The Elon Musk Conundrum.. setting the record straight

in ecoTrain3 years ago (edited)


The richest man in the world... who never took a penny from his own company. The richest man in the world, who is selling all his possessions. The richest man in the world, on PAPER only!

This post is my attempt to set a few things straight, because i like to speak up and support people who take a lot of flack and are the recipient of media bias and bad reporting. Why? I will get to that soon, but i would like to start by saying that, in case you don't realize, this whole label that he has really is so misleading. I would like to just make sure that you realize what this label of The Richest Man In The World Really means. Its not about how much money he has in the bank, and its certainly not about how much money he has earned.. All it means is what his companies are worth, and he can never really take it out without destroying all he has built.

Let it be said that I haven't seen a better example of how to do business in todays age. Compared to just about any other leader he is second to non fe. Not only has Elon not taken any salary from Tesla, or Space x, but he has also sold most of his possessions that he did have. Elon is here for one thing, and one thing only, to help make this world.. and other worlds, a far better place. Its not easy to know all the reasons why i say this, because it has taken me at least two years of due diligence to really get it. How he operates, what his goals are, and the reasons for doing so are not obvious and rarely reported.

Some people say he is some kind of puppet for the government. Total nonsense. Elon is probably the most independent free speaking billionaire that i have seen. Some of his tweets and comments go directly against the status quo. This guy says what he sees, and does so without any hidden agendas. Not only is he extremely outspoken, but he is also free to say whatever he wants because he doesn't owe anyone anything! Let me give you some of my top examples of why i honor this man with great respect and love for what he has already achieved, and will no doubt go on to achieve.

1. Disrupting the Oil Industry

It is fair to say that Elon has done what no one else could, not even the biggest automotive companies in the world. Upgrading our cars to electric means that he is in direct competition with one of the most powerful industries in the world... The Oil Industry. If i had to guess i would say that most of the misinformation and negative press stem from them. The oil industry have done everything they can for a very long time to prevent electric cars from proliferating. They spend untold amounts of money and coercion to ensure that what he does is reported as unfairly as possible.. Fortunately we live in the age of Internet and there are enough free thinking individuals that support him and know better! Somehow, in no time at all, Elon has changed the entire game and frog-leaped electric cars a good decade or two ahead of where it would be without him. Not only has he produced the most incredible electric cars the world has ever seen, but has also provided a global charging network to boot. This is no small feat, and he has barely started.

There are SO many people who criticize Tesla cars and claim they are not even 'green' because of the amount of unclean energy that goes into charging them. I ask you though, did Elon create the national power grid that exists today? No he didn't. What he did create was an alternative, which is solar roofing and power-walls that can, if we choose, power the cars of the future with a tiny carbon footprint. The fact that most cars today charge on unclean power is not his fault, and he works hard to change this trend. One day i hope we all have solar power at home, decentralized, so that we can charge all our cars how they were intended to be charged. This may not yet be happening on a large scale, but soon enough it will and then there can be no comment on this point.

I would like to mention also that today around 12 MILLION people die around the world from air pollution that is directly related to coal burning, and unclean fuels from cars and trucks. That number is so high that we can not really fathom it.. other than to say that exceeds how many people have died until now from COVID19. Air pollution is a silent killer, and the amount of suffering that happens every day as a direct result of it is quite disturbing. What is even more disturbing is that despite this, our governments subsidize coal TODAY to the tune of around 1 TRILLION dollars a year. That is another number that we can not even imagine what it is. Just imagine if our governments put even a fraction of this money into alternative energy research and subsidies.

2. Open Source Technology

There aren't many if any multi billion dollar companies that work so hard to create incredible new technology and then make all that knowledge available to all who wish to use it , copy it, and improve upon it. Few people know that the tech that made Tesla cars possible is all open source. Elon made it so to improve the uptake of electric car development.. This is unheard of, and even with that no one as managed to produce anything close to what he is making. As Elon says, it just keeps the pressure up on him to keep developing even better and newer ideas so he stays ahead of the game. This is what capitalism should be.. this is how to be successful and rich and not at the determent of everyone else.

3. Saving the world from extinction

Any good astrologist will tell you, it is only a matter of time before this beautiful world is wiped out by a huge meteor collision. Remember the dinosaurs? No, thats because a meteor wiped them out, and one day.. sooner or later the same will happen to us. We don't know if it that is going to be in one week, year or millennium. There are quite a few large objects hurtling toward us, and they post enough of a threat that China, USA and others are spending BILLIONS to find ways to stop them hitting us. In fact just yesterday Space X sent NASAs latest effort to do something to space. They are testing the idea of colliding a space craft into an asteroid to see if they are able to change its course or speed. We will have to wait another year to see if they are successful or not.

I often hear people say that they do not want to give up on this world, and that Elon is stupid for spending so much money to take us to a barren and hostile planet like Mars. Well, tell that to the asteroid that is heading our way... because anyone who knows Elon will know that he cares deeply about this planet, and has already done more for it than just about any other business or corporation in existence. Also, its worth understanding that although Mars is today a barren and hostile environment, that can and will be changed. There are ways, and you can be sure he will find the path to restoring Mars to its former glory. Yes, there was a time when Mars was far more habitable than today.

These are very long term projects. They will not even complete in our lifetimes, it will take many generations of people to really take us to becoming a space fairing civilization. It is more important to do this than ever before, not just because of meteors but also because of so many other ways that our dear planet could get wrecked. Simply put, we have EVERY human 'egg' in one basket right now, and that make me very nervous indeed. If something terrible happened we would lose it all... potentially the greatest miracle we know of, life itself, could be lost forever. Protecting humanity means getting some of us off the planet, and lets be honest, its not like we are short of people on earth!

