Coronavirus Hoax: Safe and Effective [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Безбедне и ефикасне

in Deep Dives2 years ago (edited)


Remember Brandon? Fully vaccinated live before the fake news reporters and fake White House backdrop? You also must remember that he had almost two weeks off work because despite the ‘safe and effective vaccine’, he tested positive for Covid-19 every other day…

Russians have just started making jokes and memes about the missing old man, but a better joke has arrived directed by the life itself. The Pfizer CEO, quadruple-vaccinated Albert Bourla, ‘boasted’ on Twitter that he got Covid-19!

Сећате се Брендона? Потпуно вакцинисан уживо пред репортерима лажних вести и кулисима Беле куће? Морате се сетити да је имао скоро две недеље одсуства са радног места јер је упркос ‘безбедној и ефикасној вакцини’, сваки други дан био позитиван на ковид-19…

Руси су таман почели да праве вицеве и мимове о несталом старцу, али стигао је бољи виц који је режирао сам живот. Директор Фајзера, четвороструко вакцинисани Алберт Бурла, ‘похвалио’ се да је добио ковид-19!

Source / Извор: Simun News Room

But the story of a ‘safe and effective vaccine’ could not be complete without Lloyd Austin, the US Secretary of Defense. He contracted Covid-19 for the second time this year even though he is quadruple vaccinated and you can hardly see him without a facemask and even face shield:

Али прича о ‘безбедној и ефикасној вакцини’ не би могла бити комплетна без Лојда Остина, министра одбране САД. Он се ковидом-19 заразио други пут ове године иако је четвороструко вакцинисан и тешко га можете видети без маске и штитника за лице:

Source / Извор: Simun News Room

Of course, the fake news media will not notice that Covid-19 is actually a common cold, from which there was never any protection, nor will there ever be a defense. But alternative media are increasingly revealing the tragic truth about 'vaccines', which are actually the real danger:

Наравно да лажљиви медији неће приметити да је ковид-19 обична прехлада од које никад није било, нити ће икад бити одбране. Али алтернативни медији све више откривају трагичну истину о ‘вакцинама’ које заправо јесу права опасност:



However, the worst of all is that despite the truth about how 'safe and effective vaccines really are', there is still no force that will remove the criminals and their plan from the historical scene. For example, let's look at the official data from United Kingdom and Germany:

Међутим, најгоре од свега је што упркос истини о томе колико су ‘вакцине безбедне и ефикасне’, још увек нема силе која ће злочинце и њихов план скинути са историјске сцене. Погледајмо на пример званичне податке из Велике Британије и Немачке:

UK Expose-2022-08-16_022236.jpg
Source / Извор:

Source / Извор:

The absence of a quick and vengeful reaction towards criminals confirms that Dietrich Bonhoeffer was right. Unfortunately, liberation never comes without a severe pain…

Изостанак жустре и осветничке реакције према злочинцима, потврђује да је Дитрих Бонхофер био у праву. Нажалост, ослобађање никад не долази без жестоког бола…

Always remember Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

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Keep on posting the truth 🙌
You are doing good work!

It's kind of ironic that the pedophile leading the American country ended up getting covid even after having the vaccine...

Albert Bourla, the head of Pfizer, quadruple jabbed, has covid. Interestingly, he claimed the jabs were 100% effective at preventing covid, and then said that people spreading vaccine misinformation were criminals. Now he has covid and four jabs.

I think he's right about vaccine misinformation spreaders being criminals, but he is obviously who has been lying about the jabs, and is the criminal profiting from murdering people with them.

I bet he's not really jabbed at all.

Yeah that's the entire thing is how can you prove that somebody got jabbed or if really that individual actually just got a saline solution injection....

Oh yeah that's right. You and I have no idea what actually is in that needle. You can pretty much put anything that you want in there and say it is whatever you want.

By the time it's in the body it's all over. Everything is finished and you can't take it back.

But I can't just imagine that this job is going to be effective..

Rushed technology. Improper clinical trials. And we are starting to see the massive amounts of adverse reactions.

Personally I got covid all three times and all three variants... Explain to me why I need a vaccine if I have natural repeat immunity...

Apparently this entire scam thinks that people don't know how biology works.

"Apparently this entire scam thinks that people don't know how biology works."

Most people have no idea how biology works. They run a cash register or watch kids, or whatever, and that's what they know how to do besides watch tv. That's the only reason the scam worked on anyone at all IMHO. I am pretty sure that when they're dying of heart disease or cancer they'll know how to string up a noose over a lamp post.

People always do.


Honestly enough just imagine having somebody who's completely mentally ill telling you to completely change your diet and take on an unhealthy diet because they will become immortal and live forever if they only eat a certain kind of fruit and it has to be completely raw...

But if you do it you will becoming immortal.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 119 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @lighteye, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

It is very sad that even very intelligent people can be unbelievably stupid. No one has proved this to me better than I have myself. As we see countries banning the jabs for children, ending mandates, reforming government health agencies, and today trumpeting the truth of vaccine hazard in an attempt to dodge responsibility for their deadly lies, it's necessary that we buckle up, spit on our palms, and hoist the black flag, because throats need slitting (to paraphrase Mencken).

The plandemic isn't over until justice is delivered to the Bill Gates, Jacinda Ardern, and Donald Trump liars that have murdered tens of millions by forcing these jabs on hapless uninformed experimental subjects - us, our friends, families and beloved children. My heart is broken at the deaths I have already seen among my beloved friends and family, and I dread every day more will die, murdered for profit.

Genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity every bit as evil and more deadly than any committed by Mengele, have been committed against us, our communities, and our nations, and our blood cries out from the grave for justice. If there is no court that will prosecute the criminals, humanity has always managed to eliminate them anyway. The imperial powers of the world are desperate today. The global financial system is collapsing. Parasites are trying to herd us into corrals so they can keep sucking our substance, but the truth sets us free.

Free men make their freedom, and justice follows after.
