The human being and the planet earth in extinction

in ecoTrain2 years ago
The planet earth that we currently have, has gone through many stages where the human factor has been an element of transformation, modification and destruction of spaces and environments from very small to large tracts of land.

We have gone through transforming and destroying natural spaces with a biodiversity of flora and fauna that we can never recover, for spaces where buildings and hotel complexes are built to satisfy the interests of individuals, in obtaining wealth regardless of the terrible damage we are doing, claiming that it is for the development of the countries.

We have also suffered the modification of streams, ravines, rivers, lakes, that is to say everything related to the fluvial systems, with the purpose of being able to favor food producers and farmers, causing invaluable damage, since we do not respect the original sources and damaging with chemicals and agrochemicals the soils in the production of food products.

On the other hand, the total destruction of spaces, where vegetation, animals and natural spaces predominate, which we will not be able to see again due to the indiscriminate use of destruction, poaching and modification of spaces for sporting events without any perimisology, much less repairing the damage caused.

Undoubtedly many of the problems that occur on planet earth, is caused by the misuse of space by humans, because we are not doing anything to improve and maintain the planet for future generations, consequently we are destroying them little by little, where the excuse of modernization is its main spearhead.

It is necessary that human beings can think again because we are destroying all the resources of planet earth, leaving as an inheritance scarcity of natural resources and the extinction of some species to our next generations, on the other hand the agricultural, livestock and industrial production systems must make a stop to the actions taken and make a drastic change to their production systems.

Many of these productive processes think that they are helping the planet in obtaining and income for their economic models and rather all these profits and wealth do not manage to be able to destroy the spaces and environments again with all the money earned, therefore it is necessary to change.

To conclude we can emphasize that all these uncontrolled actions, driven by a devouring economy (consumerism) and a hegemonic industrial power (capitalism) are undoubtedly leading to the total destruction of the planet earth and man. .