Breathing Is All! ➤ Living A Healthy Life..

in ecoTrain2 years ago

Warm greetings to you all, its a very welcoming call for all of you reading out this blog and I am happy that, we here in this community are doing our best to keep up the practice of doing something that we love to do and fond of having it to see in our lives.Maybe, this is where the beauty, isnt it?

Alright,today I would like to talk on an important thing, its about finding the thing or deeds that we love to do in our life.Well maybe, there is limited space for us to look out in this issue,yet I think this is the proper time for me to lift out the subject. Its about the conquest of happiness.I think, there is something we can hope for to reflect on our life.And, if this is about gaining the lost mental peace,then surely who would not like that?


Are We Losing "Peace"?

This is a question that most often pop up in my brain and I get so much anxious about the thought of that.To me,, in my personal life, dealing with everyday's life and problems of it,there is hardly any time to try to allocate some time for recreation and other things in life.Maybe,its about the routine that I keep doing all day, starting from early morning to night, struggling to keep pace with 9-5 job and all other things.

There is the responsibility of attending seminars for students, making them feel like they are actually learning, at the same time after day's break, doing the home stuffs,shopping for family and buying items like, vegetables and meats, and in return going to house to cook out the foods and serving me and my family -- that is something which has become my Daily routine.

But, looking at the inclusive tasks at hand and those other things that are needed to do each day,starting from first day of the week to the weekend, there are tremendous loads of work and we need to complete these, every single day.But, out of the long lists of work to do in life, there is the pointed question that comes out, which is, are we getting the inner peace, spontaneously or desperately seeking?

The Recipe of Mental Peace.

Maybe, we could get more of the benifit if we only allocate some time for something which I say, nerve soothing practice.You know,most of us get ourselves busy in our routine work and out of job necessity or compulsion, we are to speak up a lot and find the head is so heavy that we cannot lift that up with easy efforts. Similar story is valid for teachers, speakers and those who go in public sectors.


Now,we all get scanty amount of time in the times of afternoon or at night.Some of the people would point to conforming healthy diet and the sticking with yoga and meditation, but in practical cases, there is not enough space for us and for general people to spend hours after hours to find what that is nipped in the practising of yoga and meditation.
I am not saying that, these types of meditation make people really out of grip,rather I would refer it very effective for people losing mental peace. But,only a few find enough time for that.

"Steady Breathing" For Mental Peace.

I think, our usual routine works make us very ineffective in finding soulfulness of mind.We get out of sorts in conditions and in the mental calmness that it needs to do for our life. But,experimentally I have found out that, only then we can restore mental trust, if we stick to the basic form of neditation, which I say breathing exercise . Just making room for the lungs to pump out air and in return intaking the air, in a deeper way.


When we breathe,closing our eyes, we can reach to one corner when our mind will reach to the point of blank state.If we practise that every single day, for just five minutes, after long hours of time spending in households and work chores, then it will be easy for us to get back the mental peace,more than anything else. Besides, for added refreshing, we can take green & organic tea that will stabilise our neurons and make us physically energetic and stout to move forward.
Thats the best and advisable method to follow.

Thanks for reading and I hope we continue our journey with greenery and all the things that make us physically stronger and healthy God bless all,have a good day. 💗👍


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