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RE: Artificial Inteligence ... The Beginning or the End? ~ why I will be continuing to create by hand.

in ecoTrain4 months ago

I love that you lived in the forest for 20 years! That is amazing. And I do appreciate your feedback on the pros of AI. Of course I use technology to make money in order to spend more time doing what I love to do rather than spending most of the daylight hours working in customer servive as I did for years, so, I get it. I think the key is balance ~ ~ right now I see a lot pf unbalance around AI: folks feeling a lot of fear around the potential of loosing their livelihood as an artist as well as people trading in their physical skills for digital tools. I want to keep my handwriting, hand sewing, slow food & slow lifestyle alive as long as I live. Everyone else can and should do whatever they feel is right for them <3