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RE: Hate Inc.

in Deep Dives3 years ago

Not to get too off topic but maybe the reason the word scares us is because here taxes are usually not used as an investment in each other.

That's fair criticism, and you're right. But that's not the reason given by libertarians and others who are against taxation; they don't care what it's used for, they say that taxation is theft, they oppose the entire concept of taxation. But you're right of course; it's completely legitimate to oppose the way your tax dollars are being spent, especially in America where the people pay for wars and domestic surveillance programs they never asked for...

And thanks so much for the kind words!


I hear ya, and I'm certainly not agreeing with them. I personally feel as though my taxes are stolen from me, but that's due to your points about going towards funding things I do not support. Therefore I kind of see taxation as theft because that's the reality of my life, and that leaves a pretty bad impression when you're younger and barely(not even really, just not) surviving and the government is taking your money to give it to rich people and the programs that will benefit those with resources rather than benefit those without AKA my community.

However, if I were able to choose that my taxes went to the things I support, and not a war machine, I would be all for it. It's a weird paradox. I hate taxes now, but I don't disagree with taxation. But I also don't see a reality in which fair taxation will ever exist; at least not in this country.

Anyways, sorry haha. Now I'm just kind of arguing with myself within a comment to you. You got my mind moving..

I hate taxes now, but I don't disagree with taxation.

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts @herbertholmes2 🙂