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RE: The 2020 Election took place under an active executive order ! ...The biggest troll of all time?

in Deep Dives4 years ago

Given that there is a Deep State of career bureaucrats and associated private contractors that has demonstrated capacity to impede the orders of the Executive, and private companies have censored the Executive and Senate without consequence in 2020, is it reasonable to expect the USG to succeed in a contest with it's enemies?

"...Trump will be able to..."

Shouldn't that read "...Trump is theoretically..."?

The Technocrats have largely created a robust global infrastructure to replace government rule. Absent the political will of the professional military, what power will bring them to heel? Has the leadership of the USG military forces been neglected by those powers that reign over Big Tech, the CIA, and the Democratic Party? I do not think such a well coordinated and executed infiltration could even conceivably have failed to thoroughly corrupt the leadership of the one mechanism that effects governmental power at the whim of the political establishment.

No one makes a two legged stool.

In the event that the EO is enforced, I will be forced to conclude that Max Igan is correct in his speculation that the appearance of blatant election fraud and enemedia treachery is entirely theatrical, and a ploy to implement a tyrannical government by justifying martial law that must be imposed to seize the assets of sitting Legislators and private 'persons' in the USA. If the military does not enforce the EO, I will conclude that the Technocracy has reasonably corrupted the military leadership, consistent with the rest of the planned global coups.

I note that four legged stools exist.



Down with two legged stools!

The problem with Max Igan's theory is that... well, the sword cuts both ways.
T.H.E.Y. want absolute tyrannical control... however, T.H.E.Y. know that the people have to go along with it.
Our military and police are but a pittance compared to the public.
How do you get the people to put the shackles on?

So, yes, it may be a front to declare martial law
but in the same breath, it will also be the undoing of authority. If no one believes in the vote, then no one believes in the govern-cement (by and for the people)

What i know is that in the future, America Balkanizes.
We will see foreign soldiers on the streets in many The US cities.
(i do not know if they are UN soldiers, or actual CCP soldiers, such as Washington secedes and says, hey, China, help out your friend...) There are other nationalities, so i do not know which country and why.

In the end, i really like Trump for what he has done for America.
Which is nothing but exist. He has made a laughing stock of the MSM.
He has made people question our three letter agencies.
He has made people question the big tech companies.
He has made "the deep state" a household word.

Whether for good or ill, just that was enough to make we want to vote for him.
Oh yes, i like that he actually negotiated with China, instead of just giving them anything they asked for.

But i have no clue what the actual ramifications are, or whether Chump is good or bad.

"...i have no clue what the actual ramifications are, or whether Chump is good or bad."

The essence of my comment is that there is not any reasonable basis to believe that Trump is good. Either he is impotent or he is corrupt IMHO. There is no two legged stool, so the globalists have at least a three legged stool.

This is why I end noting the existence of four legged stools: you and I are legs upon which society rests. The point of four legged stools is that if one leg breaks, you still have a three legged stool. Given reasonable extrapolation of my stool analogy to society, society has a ~7 billion legged stool, and if the few legs of corporations and governments break, the stool still has plenty of legs to stand on - if we are competent to handle our business without them.

Most people are not so competent in practice, and the legs they represent in this analogy break when those legs they are dependent on break because they are too weak to support even themselves without them, much less robust society.

In practice we who would be free must be robust legs that do not depend on corporations or government to support us. No matter politics then, society will remain superable when that support is conditioned on subjection to overlords. Freedom is not granted but created.

Free men make their freedom, and that is the only reason they are free.