EcoTrain Question of the Week Season 7 # 2 | "What are your favourite ways to show and receive gratitude?"

in ecoTrain3 years ago

Every morning, as I look at the sky, I give thanks for that new day
Image created by @marlenyaragua with own photograph


A Season of Gratitude and Magic

Greetings dear readers

This week, once again, I share with you my opinion on Question of the Week formulated by Ecotrain Community. I love this season's motto "Gratitude" and "Magic". Gratitude activates the prosperity of the Universe and Magic allows us to transform ourselves day by day.

According to my master number

I am Magic

The Question is

'What are your favourite ways to show and receive gratitude?'

Every day, at sunrise, I say this sentence:

"Grateful to be able to look at this new dawn and to be able to share with the Universe"


It is my way of being grateful for a new day, for a new opportunity of life, for a new chance to be my best version as a spiritual being, as a human being and as a social being.

A few moons ago I wrote about Gratitude. For me, Gratitude is the activation of the Prosperity of the Universe and therefore it is a chain reaction that activates Soulic Prosperity, Prosperity in material terms and Healing.

My ways of showing and receiving gratitude

My gratitude is infinite every day because I have the opportunity to give and share. I have the possibility and I love to share. For me it is a form of gratitude. Sharing not only material goods, but also sharing a word of encouragement and in these days when we have so many people with health problems, sharing every day, a word of affection and attention is for me a way of thanking God for the blessings received. I am also fortunate because I can breathe, feel and vibrate. My senses function in perfect harmony and balance.

I am grateful for being able to see the sky and have the sensitivity to be able to look at the infinite blue sky and be able to raise my vibration through emotion. My gratitude to #Pachamama for giving me the opportunity to look every day at the Miracle of Life that materialises around me.

For me there are no good days and bad days. If we call them that, we would be judging and I really did not come to share in this space-time to make judgements. For me, every day is vitally important because days of joy, fun and enjoyment raise our vibration and motivate us to continue on our path. The days in which there are great lessons are also essential because it is on those days that the learning is meaningful and genuine. Those days invite us to transform our life scenario and thanks to the learning obtained, in the great lessons, we walk the path to success. Grateful for all the days lived. They are all part of our life. Our life is like that, dynamic in time and space. This dynamism is our capacity for transformation. We transform ourselves because we are Energy and Energy transforms itself.

Vibrating with the Energy of Love is for me a way of thanking so much love that Mother Earth has for all the beings she shelters, so much love for human beings that she provides them with support, shelter, food and recreation. Every activity that I carry out I carry out it with love and I share with a lot of love my talents to support or to train. Being empathetic and supportive is for me, a way of thanking the kindness of Pachamama for each of her children.

Live and Vibrate with Energy Love

My life inspiration is Mother Nature ...

Every month, on the first day, I perform a ritual of abundance. I accompany this ritual with an energetic cleansing where I burn dried herbs from various plants and purify my quartz. This ritual of abundance is nothing more than a genuine gratitude for the blessings received during the past month.

Grateful for all the days lived!

I want to share with you an acrostic that I wrote based on the word "Grateful". Only that the Acrostic is in the Spanish language because it is my mother tongue and it is a language that I cultivate and honor.

Next, the Acrostic based on the word GRATEFUL.


A mor es lo que puedo dar desde mi energía vital
G racias al Universo que conspira a favor
R eír para Celebrar la Vida
A mar y dar gracias
D inamiza mi energía y
E leva mi espíritu
C elebrar la Vida a diario me hace
I rreverentemente consciente de que lo mejor es
D ar sin pedir nada a cambio, que sea el Universo que conspire a favor
A mar, Vivir y Vibrar sigue siendo la materialización de mi Ser en mi Hacer




Love is what I can give from my vital energy
Thanks to the Universe that conspires in favor
Laugh to Celebrate Life
Love and give thanks
Energize my energy and
Lift my spirits
C elebrate Life daily makes me
I r reverently aware that the best is
Give without asking for anything in return, may it be the Universe that conspires in favor
Loving, Living and Vibrating continues to be the materialization of my Being in my Doing

Grateful for that beautiful and infinite sky that I can look at every day

We are Energy ... Energy transforms!

Translated with
(free version)

It has been a pleasure to share with you the question of the week proposed by Ecotrain Community

Grateful to @ecotrain for the opportunity to share my opinion on these highly complex issues of collective interest.

Grateful for all the days lived

Photograph by @marlenyaragua

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving comments

Until a next post

My networks and interactive platforms

 3 years ago  

wow such a beautiful post.. thank you for sharing! X <3

I loved participate in the question of this week ... I love that you like my post