Delivery, Harvests, Winter Squash Garden, Deck Railing - Friday

in ecoTrain3 years ago

This week just keeps going and going. First thing was to take the 400 half pound bags of beans to the co-op. I managed to fit them all into 6 boxes which fit easily in the truck.


Only 15 pounds of summer squash for the day but it's okay since these days happen. The plants need to have time to grow more so a thin day is fine with me.


A bit before 11:00 am I drove up the now gravel road since they are not working on Fridays to see the squash garden. WOW! There is a plethora of squash and melons growing.


There are piles of Minnesota midget and Inea melons in the plants.


One spot of giant pumpkin seems to have had the roots eaten so a handful of pumpkins got hauled down to the house.


With so many types of squash being grown in the garden it is hard for me to know exactly what is what.


Super stoked to have some Bozeman watermelon growing. This is the largest so far and it is about the size of an American football.


The single Boston marrow plant has put off a massive pair of squash. It is huge and about two feet across. There is a somewhat smaller one as well.


Everything has done pretty well given how hot and dry it has been this year. It helps I have had a much better irrigation timer so there has not been any days without watering.


These are the pumpkins that I brought down to the house. The largest weighs over 10 pounds.


Back home I got to work on the deck railing again. Started with getting the rest of the posts installed. Luckily I had already installed the blocking in the upper deck so we only had to add one and install.


With all the posts set solidly I spent the next hour or so marking then installing the brackets to the posts. I've got a few left to install on the upper deck posts but it won't take me long.


I made pilot drill marks with the self tapping screw before installing the brackets.


Once the bulk of the brackets were installed my father and I got to work cutting and installing the rails. We got a good system down and managed to get the 3 longer sections installed.


Today we will keep working on it and hopefully will get the last 4 sections in today. Nice part is that 2 of the sections are narrower and I am ending up with the exact right amount of railings to run the full length.


Our dumbass neighbor is screwing around in the creek and moving blocks that have been in place for decades. So the rocks got put back where they have been for all this time. We will be talking to Fish and Game about it on Monday.


I picked cucumbers late and found 31 of them hanging on the plants. I forgot to get a shot of them in the bucket before I bagged them.


I picked the first Armenian cucumber which is over 18 inches long. There are a number of them on the plants in the pole garden.


This morning I went and got 3 more barrels of spent brewing grain and emptied them into the sheep pen. I have to pick as much as I can and then we will try to finish the deck railing. I am so sore and worn out from the crush of the week but there is no rest for the weary, I have to keep going and working to try and clean off my to-do list which is still far too long.

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Sustainable & Organic Methods | Heirloom Produce
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Nice zucchini, pumpkins, and watermelon. Congrats on your planting! 😎 👏

The heat waves have done wonders for the plants it seems. Last year was so wet for so long but I still managed to sell over 2k lbs, this year I have picked 1650 lbs so far and still have at least 6 weeks left of solid growing time.

Wow that is true abundance right there, all those amazing melons, courgettes and pumpkins, well done on your garden and the deck.
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Definitely a sturdy railing there!

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