Papaya fruit (Carica papaya) | Benefits for Human Health

in ecoTrain4 years ago

(Carica papaya)

Is the name of this fruit in my country,
my beloved Venezuela

Beautiful plant in full fructification process

Melón de Árbol / Fruta Bomba / Mamón / Zapote / Mamao / Naimi / Capaídso
Nampucha / Pucha / Paque /Papayón / Olocotón

Other names of this plant in Latin America

Also called

Fruit of the Good Health Tree

By Indigenous Communities in Mexico and Costa Rica

I share information about this shrubby plant of multipurpose use at gastronomy and a medicinal level. Excellent for regulating the nervous and digestive system. Adjuvant to fortify the heart muscle. Protects skin and hair.

The photographs were taken in the Tauka Garden

Ripening of the fruit on the plant

The production is organic

In Venezuela,
"Dulce de Lechosa"
Is prepared with the green fruit, as shown in the photograph

In this space the "Lechosa" grows under organic management conditions. The fructification process varies according to the availability of water in the soil and the contents of organic matter in it. This crop, due to the delicate flavor of its fruit and the medicinal properties it has, at the stem, leaves and fruit level, has spread throughout the intertropical areas at a global level.

Cultivation Conditions

From the fruit of this bush, the pulp, seeds and shell are used

Fast growing arborescent grass. Short life, single stem, sometimes branched. It can reach a height of 2 to 10 meters. Straight, cylindrical-hollow, spongy-fibrous trunk, 10-30 centimeters in diameter. In intertropical areas it reproduces under conditions that are determined by the water content in the soil and organic matter content. Humidity and heat are the essential conditions for the good development of this crop. It requires 1800 mm per year and an average annual temperature of 20-22 ºC. We can find three different kinds of feet; some with female flowers, others with hermaphrodite flowers and others with male flowers. Depending on the type of flowers we will be able to harvest this delicious and nutritious fruit. The fruit is an ovoid-oblong berry, piriform, almost cylindrical, depending on the variety it can be big or very small, fleshy, juicy, longitudinally grooved in its upper part. Its color varies between green-yellow, yellow or orange-yellow when mature. Orange or reddish color inside with numerous seeds. It belongs to the family of the Caricaceae. It is native to America, specifically from the Latin American environment. Besides being a fruit of exquisite taste, rich vitamins, enzymes, minerals and fiber, it also has many properties as a plant for medicinal use.

Hardened Trunk
Hardened trunk can be observed by the presence of great and prominent scars caused by the fall of the leaves and inflorescences

Because of its exquisite taste and its goodness in the health of the human being it is one of the most consumed fruits in the world. When the fruit is green it is used to make sweets and preserves.


Is used in Tropical Naturism for its multiple properties in activating the digestive system and fortifying the heart muscle

The active ingredients of this plant give it tonic, vasodilator, healing, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and dermatological properties. It is an extraordinary activator of the digestive system.


Among the vitamins that this fruit contains are Vitamin A, Vitamin C and all those that form the B Complex


Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Iron, Sulfur, Silicon, Sodium, Potassium

Important Considerations


This fruit contains two chemical compounds useful for human health. These compounds are Papain and Carpain. Papain is a proteolytic enzyme whose function is to break down proteins helping to digest them. Hence the benefits of this fruit, with its shell and its seeds for the health of the digestive system. Papain and Carpain act as a natural alkalizer, thus increasing immunity in humans. In addition, these enzymes help burn fat and act as a natural cleanser and detoxifier.

Human Health Benefits

Immune System Effect

The consumption of this fruit on a regular basis boosts the immune function because it is an excellent activator of the digestive system and is high in Vitamin C. It regulates the nervous system and strengthens the heart muscle. It promotes cell growth.

Brainvascular System Effect

Regular consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular condition and activates neuronal health. This plant reduces blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels.

Effect on Digestive System

Regular consumption of this fruit fights constipation by acting as a natural laxative. It eliminates intestinal parasites. Eliminates Amoebas that are responsible for many chronic diarrheas. Facilitates digestion and calms stomach pain and inflammation.

Effect on Skin

Consuming this fruit daily favors the health of our skin since it helps us cleanse ourselves inside. The juice can remove skin spots and improve eczema. It improves capillary permeability and helps natural healing. It provides a dermoprotective and anti-inflammatory effect.


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We are Energy ... Energy is Transformed

Grateful with #Pachamama who every day gives me the opportunity to watch the Miracle of Life

Photographs by @marlenyaragua

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