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RE: ecoTrain Question Of The Week #21: My Spiritual Experiences

in ecoTrain4 years ago

How are you dear friend @amestyj good afternoon
I appreciate very much that you let us know this particular passage of your life and that of your baby. As you say, faith is something very great and many times it has no explanation, everything that we cannot explain in words is reduced to faith. How to think that Jesus was born by the work of the Holy Spirit, or the Holy Eucharist.
Thank you very much for sharing this motivating reality, congratulations dear friend, you are the father of a beautiful child
Have a wonderful night


Greetings dear friend @jlufer, thank you for your words, we agree that faith moves mountains, is a very strong feeling that emerges in the most difficult moments, my son thanks to God is healthy and strong, thanks to the will of God.

See you later brother, have a great week, blessings for all the family 👋