Help others 🤝-is it worth it ?

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Namaskar / Hello to all hive users, who will reach this post. I hope you are doing great and having fun in your life and enjoying it with your loved ones.

If we help someone, it will never go away. Every help comes back to us at some point. We should never think that what we are helping today will be of any use to us.

In our day-to-day life, we do things that sure irritate people around us but not all of us help others in our day-to-day life.
We wait for the other people to help first. If you will see that others are getting rewards and blessings from the person then every single person will be ready to help 🙄.peoples are so selfish now, if they don't find that profitable then they will not do that 😑.

If you really want to help someone then go for it don't wait for the others to do that. Don't do anything to get rewards. Don't be greedy and selfish.
help others I really feel great indeed. I love to help others.

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It doesn't mean that you have to do that financially all the time. Sometimes they only need few moments with with them boost them to make them happy.
You will sure be happy.
If you are not a helping person but you can be one there are few things you can do and I am sure that you will be used to that soon.

start few things from the house

how to help your family members :

  • Help your parents in the kitchen
  • Help in the shopping for daily household things
  • Keep them happy share some funny incident when you all are together
  • Help them in daily work
  • massage your parent's legs./head before they sleep
  • Follow the above and you will be used to that.

If you help someone you will get a blessing from them, blessings are the real treasure. so don't miss that.

Whenever a person helps someone in need in life, he is doing true service to God. So keep helping people, it will definitely come back to you one day.

Never forgot one thing you should be grateful for because what you have someone has a dream of that. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful. 🙏😀

Thanks a lot for being here, let me know what you think.







Thanks & Regards
-----Together we will make this a better place-----


Helping is the real blessing. Bde bhai thanks for the post and explaining about how can we help each other because in this life we become more happier when we help someone.💖

indeed it is thanks for being here.
it is my pleasure if you like it

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Posted via | The City of Neoxian

If we help someone it benefit us more than the other one. We feel better even after a small act of help to someone..Thanks.

indeed you are right on that one, a helpful person will get help on their own.