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RE: fuucking Racists

in Deep Dives2 months ago

you should stop taking part in the group and herd thinking
and hegelian dialectics to split, conquer the world and instrumentalise those artificial and controlled groups against each other

it just fires up and feeds this cycle, which gives you nothing except pain and misery


I already have, which should have been evident by the comment I left.

You should heed your own advice, since your reply to my reply was just as involved in group and herd thinking as my reply was.

Most group thinkers wouldn't have understood the language you used here. You might want to think about that next time you're trying to dissuade a sheep.

You are contradicting yourself.

What now ?

Is it "since your reply to my reply was just as involved in group and herd thinking as my reply was."


"Most group thinkers wouldn't have understood the language you used here"


Decide !

Only hurt ego think: it is about them.

Those things are not mutually exclusive, and this kind of gaslighting is going to buy you a lot of bad karma.

bro just decide instead of turning like a wiggly worm

the universe will force you to decide, cuz it doesnt want us to wiggle around any longer

like you idiots do all the time

face it