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RE: Hive network news - part 2. Hive users under the lens..

Intellectual drivel. (from the parts I skimmed over).

this natural right is not social, but anti-social. Property and society are utterly irreconcilable institutions

like this.
Property is a fact - starting with the person. Simple.
Society is a concept and does not exist without the individual. This is fact.

Is someone is calling concepts (society and institution ), as real as the self - a discernible fact, ..well, what more do you have to say?

....amoeba, and Iq, spring to mind.

aaaaaaaaand the victim mentality bus is arriving just on

Either society must perish, or it must destroy property.

Either a non real thing must perish, or a real thing must....Seriously?

Intellectually weak.
Intellectually, a lie..(ie drivel).