4. He's not actually the richest man in the world!
I think its worth mentioning here that the actual richest people in the world will never be advertised! This claim that is often made is only really speaking about official figures of legitimate companies. There are many many people who have much more wealth than Elon but they will never be known. The richest people are usually the most secretive, and no one even knows where their money comes from who indeed who they really are. We are talking about powerful families that have accumulated vast wealth in ways that no one can track or know about. We can only speculate about what they do with that money and the amount of corruption that happens as a result.

5. He never stops working, never takes a holiday, and still drives his kid to school each day

Elon is a good dad! He never goes on holiday any more, and when he did he used to take his children with him to show them the world.. rather than just live it up in opulence. He may be the richest man in the world on paper, but he behaves very differently to the majority of super wealthy folk.

6. Starlink. Accessable Internet for ALL!

There is a great disparity in access to the most important tech of our age around the world, the Internet. The poorest countries in this planet have no access to the internet for most people, and that means no opportunity to learn or take part in any kind of business, collaboration, or potential to create some abundance. Africa is one very important example, but actually most of the world is also suffering in this way.. even in rural parts of highly developed nations. It is SO important to have access to the Internet for everyone, critical for any kind of equality and opportunity. Elon will provide this via Starlink, using new technology such as the new mobile phone he is making that will interface with these satellites. Yes, there are some relatively small negatives here, such as the fact that we can see a few more dots in the sky, but even that he is working on to reduce. Most people see a new starlink chain appear and think that its going to stay like that when in fact these satellites spread out very quickly until they blend in to the normal night sky. I cant really overemphasise the importance of levelling the playing field for access to the Internet!

I think that's six pretty good reasons to start with. I could go on, but i think that might be enough to redress the balance. Is Elon perfect, of course not! He says some pretty outrageous things, and drives his staff to the brink of insanity with the amount of pressure and high expectations he puts on them. Many disgruntled x staff will tell you how mean and harsh he has been to them.. i know of one personally.. BUT i don't let these pretty trivial personal issues override the obvious major positives. As far as i know he has never been abusive in the way that some people like Jeff Bezos or Steve Jobs.. who incidentally was pretty much a psychopath in the way he treated people.

So i hope this has been an eye opener for you.. and maybe you can appreciate him a bit more than before.. There is ONE MORE THING i could talk about.. which is Neurolink.. That is a real can of worms, and not something that am going to get into on this post.. maybe the next one!


Have a beautiful day everyone!! Soon we will reach the stars!




7. Stole Tesla from its inventors/creators

He basically bought out Tesla, put himself as CEO and drove out the real brains of the operation.
The most amazing thing Musk did was paint cars in Komifornia. (why is the Delorean brushed stainless steel?)

8. Makes all kinds of things out of 1970s Popular Mechanics Magazine, and does them badly.

The vacuum tunnel, that never held a vacuum.
The brain chip implanting robot that is known not to work

9. Sends stuff to space?

The things we see from SpaceX are all CGI and so many questionable activities about what they are really doing. Such as those boosters, that are supposed to fly back, found out at sea...

Space is not what we are told. The moon landings (via rocket) completely faked. We do not know what shape the earth is. And since Musk is inside this secret of secrets, we can only assume he is the new face man for "space exploration"

In my opinion, everything we know about Musk is a carefully constructed story. The whole thing is PR.
Look into his takeover of Tesla to find out what kind of guy Musk really is.

 3 years ago  

fascinating! :)

Hilarious bro!

Elon Musk comes from a long-time cabal family, going back to Technocracy Inc, and before. Full on eugenicists, authoritarians, statists.

Almost all the money that his businesses receive is stolen from individuals by the US government, and given to him.

He's pretty clearly just their actor for Good Cop - opposite Bill Gates' Bad Cop.

Look at all the "promotion" of crypto that he's doing - all driving people into absolute shitcoins like $DOGE - helping the banksters set up the crypto crash, so they can introduce safe, stable, insured, CBDCs.

Corbett did a pretty deep dive into him in this piece: All Hail Elon's Martian Technocracy!

 3 years ago (edited) 

im looking at what hes actually doing kenny.. what i can see.. and what i can see is really something special...

i hear so much conspiracy stuff on him.. i dont buy it, sorry! there is too much that does not add up if what you and other say is true. it makes no sense when you look at so many things!

The only thing I mentioned that could be seen as a theory of any kind was this:

He's pretty clearly just their actor for Good Cop - opposite Bill Gates' Bad Cop.

...helping the banksters set up the crypto crash, so they can introduce safe, stable, insured, CBDCs.

Everything else is on the record, historical fact.

You're using the term "conspiracy" like someone who gets their worldview from the corporate media... Remember, conspiracy is necessary for governments, banks, and corporations to function. It's their baseline.

Acting as though conspiracies aren't rampant makes as much sense as pretending that blueprints & architects don't exist, even though you can clearly see them, and evidence of them, all over the world.

 3 years ago  

is it? the facts i can see are not someone who is in cohoots with the governemnet.. not at all.. in fact he embarrasses them most of the time from what i can see.. that guy is SO independant it almost stinks! anyways lets just agree to disagree on this one!

Almost all the money that his businesses receive is stolen from >>individuals by the US government, and given to him.
a LOT of people bought his shares.. and still do.. and those that tried to bust him through shorting, got burned bad.. those were powerful people also that got hurt.. how so?

that guy is SO independant it almost stinks!

That is just factually un-true. Both of his main businesses (Tesla & SpaceX) would be complete failures, if not for all the stolen money that keeps them afloat. He "embarrasses them most of the time" because that's the puppet show, justifying funneling insane amounts of stolen money into his corporate coffers.

Just a few examples, that made mainstream headline news.

No "theory" here, just obvious conspiracy.
