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RE: My Biggest Question: Why can't we unravel tomorrow?

in ecoTrain5 years ago

Imagine such gifts were equitably distributed across places and to people. Personally, I would have love to be blessed with such gifts.

They are equally distributed. However, most people do not work on them. Either because they do not believe in themselves, or do not believe in ESP. I deal with groups of people where ESP is the norm. Peering into the future is a technique to learn, not something you are born with or shut out of for the rest of your life.

The trouble is that most churches destroy any clairvoyants. They are the devils workers. Unless they learn early and fast that they can coach their sight into christian acceptable terms. Also got to be in the right church.

Imagine the devastating damages that would have been prevented in the first instance if we all could forsee what tomorrow holds....?

Doesn't work.
You see a train going and its going to fall off of its tracks. You see the train wreck coming.

And no one will believe you.
Further, no one will do what it takes to avoid the train wreck.

Imagine, that to avoid a certain train wreck (metaphor) that you have to get this person to stop smoking. Even when they know bad health things are coming, they won't give up smoking.
In order to give up a habit, you need to find the underlying causes, and THEY have to work on them.

They have to give up the reason they are trying to kill themselves. They have to give up the anxiety they are using the nicotine and NO2 to quiet. Its not an easy path.

And for a group of people its even harder.

Obviously, Corona Virus wouldn't have escalated to this intensity if we all could see it beforehand.
Alternatively, If we could tell when exactly the Pandemic would end, that would have been some soothing words to calm down nerves...

Saw the Wuhan-flu coming 6 years ago.
It was reported and written about.

However govern-cement kept working on it. Working on making a bat virus work on people.
Viruses rarely jump species. So, you may want to look at govern-cement intervention in all the pandemics.

And, ask yourself this: "How would you get the entire world to stop and analyze their lives and livelihoods?"
This time of thinking about what really is important to you is very dear and precious.

Because the future is such:
All the cities are abandoned and let go to waste.
Many cities are destroyed by fire, atomic blast, flood, ice, sea level change...
Food in the future, you will grow it or you will starve.

How do you get people to stop their 9-5 rut and think about getting out?
That is what the Wuhan-flu is about.