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RE: A Blue Christmas

in Mental Health2 years ago

I am so sorry, I know how you feel, it is awful. Life is tough, to say the least. I am lucky my Mom is still here. The past year my Stepfather who was like a father to me died, my brother and my Father. I am glad Splinterlands often gets it off my mind. I hope you feel better soon, talking to others who are in the same boat may help.


I am so sorry for your losses, dear Clove! Its so hard to lose the people that we love. Splinterlands has helped me so much. It has been a great distraction, but it has also helped me find a beautiful community that I truly feel like I belong in. The Splinterlands family has become my family. I am grateful for all of you! I know there are others out there who are having a hard time this holiday season. I posted this in the hopes that they will know that they aren't alone. <3