
I think recently people talk about it more that before but it's not enough to break the stigma for other to share their stories and reach out for help!

Hello @asasiklause, @humbledwriter! Speaking of mental health break, I just did a full 7-day break from certain things including Hive. I also need to focus on my work as it gets way too demanding during the BER months.

One lesson I'd like to share is: THE WORLD CAN WAIT. At times, we're afraid to take breaks because we fear missing out on a lot of things. If you think a break is necessary to move forward, by all means, take a break. You don't even need to explain to people (except in your work tho you really need to notify your boss). I've spent the week reassessing this year's goals and drafting some changes to help me become better and think of what I'd want to do next year. Haha, yes, I plan ahead hehe. Cheers!

And thank you @humbledwriter for writing about this topic. I hope we go beyond writing it. I hope we talk about it with our friends, classmates, and family so that more and more people will get to acknowledge the importance of Mental Health!

I really hope you too are doing great! Sending peace and love your ways guys! ❤️

Im literally having goosebumps reading your reply. I could totally relate to that mental break. I also did that a week a go but i was still active online, but my time was only directed to something essential and then more resting. I'm planning to take a break soon after this busy shenanigans brought by the Ber Months. We will make it through!!! Thanks Pat! 🤗

Thank you! I always feel that I have to constantly do something productive every day, but I now realize that breaks are also an integral part in moving forward and being productive.

I wish you all the best too!!!

That's true, @humbledwriter! I feel that all the time, the urge to do as many things as possible in one day. But I'm taking things slowly this time around so I won't end up with the worst burnout ever again. Taking breaks doesn't have to be an entire week, it can be an hour, a day as long as you give your body, mind, and spirit the chance to recuperate. :)

That's great to hear. Thank you for your advice!!