fuucking Racists

in Deep Dives3 months ago (edited)

are the worst

Especially if they think they are no racists, cuz they are "anti-racists" - still: races are their only topic for the whole day, week, month, year, their whole life.

So their deep identity is based on race, which makes them racist.

Yes. Also if they are not white.
(saying ONLY "WHITES" being able to be RACIST - IS THE MOST RACIST IT CAN EVEN BECOME, also even more.. double standards, hypocrisy)

Which also goes hand in hand with their (teenager and midlife crisis) identity crisis - which fits perfectly with lefty (but also righty) IDENTITY POLITICS
(eww what a word.. politics has swallowed everything up, you cannot talk about any topic without politics, but that is another topic itself, for the next time :) )

even "adults":

"And it is really deeply disappointing, cuz my mother really identified as.... and was deeply ingrained in black culture, identified herself as black, but hispanic as ethnicity.
But her race is white, she is european, I know, it's weird, because when you look at her, my mother is blond, and she has light eyes, and my whole family looks like that"

"So I think inside I sort of knew this was my history and that's probably why I didnt want to do it.
And I spoke to my mother about it. She was deeply diasppointed.
She actually cried about it and then she said that's maybe why I have been so connected to black culture - because it's an atonement in my spirit"

Audience: "Aawwww"

"And there were slaves on both sides of my family, mother's and father's.
But we are 7% indigenous puerto rican.
So I am proud of that"

Audience: standing ovation

Holy shit, guys, insane adults..

I truly wonder when shame (not Fremdscham) comes back

And goes on with some grand grand grandfather, who voted and how she got that democratic voting into her.

And later:

"So you all can stop texting me and e-mailing me, and saying that I'm a white girl and I dont deserve reparations.

That's. I sitll believe. Yea."

"I still believe this country has a lot to do in terms of racial justice."

It is a cult

And aaaaaa loooooooot of useful idiots instrumentalized by psychopaths.

Also interesting: Her friends in that show keep telling her, that she does not have to feel responsible for the things her ancestors did.


Hostin — a frequent critic of conservatives and the criminal justice system who often portrays those with whom she disagrees on the issues as racists — is apparently a direct descendant of a Spanish slave trafficker.

On Tuesday’s episode of the genealogy show hosted by Henry Louis Gates Jr., he revealed to Hostin that there is a high likelihood carries she carries the DNA of those she constantly claims have oppressed her and others.

Gates told the ABC host and former prosecutor he was able to trace her to a Spaniard who brought slaves to the Americas, People magazine reported.

If the PBS genealogy is accurate, Hostin would owe money to herself, as by her logic she is her own victim and oppressor.



It doesn't matter where you come from,
but where you want to go.

Es kommt nicht darauf an, wo man herkommt,
sondern darauf wo man hin will.


Not uncommon for people to have the DNA profile of both slaves and masters, since rape (and even consensual sex) among slaves and masters was pretty common.

you should stop taking part in the group and herd thinking
and hegelian dialectics to split, conquer the world and instrumentalise those artificial and controlled groups against each other

it just fires up and feeds this cycle, which gives you nothing except pain and misery

I already have, which should have been evident by the comment I left.

You should heed your own advice, since your reply to my reply was just as involved in group and herd thinking as my reply was.

Most group thinkers wouldn't have understood the language you used here. You might want to think about that next time you're trying to dissuade a sheep.

You are contradicting yourself.

What now ?

Is it "since your reply to my reply was just as involved in group and herd thinking as my reply was."


"Most group thinkers wouldn't have understood the language you used here"


Decide !

Only hurt ego think: it is about them.

Those things are not mutually exclusive, and this kind of gaslighting is going to buy you a lot of bad karma.

bro just decide instead of turning like a wiggly worm

the universe will force you to decide, cuz it doesnt want us to wiggle around any longer

like you idiots do all the time

face it

The second to last sentence is spot on. I think travelling back into the past trying to unravel what has happened is not really a good approach because there's not much we can do about it. But looking ahead, we can all work together and create something better. Born a peasant, die a king/queen.

thank you, kind sir :)