gets warped into heartless thinking and from there we can override the will of others, sometimes without even realising. This actually is happening within most people to varying degrees and so any political group can embody this dysfunction in small or large ways. After viewing things this way and reassessing the actual meaning of left/right (which is from the French revolution and referred to wings of seats in the parliament (right being monarchists and left being opposition)), I have found that it's far more empowering to go to the real causes of the situation, to dispel the labels that are pretty wide of the mark and to therefore get closer to affecting real change for the better.

If we know that neither left nor right (as they are typically defined in either the UK or the US (They are differently defined in both)) are capable of fixing our problems without actually addressing the inner dysfunction of unconsciousness and heartlessness, then the arguments about left/right can actually end and we can redirect energy towards creating real balance for the first time ever. <3