ecoTrain Tie Up Post: What can we do differently so that people can understand us better?

in ecoTrain4 years ago (edited)


Communication is about so much more than just words, or even tone. When we talk with another person, we need to understand the person who we are talking to. Human beings are so much more complicated than our animal friends. It is much easier to communicate with animals like dogs and cats, because their minds are not nearly as complicated as ours. I think that to be able to communicate effectively, we have to learn to relate to the person that is listening. Relating means making a connection, and there are many ways to do it!

Thank you to everyone who took part in this impromptu question of the week. Your posts were amazing as always, and i than you for digging deep and sharing your wisdom with us all. I'm happy to report that many of the posts have received some great up-votes from ecoTrain and our new collaboration with OCD.

We invite more and more people to join our ecoTrain community to know and learn all about sustainable lifestyle and living. Ultimately we want you to be free to live in a way that supports your deepest human nature and desires. To do this we need to shift to a new paradigm, and we are currently on the precipice of great change owing to the massive upheavals caused by COVID19. I believe we must come back to our roots, and fulfil our most primal needs. Most important of these is to live in a supportive community that fosters healthy relationships and dynamics, and be self sufficient! Therefore, we are here to support your posts that cover topics relating to sustainability, off-grid living, Permaculture, homesteading, healthy cooking, holistic healing, and more.. The ecoTrain also supports the creation of real world ecoVillages in Portugal and beyond. The time has never been more ripe for us to attain real security and to become self sufficient.

With much love to all, let's see what our gems have to share with the ecoTrain community.


Human relationships are so wonderfully versatile that there is a whole host of conditions that affect them. Our way of understanding the world and inhabiting it depends on our sources of information and interpretation, and the interrelationship between the two is as varied as it is subjective. We live too convinced that the way we see the world is the right way and everyone has their "correct" way of assimilating their experiences, of communicating, of expressing their feelings and emotions to the detriment of those of others, because we are individuals in a network whose connection is complexly individualized rather than collective.


If two twins are separated at birth and one twin is sent to Japan and the other to Marigüitar in the Gulf of Cariaco, Sucre state of Venezuela, if after 20 years they meet again, to begin with they speak two different languages ​​and have all an experience of the relationship they have had with other human beings from different cultures, they may be genetically identical but they will be culturally different.

Although we are different human beings there are similarities that make us similar.

It seems true to me that I verify almost every day that the perception of the world is different and varies from person to person but not totally,


We have the great power of communication and reasoning, it is true that each individual reasons and communicates differently, there are those who think that telling the truth regardless of the form and degree of sensitivity involved goes into the background, however I am completely convinced that first we must connect with the most sensitive side, human and even that goodness side of communication before letting our words flow.


This is a very important debate. How can we better communicate our message to others? Or if I say how we can effectively convey the usefulness of our words to other people. This is a long but very useful discussion. And if we can get the results of this subject, then there is no doubt that we will learn the art of landing in the hearts of the people.
That is all I will say about this subject.
That we must first understand what we are going to talk to people of what age.
If we want to reach out to others in any way, we must first take care of what my subject is. And what is my theory preached?
And then what age am I going to address?
This is a very basic point.


Many at times i feel confusion is something that's shilled, hawked and accepted amongst many people, in many different societies of the world. Most times people talk without first thinking then they start to reason, to think when the repercussions of what they've said begins to set in. When initially they could have just looked within, weighed the things they say; understand the impact it'll make before making the decisions to actually saying it. You see, emotions makes people talk and sometimes people listen to their selfish anger which sometimes feels largely inconsiderate and they talk without putting the recipient of the things they'll say in their own shoes. Basically no everyone wants what they do to be done to them because if this was so, the world will of course be a better place.


Communication has been and will always be the first step so that human beings can relate to each other, people who understand each other better, who have more empathy, tend to maintain a good relationship, I think that when we are related to someone, it may be a loving, friendly or family relationship, if that relationship matters to us then we learn to listen, we learn to accept ourselves and respect the opinions of that being important to you, even if they are different from yours.
In a world where every day there are more divergences of thoughts and opinions, what we need is more acceptance, more respect, and understanding on the part of all as human beings.


This post is in response to the question laid down by @ecotrain and so far this will be my second time yet to answer great questions from this wonderful community.

Humans as we are we tend to misunderstand the words or actions of other people. And this is true the other way around. Oftentimes we are also being misunderstood even by people who are close to us or even by our own family.

Since we don’t have the comfort and the full power of telling everyone what’s really in our minds and, what we want to convey or what is our true intention, we tend to be misunderstood.


@ecotrain has an interesting question for this week and I'd like to share my opinion in this post. The question is: What can we do differently so that people can understand us better?

Life has changed so much since I was a little kid and not necessarily in a good way. Obviously development is ongoing and there are so many good things that can make life better but can also make it much more worse. Quality of life partly depends on us, we're responsible of what quality of life we create for ourselves. Our relation with the outside world, with people depends on us and there are a few things we can do better, as there's always room for improvement, isn't it?


Communication is key in life, we can't live without communicating with other human beings. That's how we are built, created. Lack of communication can damage you for life, that's why total isolation is used as a severe form of punishment in prisons, when they want to destroy a person for life.


I've lost track of the number of times people have misunderstood the things I've meant to say, either through text messages or my tone of voice when speaking, not to mention the number of arguments I've had with my ex over this sort of thing, The truth is that I had already reached the point of not wanting to talk to him because we were so different that everything he said was interpreted in the wrong way and this kind of thing at the end of the day is physically and mentally exhausting. After much thought and analysis, the best solution for that situation was to leave him there and continue on his own. Now, you can't go through life cutting ties with someone who doesn't understand what you want to say or who you don't understand, in the end we would end up being alone and wandering through life.




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 4 years ago  

So many wonderful answers to this week's impromptu questions. I think it was really great and it was nice having to answer it. I've been able to see that as people we have a lot of work to do in making people understand us better. Nice one again @ecotrain, the community is growing better.

It was really a unique opportunity to express ourselves and read the different opinions on this transcendental topic, although they were approached from different angles, they all came to the same conclusion... it is vital to recognize the importance of humanization within communication...

Thank you @ecotrain for the opportunity to express ourselves and grow by reading such wonderful publications.

Excellent participation, without a doubt the question of the week is a success! 👍


Hi there! Here's my entry for this week's QOTW. I hope am still in?

Thank you!