
Same. I honestly don’t mind if random ppl downvote but when it becomes about those setting the direction of the platform only capping specific accounts and leaving out a specific circle, how can one find passion here or feel it’s free? I rly went and had a good look if certain people had received those downvotes and no one in the circle ever has even if they have regular 80-100 dollar posts that are just average posts.

It’s deciding who’s allowed to do well here and not rly and that doesn’t feel good.

And whilst it’s not good to get triggered, which I def was after researching a bit the other day, sometimes if we want change we have to acknowledge and discuss this because if enough of us don’t like it then the consensus of the platform changes. Or we can come to a consensus to move to steemit and support each other there etc. Main thing is we speak about it.

The primary stakeholders there are no different than here. If you say something they don't like or think you 'earned too much' - because this is all about emotion, feeling and opinions - you get flagged. Part of the system. There is no way to quantify real quality as it is purely subjective. An artist may look at a painting and see the wonderful brush strokes whereas another person not inclined to paint, will just see splotches and think it's crap. A poet may recognize the intricacies of a rhyme scheme and ignore the pentameter in someone's work and love it and the bookworm will say it's not 'A,B,A,B' and say it's not a real poem. A photographer may take into consideration the subject of a photo, the lighting and even the colors and praise simply a picture and the blogger might say their post is shit because it's just a picture of a bug. Eye of the beholder and that kind of thing.

There are lots of things I do and don't like about both Hive and Steem. Speaking only gets you so far. It's the actions that matter. There are witnesses that will never get my vote simply because of the name they are using here that I feel is a huge hypocritical slap to the face of all of Hive. It's the actions. To have a voice here, you have to have a vested interest. Powering up gets you heard a little more because it says you care about what is here and want to support the people you like better. Regardless if they are a witness or your drinking buddy on the weekends. When it comes down to brass tacks - it's about two things: furthering the acceptance of cryptocurrency in the mainstream and money. Hive is not a pet project of any one person, it is a community working toward common goals. Steem has fallen into the portfolio of a spoiled billionaire who is completely ignorant of the capabilities Steem has.

I never left Steem, I did power down completely and set up shop on Hive. Hive has a vision. A vision I also share when it comes to making cryptocurrency a normal part of every day life and is why I am a witness here. Meanwhile, slowly prying ourselves out from under the proverbial thumb of centralized banking systems. People do have the power to change things, but it is the actions taken that will make the difference.

I personally really hope blurt takes offf. i know iit's not worth much but the no downvotes and paying a little to post and comment really makes it a Very enjoyable even footed platform. If that went up I would move there exclusively for sure.

It has potential, but the thing I don't like about it is it resembles whaleshares and immediately powers up your earnings. I would like to have more of a say in where my 'money' goes. Otherwise, I would probably have a presence there too.

Yeah I guess every platform has its pifalls but I rly like the way it’s not open to those wifh more stake just selectively choosing who can grow and silencing anyone they don’t agree with. It just becomes a dictatorship and the irony is they often go on and on about how they are only here because they hate the gov / fb etc whilst doing the same thing to the small fish here lol. I mean of course they can still help people grow wifh huge upvotes but that’s life and I don’t find that rly a problem. I find the bigger problem when they can control through fear of taking away your resources if you don’t conform. I also like that they make you pay to make comments and posts as it defo puts off spammers I don’t think I’ve ever seen a spam post or comment there yet. It does need to grow tho. I like that platform the best but of course the community makes sites, hence why I’m still on fb as I hAve friends and people I worked with there even tho I don’t agree with the platform recently. If everyone moved to blurt and could rly build it it would be my favourite by a long shot. I actually enjoyed whaleshares too rly I never saw any issues there. I forgot all about it actually when I pulled back over crypto winter lol how is the wls token doing now? I had about 8 k in there I think.

I mean at this point I am just like it is what it is. I said my piece and that’s it rly then you move forwards, no point whinging about same stuff over and over. Before I saw this and had a good look around I was kind of focused on here, as I was building and finding great communities and then just keeping my hand in on other platforms now that’s kind of switched. I keep my hand in here incase in the future the dynamics change. Engage wifh the community as so many people and groups I like here but just put zero emphasis on building or making crypto then I won’t be disappointed. If I just see here as if I make something I make something and put my main focus where right now people just leave people alone then I won’t end up feeling disappointed and restrained. Mental perspective and focus shift lol

I mean I do have a lot of crypto if i could really get behind a bunch of wintesses i would make myself maybe not a whale but a much bigger fish than I am. But i just can't get behind any team to that extent yet. If i ever see a team come in that really shares my visions about building everyone up, freedom and no power battles I would probably move a lot of my crypto here.

I didn't realise you were a witness I never read the whole list to be honest as didn't know ppl well enough to know who to vote for as wasn't keeping up as much over the cold winter just keeping my hands, so left it to the more informed. After seeing some recent things will defo be using it in future. That must mean the team is very mixed as you seem very balanced and calm and genuine.

I've had a few hostile interactions in the past and have refrained from it for quite some time. All it does is feed a fire 😏 and thank you.

Yeah I agree. I generally did but I am actually glad I aired what I did. Sure I could have said it better but it actually feels amazingly freeing to just get something out you’ve been holding in for years subconsciously. Especially when that was from a place of giving someone power. I think it represented me no longer giving a crap about being threatened over some tokens and post payouts and maybe cause I am doing well in life and hve a decentish stack of crypto now. I’m genuinely following all the platforms for now especially as we are still pretty much in lockdown then eventually I guess it will be clear which one is rly feeling like home to focus on. Here could be if all the witnesses were like you I reckon lol

completely agree on value its why i never downvote anything but real abuse as maybe it made someone smile and that's worth a lot.

I don;t think ppl should have to power up though, we just came through lockdown where many creatives lost there job, more power to them finding platforms to build a wage from their craft. That to me is actually the main vision I have for these sites, that they will enable creatives to earn and save in alternative ways. Those who have full time jobs will probably just save here.

It's a stake weighted voting system sweets, and that's where your say is.

Of course it is. That’s why I like the blurt system more. I know that p can still selectively give people huge upvotes but I actually just find that inspiring. It still feels like ok that’s out there all I need to do is evolve and put the effort in. It’s the taking away stuff I find rly controlling. With the downvote system in play I’m not sure it can ever rly be fair. Sure if everyone with stake thinks like you you’ll feel it’s fair haha

My personal feeling is if a bunch of us go to steemit for now, we can support each other there. As far as I can see it’s very free there on a day to day level and I havn’t yet experienced anyone trying to cap my growth as a creator so far, or taking anything away from those I am supporting ( all be it on a small level right now). It’s of course less than perfect as all platforms are but it doesn’t seem to directly clip my wings and allows me to support who I like. Contributing a lot to this platform whilst it’s set up like this is just feeding into that cycle and supporting it. Why would anyone have any reason to stop if people are complaining but still complying. If people enjoy and agree with it working like this then that’s different they obviously are happy and it works for them.