
Excellent essay! Great video! Thank you for doing this work.

Biden's greatest fear is that Trump will "steal" the election in November. With all that is going on globally now, all the strife, tyranny, war etc, and this guy's worst fear is he won't get to play with the big guns himself.

Trump might just be better than Biden. Sad.

Thanks again my friend! And you're welcome :-)

In spite of the latest polls that are hugely favoring Biden, I can easily see Trump winning in November... But Trump "better" than Biden? I doubt that, but would need a definition of "better" to be sure. Trump's better in a lot of things; it all depends on what exactly he's better in...

They are the same, both ineffectual against the global tyranny that is here already, as if it appeared overnight. Trump has a bit of the wild card in him though, which offers me a tiny hope on my better days. Biden is bought, sold and scheduled for delivery.

Biden is bought, sold and scheduled for delivery.

Hah! I love that twist on the end; "scheduled for delivery" ;-)

You seem to be stuck in the left vs right paradigm. Are you a member of Antifa? Your rhetoric sounds very hard left.

...slightly to the left of

I did say that once or twice indeed, to make a point :-) In reality though, I'd say I'm on par with good old Karl ;-)

How did things end up with your four-legged friend? I hope he or she is alright?

She's back up to running speed! (very slowly). It seems a full recovery is on the cards though.
Thanks for asking.

In reality though, I'd say I'm on par with good old Karl ;-)

You can do better than that....
being racist and approving of slavery, for example.
...or getting people pregnant in your employ, and then throwing them into the street, homeless.
Being 'on a par' with a someone approving of genocide (the slavs) is hardly a high

I agree that Leftists and RINOS are neo-conceptions engineered by globalists with an intent to divide and conquer like the Emperor did when running and funding both sides of the Star Wars.

And I agree that Ian McDiarmid's role as Emperor Palpatine was and is an acting masterclass; he almost carries the entire prequel trilogy single handedly ;-)

Exactly.I would watch a bunch of movies starring him.

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment