Why motivation doesn't work?

in ecoTrain4 years ago

I think that Motivation is the highest selling product in this world, in the current time. You will get to see thousands of motivational speakers, professional or non-professional around the world. Because people love to listen to something good which makes them feel good. But you will notice incorporating the same motivation in our life is so very difficult.


Talking about motivation is so easy but incorporating this in life is not!

People love to talk about motivation and I'm not an exception. People love motivational speakers, they love to go through motivational articles, blogs, vlogs, and so on. There's a high chance that you will probably find yourself overwhelmed by all these motivational words. Because you know, it's way more difficult to figure out what could be the best for you, what will work for you. There are several motivational speakers or motivational articles who can inspire you, show you the path. But the thing is you have to figure out what you really want to achieve and how you really want to achieve that because we all are different!

Our lifestyle and our problems are very different. So following other words blindly would not solve our problems. And this is actually what happened when we try to follow someone and end up not getting the results we desired. And there is a high chance to feel very demotivated after following all of these.

Why I'm saying this. Because I've seen people around me, following hundreds of things and not doing the right for their own. They are following other recipes but never try to cook the dishes as per their taste buds. You know what I'm saying!

We have to take the zest from outer sources; from motivational speaker or article or whatever it is. And we have to incorporate this in our own way. It's not like some method or rules or something that you can be followed blindly and it will give you a hundred percent result. Life doesn't work like that. When you follow or listen to anyone and it really motivates you; try to take the basic message and incorporate this as per you want.


I personally follow several motivational speakers and I really love how they think, talk, and work to motivating others. Because it really feels amazing to listen to or read their words. From relationship motivator to business success motivator, you will find everything online easily. They don't know about our problems and it's not also possible. They talk in general or try to give some examples. It may not help you. But inspires you for sure. Think about what will work for you. I also write some motivational blogs or talk something motivational and this post is also the same. But you know, what I am trying to say? It's you who can make the change, who can know what to do and who have to take action.

Moreover, the basic thing about motivation is self-motivation. I always say this. No one gonna actually motivates you, if you yourself don't get motivated and take action. That's why I think that the best way to relate motivation is to work in your life. Take the inspirations from others and incorporate these properly in your life!


Much Love

Who I am?
I'm a Happy and Proud stay home Mom of a toddler boy.
I'm a life & nature enthusiast, I love to learn human psychology, I'm a 'Book worm' and very introvert but also love to travel. I'm trying to live mindfully and most importantly, I'm a positive learner.

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 4 years ago  

You're definitely right my friend, motivation doesn't seem real, it's important we face reality no matter how ugly it is, what we listen to can't change our reality by all means. Thanks for saying the unglaring truth in this beautiful post.

When I see people talk about it, the first thing I do is, trying to incorporate to see if it will work for me or not.
Thanks for your appreciation 😊

 4 years ago  

I totally understand what you are saying! I think they only work whilst you have them there motivating you.. especially with a big group who are all playing the game together...

very wise words!

That's the truth.
Thanks and have a nice day!

 4 years ago  

Thank you for posting such great content to the ecoTrain community!
Your post has been featured in the What's up! curation at:

Sounds great.
Thanks :)