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RE: Coronavirus Hoax: Safe and Effective [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Безбедне и ефикасне

in Deep Dives2 years ago

"Apparently this entire scam thinks that people don't know how biology works."

Most people have no idea how biology works. They run a cash register or watch kids, or whatever, and that's what they know how to do besides watch tv. That's the only reason the scam worked on anyone at all IMHO. I am pretty sure that when they're dying of heart disease or cancer they'll know how to string up a noose over a lamp post.

People always do.



Honestly enough just imagine having somebody who's completely mentally ill telling you to completely change your diet and take on an unhealthy diet because they will become immortal and live forever if they only eat a certain kind of fruit and it has to be completely raw...

But if you do it you will becoming immortal.